Lesson12Danny’sPlant (3)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,倍速课时学练,Lesson 12,Dannys Plant,Warm-up,Talk about the questions,1.What is agriculture?,2.What kind of plants do you want to grow?,leaf n.,叶,;,树叶,roots n.,根,stem n.,茎,;,干,bud n.,芽,seed n.,种子,agriculture,seed,pot,sprout,stem,bud,carefully,yard,n.,农业;农学,n.,种子,n.,盆;壶;瓶,v.,发芽,n.,茎;干,n.,芽;苞;花蕾,v.,发芽,adv.,仔细地;小心翼翼地,n.,院子;场地,Words&expressions,_,is all about growing plants and raising for food.,Agriculture,Every_,is a potential (,潜能),plant.,每颗种籽都可能长成植物。,seed,The milk in the_ boiled up and spilled over.,锅里的牛奶煮沸溢了出来。,pot,The seeds will _in a few days.,sprout,The children are playing,in the_.,孩子们正在院子里玩耍。,yard,This is,_.,a flower bud,Words and Phrases:,plenty of,大量的,at the top of,在,顶端,/,顶部,a flower bud,花骨朵,look after=take care of,照顾;照看,turn into,变成,一、认知学习目标,二、预习成果展示,1.,照看,_ 2.turn into _,3.,大量的,_ 4.,在,顶端,_,5.a flower bud_,.,根据汉语提示完成单词。,1.China is a strong country in both industry and _(,农业,).,2.Listen _(,仔细地,)and fill in the blanks.,3.Put the_(,种子,)in the _(,花盆,).,4.There are five children playing in the_(,院子,).,5.What are the _(,茎,)for?,look after,变成,plenty of,at the top of,花骨朵,agriculture,carefully,seed,pot,yard,stem,Read the lesson and answer the questions.,1.What did Danny and his classmates do to learn more about plants?,2.What happened after Danny watered the seed of his plant?,1,They planted some seeds.,It sprouted a few days later.,三、课堂研讨助学,3.Why will Danny put the pot in the yard?,4.What does Danny want to send to Li Ming?,Because the plant can get enough sunshine.,He wants to send some seeds to Li Ming.,Complete the sentences.,A bud opens up and becomes a_.,A _grows under the ground and gets water from the soil.,A _is the long thin part of a plant.,_are parts of a plant.They grow from a stem,from a branch or directly from the root.,flower,seed,stem,Leaves,2,1.,Agriculture is all about growing plants and,raising,animals for food.,农业是关于种植植物和,饲养,动物作为食物。,raise,vt.,提高,;,筹集,;,养育,种植,饲养,Dont you,raise,your voice to me!,别对我,高,声大气,They,raised,the money to buy the house and two hundred acres of land.,他们,筹措,了资金来购买房子和,200,英亩土地。,He,raises,2,000 acres of wheat and hay.,他,种植,了,2000,英亩的小麦和饲料用草。,活动三:,Language points,2.To learn more about plants,we planted some seeds.,为了了解更多的植物(知识),我们种了一些种子。,to learn,不定式作主语表示目的,.,the air cleaner,we should plant more trees.,A.To make B.Making,C.Make D.Made,A,3.I gave it plenty of water,and it sprouted a few days later.,我给了它大量的水,几天后他就发芽了,plenty of,许多;大量,=lots of/a lot of,后跟名词复数或者不可数名词。跟名词复数时相当于,many,跟不可数名词时相当于,much.,4.Now something new is growing at the top of the stem.,现在在茎的顶端正长着一种新的东西。,1),something new,新的东西,。,every,some,any,no,与,one,body,thing,组合起来的词叫不定代词。不定代词做主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数。当不定代词带有形容词时,形容词放后面,做后置定语。,Someone important,will give the students a lecture this afternoon.,今天下午,一位,重要的人物,将给学生们做一场报告,2),at the top of,在顶部,/,顶端,,其反义短语是,at the bottom of,在底部。,on(the)top of,在高处,反义短语是,at the foot of,在脚下。,Please write your telephone number,at the top of,this page.,请把你的电话号码写在这页纸上端。,There is a tower,on top of,that high mountain.,那座高山顶上有座塔。,top n.,顶,上面;一流的,顶尖的,Can you see the white house,on top of,the hill?,你能看见山顶上那幢白房子吗?,He is,one of the top,students in his class.,他是班里的一名尖子生。,注:,on top of the world,高兴到了极点,at the top of ones voice,高声地,5.,Im going to,look after,my plant,carefully.,我将仔细照看我的植物。,look after,=,take care of,照顾;照看,My job is to,look after,these patients.,我的工作就是,照顾,好这些病人。,They think about survival.They,look after,their own people.,他们考虑的是生存,,关心,的是自己的人民。,1.,饲养动物是他的爱好。,_ _ is his hobby.,2.,他经常向我展示一些新的事物。,He often shows me _,_ _.,3.,几天后,一些花骨朵变成了花。,A few days later,some flower buds_ _ flowers.,4.Mr Wang is confident theyll be able to _ _,(,照顾,)themselves.,四、当堂训练检测,Raising animals,something new,turn into,look after,5.After all they are _ _ _ _(,在,顶端,)their industry.,6.I have a lot_ _(write)about this week.,7.,_ _(make)the air cleaner,we should plant more trees.,8.-Mum,Bill is coming to dinner this evening.,-Ok.Lets give him _ to eat,A.something different B.different anything,C.anything different,at the top of,to write,To make,A,


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