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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,1.Phrase translation,(20 分),(英译汉和汉译英各10个,共20分),2.Write out the full form for the abbreviations,(10分),(p22,p47,p198)(共10个,每个1分),3.Multiple choice(每个1分,20分,),(Chapter II-VI习题,例如p44,少部分来自于课外),4.Sentence Transaltion(汉译英)(共10句,,30分,),5.Situational writing,(20 分,课外),畅销商品,hot-sale product,最新的目录,latest catalogue,另邮,under seperate cover,如下,as below,上市公司,public company,合资企业,joint venture,1.,我们从网上得知你公司名称与地址,并得知你公司要购买鞋类产品。我们正在寻求与你公司建立业务关系的可能性。,we obtain your name and address from the Internet and learn that you are in the market for Footwear.we are seeking the possibilities to build business relations with you.,2.从事此行业已有17余年,我们自豪的是我们可以满足我们客户的需求。,being in this line for more than 17 years,we are pround that we can comfortably meet our customers demand.,3.为使你公司对,我们经营的商品,有所了解,随函附去一份我们最新的电子目录,其中列出了我们的畅销产品及其优惠价格供你方查看。,in order to acquaint you with our business lines,we are enclosing a copy of our latest electronic catalogue,in which we list the fast sale items with best price for your ex,amination.,4.更多信息,请查看我们的网站如下。,for more information,please view our website as below.,批发商,wholesaler,参展商,exhibitor,摊位号,booth,我们对这个商品特别感兴趣。,This article is of special interest to us.,定期订单,regular order,试订单,trial order,向某人订购,place an order with sb,最小订购量,minimun order quantity MOQ,交货期,delivery date,预计交货日期,ETD estimated time of delivery,付款方式,payment terms,60天远期信用证,L/C 60 days,尺寸表,Size Spec,Lesson 4,5 Inquiry and Reply,1.我们给你的价格是基于起订量每种颜色7000双。,The price we give you is on the basis of MOQ7000pcs for each color.,2.请报FOB 纽约的最低价。,please quotes us your best price FOB NY.,3.请向我们的银行了解我们的资信状况。,we refer you to our bank for our financial standing.,4.数量超过1,4000双我们可以给你2%的特别折扣。,we can give you a special discount of 2%for quantities over,1,4000,pairs.,初样,initial sample,运费预付,freight prepaid,运费到付,on collect basis,正本提单,original B/L,公司规定,company policy,快件单号,courier number,初次订单,initial order,一式两份,in duplicate,惯例,usual practice,供某人批准,for ones approval,按照您的要求,at your request,如有变更,不做预先通知,subject to change without notice,以我方最后确认为条件,subject to our final confirmation,单价,:,每打人民币10元CIF香港,unit price:USD/piece,CIF,HK,订货到交货的周期:收到L/C后的45天内,leading time:within 45 days upon receiptL/C,付款方式:先电汇30%定金,70%余额用不可撤销的即期信用证,payment:,30%,depositT/T in advance,70%,balance by irrevocable L/C at sight.,价格偏高,on the high side,降价10%,reduce a price by,10%,与现行市价不一致,cant match up with the curret market level,所获利润微薄,leave us with/earn a very narrow margin of profit,急需,be in urgent need of,原材料成本上涨很大,我们所报的价格让我们获利甚微。,the cost of raw materials has rise sharply and the price we quoted just eave us witha very narrow margin of profit.,未完成订单,outstanding order,长期订单,standing order,执行订单,to fill an order,由于订单太多,owing to heavy commitments,分批装运,partial shipment,可供现货,supply.from stock,有现货,in stock,会签,countersign,供某人存档,for ones file,1.由于原料缺乏,已接的订货太多,我们不能接受你们的订单,We can not entertain your order owing to heavy commitments and shortage of raw materials.,2.请会签并退回一份以便我方存档,请在2010年12月开立有关信用证。,Please countersign it and return one copy for our files,and establish the covering L/C in December,2010.,3.你方尽可放心,我们会尽力在你要求的时间内发货,You can rest assured that we shall effect the shipment within the time you requested.,4.随函附上副本及我方的签名,请查收。,Enclosed please find the duplicate with our counter-signature.,5.有关的信用证会由伦敦中国银行开给你方.,The relative L/C will be established with the Bank of China,London,in you favor.,保兑的、不可撤销的信用证,confirmed and irrevocable,L/C,汇率,exchange rate,1.因为汇率变化不定,很遗憾我方无法考虑接受你方60天远期信用证的要求。,We regret to inform you that we unable to entertain your request for payment by 60 days,L/C,owing to frequent fluctuation of present market.,2.鉴于我们长期的友好贸易关系,我方破例接受这次订单用60天远期信用证,但这不应视为先例。,In view of our long and mutually beneficial relation,we are willing to make an exception to accept 60 days,L/C for this order.(D/P at sight for this trial order),1.我们想提醒你注意交货期已经逼近,但我方至今还没有收到相关的L/C.(lesson 19),we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching,but up to present we have not received the covering,L/C.,2.请务必保证信用证的规定与合同条款完全一致.,please see to it that the,L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract.,3.在仔细审阅信用证条款后,我方遗憾地发现某些规定与合同条款不符。,On examining it carefully,we regretfully find that some points are not in conformaty with the terms stipulated in the contract.,


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