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六年级英语上学期单词拼写通用人教PEP版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求写单词。1. up (反义词) _2. child (复数形式) _3. year (同音词) _4. have (单三形式) _5. come (过去式) _2. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1Paris is the_of France. You can find the Eiffel Tower there.2I like baby girls. I want to have a d_.3My mother m_some hamburgers for breakfast yesterday.4Healthy children eat a lot of v_every day.5The band(乐队)played some loud music in the park. It was too n_.6Ben is very clever. He is good at_.7The queen wants to kill the beautiful_.8If you need help, you can call 110. The_will come and help you.9The film is so_! Sam wants to sleep now.3. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1What_(颜色) is your fan?Its red.2Leo_(带来) us some dumplings yesterday.3My classroom is on the_(第三) floor.4My aunt is a_(老师). She_(教) us Maths.5Mary likes_(收集) stamps.6Are you_(感兴趣的) in Art?7My sisters favourite subject is_(体育).8My sister flew a_(风筝) with me in the park yesterday.4. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1I usually go to school by b_.2How do you come to school?I come to school on f_.3We must pay attention to the t_lights.4I want to buy a storybook in the b_.5The c_is near the Renmin Park.6Go s_and you can see the zoo.5. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1.The Childrens Day is_(come).2.There are some_(present) for you3.What do you want_(do) on the Childrens Day?4.I want to go_(shop)5.She_(want)to play games at home6. 根据中文意思补全单词。(_)1.bminton(羽毛球)A.adB.edC.id(_)2.hlthy(健康的)A.aeB.eaC.ee(_)3.mo(移动)A.ld B.ve C.od(_)4.bght(明亮的)A.riB.liC.ni(_)5.diction(方向)A.leB.reC.ne7. 写出下列形容词的比较级形式。(1)tall_ (2)big_(3)strong_ (4)lazy_8. 根据所给首字母拼写单词,补全对话。A: Helen, do you want to wa film wme?B: Yes, Id love to.A: Can I tjuice into the c?B: Sorry, you c. Theres a sign in the cinema. It says “No eor d.”9. 根据图片补全句子。1.I have some _. 2. Thats the _.3. This is a _. 4.He is flying a _.5.The_arebroken.10. 按要求写单词。1. dish(复数)_ 2. sit(现在分词)_3. we(宾格)_ 4.write(现在分词)_5. dirty(反义词)_ 6. tomato(复数)_7. nine(序数词)_ 8. she(宾格)_9. photo(复数)_ 10. class(同义词)_11. 看图写单词。1.The dog is thirsty. Look. It is_water.2.Usually I go to Hangzhou by_.3.Tom_a horse in the forest park yesterday.12. 根据句意及首字母提示,把句子所缺单词补充完整。(1)ThemonthsofwinterusuallyareN_,D_andJ_(2)Shanghaiisinthee_ofChina.(3)TeachersDayisonthet_ofS_.(4)Theballis200yuan.Itisd_.(5)Thisplanef_toGuangzhoueveryday.(6)Beijingisab_city.(7)Theboxish_.Icantcarryit.13. 按要求写单词。1. child (复数)_2. teachers (名词所有格)_3. good (副词)_ 4. they (物主代词)_5. write (同音词)_6. Canada (缩写形式)_7. America (形容词)_8. cheap (反义词)_9. teach (第三人称)_10. bad (比较级)_14. 看图写单词。1.My mother is a_.2.Lin Da goes to school by_.3.Im going to be an_.4.He likes_.5.She goes to work by_.15. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. We should p_ more trees and help the animals.2. We shouldnt _ (砍伐) more trees.3. There is m_ grass under the tree.4. Its time to _ (关爱) Mother Earth.5. You drink _ (太多) water.5 / 5


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