指环王 原声音乐 霍华德·肖

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The most beautiful musicMovie,Soundtrack,之,影视原声音乐,1,Somebody might ask me why I always introduce The Lord Of The Rings.And I just want to say:If you want to,really,enjoy,a movie,we must learn,from,its,perception of,different aspects,to,it.,有人或许会问我为什么总是介绍指环王,而我只想说如果要真正欣赏一部电影,就要学会从它的不同方面去感知它,2,Howard Shore and The lord of the rings,In 2003 he composed the score for the final film in,The Lord of the Rings trilogy,The Lord of the Rings:The Return of the King,.The film was the most successful film in the trilogy and the most successful of the year.Shore won his second Oscar for Best Original Score,as well as a third for Best Original Song for,Into the West,which he shared with,Fran Walsh,and,Annie Lennox,.The film was nominated for,and won a total of eleven Academy Awards,a record for the number of Oscars won by a single film,and a record that only two other films,Titanic,(1997)and,Ben-Hur,(1959),have matched.Shore also won his first Golden Globe,his third and fourth Grammy(the fourth for Best Song),and was nominated for a third BAFTA.The scores of,The Lord of the Rings,became one of the most successful film scores ever written,and the biggest success in Shores career.,3,2003年,他创作中的最近一部电影“指环王三部曲,指环王:王者归来。这部电影是在三部曲中最成功的也是当年最成功的电影。霍华德第二次获得奥斯卡最正确原创配乐,以及最正确原创歌曲第三“in to the west,这是他与Fran Walsh和安妮蓝妮克丝所共享的。这部电影被奥斯卡提名,并赢得了总共11个奥斯卡奖,创造了由一个单一的电影荣获奥斯卡奖的数量最多的记录,而且只有两个其他的电影:泰坦尼克号“1997年和本胡尔1959的记录能相比。霍华德也赢得了他的第一个金球奖,他第三次和第四次格莱美奖最正确歌曲第四名,以及第三次BAFTA提名。指环王成为有史以来最成功的电影成绩,并且是霍华德上的职业生涯中最大的成功。,霍华德,肖和指环王,4,Rohan,Rohan is a realm in J.R.R.Toliken fantasy era of Middle-Earth.It is a grassland which lies north of its ally Gondor and north-west of Mordor,the realm of Sauron their enemy.It is inhabited by the Rohirrim,a people of herdsmen and farmers who are well-known for their horses and cavalry.Rohan is also referred to as Riddermark or the Mark.,5,洛汗,洛汗Rohan是托尔金J.R.R.Tolkien小说里中土世界的一个虚构王国。在托尔金最有名的著作?魔戒三部曲?中,占有很重要的地位。洛汗是一片草原,位于盟国刚铎Gondor以北、敌国魔多Mordor西北。这里是洛汗人Rohirrim的聚居地。洛汗人主要是牧人和农夫,他们的马匹和骑兵非常有名。洛汗和刚铎是盟国。,6,The people of Rohan were tall,fair,pale,and mostly had blue eyes and blond hair which they wore long and braided.Almost all male Rohirrim wore beards.They were by nature stern,fierce and grave yet generous.They were ruled by a line of kings descended from Eorl the young.They,are proud and wilful,but they are true-hearted,generous in thought and deed;bold but not cruel;wise but unlearned,writing no books but singing many songs,after the manner of the children of Men before the Dark Years,.,The lord of the rings:The Two Towers,7,洛汗人的特征是高大、肤色苍白、大局部有蓝眼睛及长而结辫的金发,性格坚决、狂热,严肃但宽宏。,他们是骄傲、自视甚高的民族,但他们也是言出必行,光明正大、心地慷慨的人们,他们勇敢但不残酷,睿智但并非饱读诗书;他们不会以文字记录历史,却是以豪壮的歌曲记述一切,就像是黑暗年代的初始人类,魔戒二部曲 双塔奇兵,8,9,Theoden:Eomer.,Take,your,ored,down,the,left,flank.,Gamling,follow,the,Kings,banner,down,the,center.,Grimbold,take,your,company,right,after,you,pass,the,wall.,Forth,and,fear,no,darkness!,Arise.,Arise,Riders,of,Theoden.,Spears,shall,be,shaken,shields,shall,be,splintered.,A,sword,day.,a,red,day.,ere,the,sun,rises.,Ride,now.,Ride,now.,Ride.,Ride,for,ruin,and,the,worlds,ending.,Theoden:Death!Rohirrim:,echoing,Death!,Theoden:,Death!,Rohirrim:,echoing,Death!,Theoden:Death!,Theoden:,Forth,Eorlingas!,10,塞奥顿:伊欧墨,你攻击左翼 加姆林,跟随王旗攻击中路。葛林伯,穿过人墙后攻击右翼 勇往直前!视死如归!前进,无畏黑暗!震削敌矛!撞碎敌盾!挥剑杀敌,血撒沙场 冉冉旭日将见证!前进,前进,赛奥顿的骑士们。,塞奥顿:死战到底!洛汗骑士:死战到底!塞奥顿:死战到底!洛汗骑士:死战到底!,塞奥顿:死战到底!塞奥顿:前进,伊欧的子嗣!?指环王III TheReturnOfTheKing?,11,The Battle Of The Pelennor Fields,从满怀壮志的英雄情怀,到力拔山河的对战气势,霍华德肖透过繁复的音乐配器,融合古典交响乐、圣乐唱诗、挽歌、军乐进行曲、世界音乐、电子乐、新世纪音乐等不同类型曲式的创作精神,完美雕琢出这段流露悲壮、荣耀、奇幻、神圣光辉的冒险传奇。,12,


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