外研版高中英语 Book 8 Module 2 The Renaissance Language Points, Grammar and Writing

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张钰No.4 Middle School of YantaiModule 2 Book 8The Renaissance Language Points, Grammar & Writing Learning Objectives: 1. Get important words, expressions, and sentence patterns in the passage. 2. Practice language points and grammar through reading and writing skills. 3. Use whats got in this period to finish a micro-writing. 4. Follow the learner-centered teaching and explore students potential. I. Language Points Important Words & Expressions Students Presentation Find& Explain important language points Contents Representatives Para 1-2 Para 3-5 Para 5-7 Para 1 more than, even ifPara 2 with the arrival of, an age of exploration Para 3 afford to doPara 4 contrast withPara 5 motivate, go hand in hand with, be of little value, compare withPara 6 as well asWherever he went, he carried a notebook around with him, in which he wrote down his ideas.Para 7 In short, Leonardo was an extraordinary genius, an example of what has been described as “Renaissance man” Practice Correct Mistakes以 下 文 中 共 有 10处 语 言 错 误 ,每 句 中 最 多 有 两 处 。错 误 仅 涉 及 一 个 单 词 的 增 加 、 删 除 或 修 改 。增 加 : 在 缺 词 处加 一 个 漏 字 符 号 ,并 在 其 下 面 写 出 该 加 的 词 。删 除 : 把 多 余 的 词 用 划 掉 。修 改 : 在 错 的 词 下 画 一 横 线 , 并 在 该 词 下 面 写 出 修 改 后 的 词 。注 意 : 1.每 处 错 误 及 其 修 改 均 仅 限 一 词 ; 2.只 允 许 修 改 10处 Nowadays with the arrive of information age, many people think that we dont need museums anymore. However, I hold that, comparing with other media, museums are of great important because they teach us about history, without what we would not be able to see some work of art. arrivalcomparedimportancewhichworks My favorite museum in London is the Dickens House Museum. This is wherever the famous novelist Charles Dickens lived with his family. There are books, original furniture as good as many items from Dickens life. You can even if write with the pen he used to write his famous books. A visit to this museum is thought to a very interesting way of finding out about Victorian London, which you cannot afford to missing. wherewellbemiss Look at the sentences from the passage and discuss the verb forms in groups.1. Painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the years 1503-1506, the Mona Lisa is a mysterious masterpiece.2. Architects preferred designing buildings with more light.3. Philosophers began asking questions like “What is a person”?4. They included detailed drawings of human body and astonishing drawings of machines.5. Toward the end of his life he was employed by the King of France to do scientific research. II. GrammarThe non-finite verbs Vesalius was born in Brussels and went to Paris (complete) his medical training. He became Professor at Padua University in Italy, an important centre for _ _(train) doctors during the Renaissance. He said it was important for doctors _ _(examine) human bodies. He wrote a great book _(call) “ The Fabric of the Human Body”, _ _(describe) how parts of the body work. The famous artist produced over 200 drawings, _ _(show) the human body in greater detail than ever before. _(print) in 1543, the book was soon available in every medical school in Europe. After Vesalius it became more important _ (study) how the human body works. to completetraining to examinecalleddescribingshowingPrinted to study III. Micro-Writing 根据下列提示写一篇短文来介绍清明上河图(Along the River during Qing Ming Festival)1作者:张择端(宋朝);2形式:手卷(hand scroll);3内容:宋代首都汴京(现开封)的人们的日常生活;4主题:庆祝清明节,所有社会阶层(包括平民和富人)的不同生活;5评价:被认为有价值,被各个时期的艺术家模仿。注意:Try to use the words, expressions, sentence patterns as well as grammar that we have learned in this period to form your micro-writings. Along the River during Qing Ming Festival, known in Chinese as Qing Ming Shang He Tu, is a masterpiece painted by Zhang Zeduan in the Song Dynasty. The painting portrays the daily lives of people in Bianjing (todays Kaifeng), the capital of the Song Dynasty. The theme focuses on the celebration of Qing Ming Festival. The entire piece is painted in hand scroll format, revealing the lifestyle of people from all classes, including the poor and the rich as well as different economic activities in rural areas and the city. As an artistic creation, the piece, which is thought to be of great value, has been well preserved even over centuries. Court artists of subsequent dynasties have reproduced several versions. What we have got in this class 1. Some important words, phrases and sentence patterns in the passage. 2. Practice language points and grammar through reading and writing skills. 3. Use whats got in this period to finish a micro-writing. Homework 1. Revise the knowledge you have learnt in this period. 2. Alternative tasks a. Finish your micro-writing part into a complete essay to introduce the painting, Along the River during Qing Ming Festival. b. Write a short essay to introduce your favorite Chinese or western painting.


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