Lesson25APhoneFriend (2)(精品)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,初中英语冀教版七年级下,Unit5 I Love Learning English,Lesson 25,A Phone Friend,Warm-up,1,Presentation,2,Language Points,3,Exercise,4,How often do you make phone calls to your friends?,Is it hard to understand your friends when they speak English?,Chat Show,Warm-up,Presentation,Learn some new words,foreign,外国的,could,能,;,可能,loudly,高声地,;,大声地,;,吵闹地,understand,懂得;理解,Cartoon,动画片,;,漫画,Canadian,加拿大人的,;,加拿大人,Why doesnt Jenny hear Li Jing at first?,How does Li Jing practice English?,3.Does Li Jing watch many English cartoons?,Read and answer the questions.,She practices by herself.,Because she doesnt speak loudly.,Yes,she does.,This is Jenny speaking.,我是詹妮。,打电话时,,this,表示“我”,,that,表示“你”。,和某人通话一般用句型:,May/Can I speak to?,例如:,Is that Li Ming speaking?,是李明吗?,Language points,2.Could you speak more loudly?,你能说得声音大些吗?,这里,more,构成比较级,表示“更,”,,修饰多音节和某些双音节单词。由形容词在末尾加,-ly,变过来的副词,一般都用,more,构成比较级。,Walk more quickly,or we will be late.,走快点,否则我们会迟到的。,1.Listen and write true(T)or false(F).,Jenny calls Li Ming from Canada.(),Li Jing is Li Mings cousin.(),Li Jing loves learning English.(),Li Jing practices her English by speaking to Li Ming.(),T,F,F,F,Lets do it,2.Read the lesson and fill in blanks.The first letter is given.,I love learning English.I p _English every day by my self.But today I t_ to a foreign friend.Her name is Jenny.She is Li Mings friend.At first,we couldnt u _ each other very well.Jenny asked me to s _ more loudly.And I couldnt f_ her.But later,we h _a good talk.I have a Canadian friend now.I feel so happy.,ractic,alk,derstand,peak,ollow,ave,3 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.,1.This work is too hard.I cant do it by _(me).,2.Jenny comes from Canada._(she)friend,Li Ming,is from china.,3.You can learn this song by _(you).,4.Jim is an American boy.But _(he)Chinese is very good.,5.How do you practice English by_(you)?,myself,Her,yourself,his,yourself,1.It isnt easy _(understand)your friends when they speak English.,2.Pardon?Please say it _(slow).,I.,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,to understand,more slowly,Exercise,3.Hello,this is Li Ming _(speak).,4.What does your mother often ask you_(do)after school?,speaking,to do,me,would,speak,with,you,love,to,English,_?,2.English,they,in,a,have,talk,good,_.,II.,连词成句。,Would you love to speak English with me,They have a good talk in English,3.made,to,yesterday,a,call,phone,he,me,_.,4.to,may,Tom,I,speak,_?,5.friend,Jack,love,with,will,talking,new,his,_.,Jack will love talking with his new friend,He made a phone call to me yesterday,May I speak to Tom,Homework:,Try to use the expressions you learned in this lesson and give a phone call to your good friend.,


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