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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1.毫无疑问,科学的进步给我们的生活带来诸多变化。,2. 他从不批评我们,而是用表扬使我们表现最好。,3.引入了有趣的话题后,讨论开始生动活跃起来。,He never criticized us, but used praise,to,bring out,our best.,The discussion came alive when an interesting,topic was,brought in,.,There is no doubt that the advances in science have,brought about,many changes in out lives.,1.Joan向往舞台生涯,娱乐观众。,2. 她有让人发笑的天赋。,3.父母怀疑她的选择。,4. 她失败了,证实了父母的信念,她在娱乐圈无前途。,5. 他们一拍即合,忙于搞笑的交谈。,6. 来自全国各地的夸赞如潮,使她成为一流的喜剧演员。,dreamed of a career on stage, entertaining the audience,She had a gifttalent for making people laugh.,Her parents were doubtful/skeptical about her choice.,She failed, comfirming parents belief that she,had no future in entertainment,.,They made a hit ,engaging in,funny conversation.,Thousands of praises flooded in from all over,the country, putting her on comedys A-list.,试卷讲评II 学习目标:,新闻类文章阅读方法。,问题、现象分析类作文的写作技巧。,了解自己的知识和能力盲点,查缺补漏。,主要考查同学们三方面的能力:,信息处理或整理的能力,; ,如信息之间能否合并为逻辑,关系或处理先后顺序等,B.,组词造句能力,; ,如内容和语言表达的准,确性和得体性,C.,连句成文能力,; ,信息内容的完整性和连贯性,总之,,课标要求:运用英语解决实际生活问题的能力,或帮助他人解决问题的能力。,。,写作的特点:,审题,列要点,依要点,拟草纲,组织成句,.,构篇章,扩句成文,.,检查润色,书写,写作步骤:,确定类型,2.,确定体裁,3.,确定主体时态,4.,确定主体人称,一、审题:(四确定),第三人称,一般现在时,说明文,讲演稿,二 列提纲和要点,Structure,Para 1 bad behavior /a bad habit at school,Para 2 reasons,Para 3 advice/suggestions/proposals,三、演讲稿类模板,Dear fellow _,Its nice to talk about _(演讲话题). I think _(点明个人观点). The reason is that _(理由).,In my opinion, the first thing we can do _. The second thing we can do _(分条阐述个人观点).,As for my suggestion, I think _(进一步阐明个人观点). If everyone _,,I am sure _(提出希望).,Thank you for listening.,读背:5+3 P304 P307,Reasons:,1. The reason,is that,2. One may think of the change,as a,of,3. The change in largely,results,_,the fact that,.This,brings,the important fact,that,. .is,the key,(因素)in,. It is because of _ ,7. ,account,s_ the fact that-,result,why/for,from,out,factor,that,for,常用表达:,in a,/ in short,(简而言之),/,_,speaking,(总的来说),2.,summary, it is important,3. From what has been mentioned/discussed above, we can,(,得出结论),that,4.,_,(很明显地), if we want to, it is necessary,_(,毫无疑问,) attention must be paid to,I _(,建议,)the government take effective measures to ,_, I think(,就我来看,) the “golden week” should remain, for,Obviously/Apparently,draw the conclusion,In,word,generally,There is no doubt that,第三步:,suggest,Personally,归纳总结或发表评论。,指文章语意的通顺和语言形式的紧密衔接并符合一定的逻辑关系。,要使文章前后衔接紧密,可采用以下方法:,1.恰当使用关联词.,2.巧妙使用意思有联系的词或语句,3.适当使用过渡性语句,文章的连贯性,1.恰当使用关联词,如:but, when,so,if,because,so that等。,1) People have found mobile phones very convenient _they can get in touch with each other whenever and wherever they like.,2) This village used to be very small and poor,_,it has changed a lot since 1978 .,3) Id like to know _we are allowed to cancel our tickets booking _we can not make the tour for our personal reason.,if/ whether,if,because,but,2.巧妙使用意思有联系的词或语句,如:First, Second, Third, Soon, most excitingly,Whats more, whats worse, As a result等。,All the school-age children can study here._,they enjoy free education in it.,The birds dodo were killed for food on a large number. _, they died out at last.,Eating sugar is bad for our teeth. _,it may make us fat.,As a result,Whats worse,Whats more,3.适当使用过渡性语句,如:The reasons are as follows.,Every coin has two sides.,All roads lead to Rome.,As the result/survey shows.,We can draw an conclusion.等,Now in the country areas, there are many children out of school. _. First,most families are too poor to send their children to school . Second, some parents think there is no need for their daughters,to go to school. Third, ,The reasons are as follows,Television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one. But_, television also has disadvantages, such as its effects on young people.,every coin has two sides,3.适当使用过渡性语句,如:The reasons are as follows.,Every coin has two sides.,All roads lea to Rome.,As the result/survey shows.,We can draw an conclusion.等,Thank you!,


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