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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,(1)_,(2)_,(3)_,(4)_,(5)_,(6)_,(7)_,(8)_,(9)_,(10)_,一、样题展示,对话填空,:,阅读下面对话,掌握其大意,并根据所给首字母的提示,在标有题号的右边横线上写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。,Computer voice:Welcome!,Joe:Welcome!,Computer voice:Youve got mail!,Joe:Thanks.Who does it come(1)f,?,Computer voice:A friend called Catherine.,Joe:Oh,Catherine?This is the(2)f,time Ive got her mail.Let me see.,Computer voice:Hi,dear friend,Id like to start(3)m_ notes to you as if were already in the middle of a(4)c,.I pretend that we are the(5)o,and dearest friends although we are(6)a_ people who dont know each others names and meet in a chat room(7)w_ we both claim were never been before.What will you,NY152,say to me today,I(8)w_?I turn on my computer,I wait impatiently as it connects,I go online and my breath(9)c_ in my chest until I hear the three little words:“Youve got mail!”I hear nothing,not even a sound on the streets of New York,just the beat of my own heart.Im(10)e_ mail,from you!,Joe:Hello,my new friend.,from,first,where,my,conversation,oldest,actually,expecting,catches,wonder,二、样题分析,1.通过from需掌握以下几点:A、动词与介词搭配:eg:come into,B、动词与副词搭配:eg:come away/back,C、动词与副词和介词搭配:eg:come in for,D、形容词与介词搭配:eg:be good for,此题要求熟练掌握习惯用语和固定搭配。平时要注意积累。,A.题目要求所给信息:(1)一定要根据对话设置情景并置身于,情景之中把握适当的语境。(2)寻找信息词即(key words)以获得主要 信息即(main information)(3)所填之词要正确、完整,。,B.所考词性分析:动词 3个、名词1个、形容词1个、副词1个、介词1个、代词1个、数词1个 关系副词1个,三、技巧点拨,2.填数词。这就要求我们要熟练掌握序数词和基数词以及一些固 定搭配如:onethe other 和 first of all 等。,3.填代词。第三题告诉我们做此类题时要注意人称的使用。尤其 是主格人称代词、宾格人称代词、形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词之间的转换。,5.oldest 提示我们要注意形式的一致性,由第 3、4、5三题我们需注意以下几个一致性:,第一、名词的复数和谓语动词数的一致性,第二、人称的一致性,第三、注意时态的一致性和语态的一致性,第四、形式的一致性,第五、句意的一致,第六、整篇文意的一致性,6.注意副词和形容词的用法。特别注意一些形容词变副词时的特殊变化。eg:straight 的副词是原形即词形不变而 deep 的两个副词形式 deep 和 deeply 意义不同 deeply 表示抽象意义而 deep表示具体意义。,Note:常见的副词有 constantly 、fortunately、,unfortunately、luckily、unluckily、actually、,absolutely 、shortly 等。,4.填名词。此题需注意整篇对话所给的暗示即暗含信息。,7.本题考的是定语从句。这就要求我们要在把握对话的基础上分析语法和句子结构以及词语间的关系。如:同义词、定语从句、同位语从句、表语从句、主语从句等。尤其要考虑这些从句的引导词是关系代词还是关系副词以及是否在句中作成分等等问题。,8.根据句意和暗含信息可推理出。,9.根据对话意思和前后句所给的暗示以及语言习惯,。,10.根据句子的意思及整篇对话的意思,。,Note:第8、9、10三题告诉我们除了要注意动词的数、时态、语态外还要注意非谓语动词的各种形式,。,Policeman:Now,Jimmy,did you get a good view of the a_?,Jimmy:Oh,yes.I was standing outside the bank building and I saw,it all quite clearly.,Policeman:Do you know what t_ it was?,Jimmy:Yes.I checked my watch.It was 2:45 exactly.,Policeman:Good.Now,how fast was the truck m_?,Jimmy:Well,quite slowly-about 10 miles an h_.It was,coming up York Road.I suppose the truck d_ knew the,lights were going to c_.But they were still red,when he went over them.,Policeman:I see.What a_ the car?Was it also driving,s_?,Jimmy:It was coming a_ Union Street about 30 miles per,hour.It was a blue Toyota.The driver stopped his car when,he saw the truck c_ the street.,Policeman:Did you see what colour his traffic light was?,Jimmy:Yes,it changed to yellow just before he crossed it.,ccident,ime,oving,our,river,hange,bout,rossing,四、情景再现:,long,lowly,Reporter:Dr.Brown,you are working(1)w_ the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.Would you please tell our listeners something about diseases recently(2)s_ among animals?,Dr.Brown:Well,animal diseases were(3)r_ recently in the Middle East,Africa and Europe.Some of the diseases are(4)d_.The UN officials give two reasons for animal diseases spreading.(5)O_ is the increased international trade in animals and animal products.The other is the movement of people and animals from country to country.,Reporter:How can we prevent and(6)t_ animal diseases?,Dr.Brown:Well,no country can claim to be safe(7)f_ animal diseases.Medical care of animals is very important.,Reporter:Do animal diseases kill human beings?,Dr.Brown:Yes.It was reported that Rift Valley Fever killed over 30 people in Yemen last month.,Reporter:How about the other animal diseases?,Dr.Brown:Earlier this year,Italy reported(8)o_ of bluetongue.Last month,foot-and mouth disease was reported in South Africa.In(9)j_ one month,36,000 head of cattle were(10)k_ to control the disease.,(1)_,(2)_,(3)_,(4)_,(5)_,(6)_,(7)_,(8)_,(9)_,(10)_,五、模拟训练,(A),with,spreading,reported,deadly,One,treat,from,outbreaks,just,killed,Jane:What do you want to do once you graduate?,Henley:Uh,I think Id like to work for a hotel or travel,service in this area.How about you?,Jane:,Well,when I first started college,I wanted to study,French,but I (1)r_ I might have a hard time,(2)f_ a job using(3)w_ I learned.So I,(4)c_ my major to computer science.With the,right(5)s_,landing a job in the computer industry,shouldnt be as difficult.,Henley:,So,do you have a part-time job to(6)s_ yourself,through school?,Jane:,Well,(7)f_ for me,I received a four-year,scholarship.,Henley:,Thats great.,Jane:,Yeah.How about you?Are you working your way,through school?,Henley:,Yeah.I work three times a week(8)a_ a cook,at a restaurant.,Jane:,How do you like(9)y_ job?,Henley:,Its OK.The other workers are(10)f_,and the,pay isnt bad.,(1)_,(2)_,(3)_,(4)_,(5)_,(6)_,(7)_,(8)_,(9)_,(10)_,(B),realized,finding,what,ski


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