英语人教版八年级下册Unit 6 sectionA 1a-1c

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,To our English class,Unit 6,An old man tried,to move the mountains.,Section A(1a-1c),【,学习目标,】,1.,掌握新单词,shoot,、,stone,、,earth,、,god,2.,学会简单描述一个故事,-How does the story begin?,-Once upon a time,-What happened next?,-Next,Do you know these stories?,Cinderella,灰姑娘,Little Red Riding Hood,小红帽,Yu Gong Moves a Mountain,愚公移山,后羿射日,Hou Yi Shoots the Suns,Nu Wa Repair,s the Sky,女娲补天,Journey to the West,西游记,stone,石头,earth,泥土,New words,shoot,(,shot,),射击,god,神仙,写出下列单词和短语,:,射击,_,_,石头,_,泥土,_,神仙,上帝,_,从前,_,坚持,_,移山,_,放弃,_,keep on,stone,earth,god,once upon a time,shoot,move a mountain,give up,b,d,a,c,()The two mountains were very high and big.,()A very old man tried to move the mountains.,()A man told Yu Gong that he could never do it.,1b,Listen and check,(,),the facts you hear.Which story are Anna and Wang Ming talking about.,Yu Gong Moves a Mountain,小试身手,Tell a story,How does the story begin?,Once upon a time,Once upon a time,there was an old man,called Yu Gong.,There were two mountains near his house.They were so high and big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.,What happened next?,One day,Yu Gong decided to move the two mountains.He told his family that they should all help him and his family agreed.,The next day,The next day,they started digging.,Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains?,They put it into the sea.,Did they give up?,No,they kept on digging and digging,day after day,year after year.,Finally,Finally,a god was moved by Yu Gong,so he helped to take the mountains away.,Yu Gongs Spirit,Where there is a will,there is a way.,有志者事竞成。,Nothing is impossible.,一切皆有可能。,How does the story begin?,What happened next?,The next day,Did they give up?,Finally,Homework:,Write the story”,Hou Yi Shoot the Suns,”.,


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