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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Conversion Skill in Translation,翻译之转换技巧,Objectives,Knowledge Objectives:,Learn the differences between English and Chinese in language use;,Understand the reason why conversion is used in translation;,Ability Objectives:,Can identify the words or phrases that can be converted;,Can consciously use conversion skill.,Steps,Lead-in Practice,1.Rockets have found,application,for the,exploration,of the universe.,火箭已经用来探索宇宙。,(n.v.),2.All government in the United States is“,of,by,and,for,the people.”,美国各级政府都是“民有、民治、民享”的政府。(,prep.v.,),3.The application of computers makes a,tremendous,rise,in labor productivity.,使用计算机可以极大地提高劳动生产率。,(,,Lead-in Practice,4.The successful,completion,of the book is the result of the,cooperation,and,confidence,of many people.,成功地完成本书的写作是许多人相互合作、坚信不疑的结果。,(n.v.),5.Your,refusal,to amend the L/C is,equivalent,to the,cancellation,of the order.(n.),你方拒绝修改信用证,这无异于,/,(等于)取消订单。(,n.v.,),6.Please let us know if our terms are,acceptable,.,贵方是否接受我方条款,请告知。,(a.v.),Lead-in Practice,7.Man is becoming,fully,aware,of the importance of protecting the environment.,人类越来越充分地意识到保护环境的重要性。,(a.v.),8.The meeting is,over,.(prep.v.),9.You cant imagine how angry he was,at,the news.,你想象不出他听到这个消息时是多么生气。(,prep.v.),Lead-in Practice,10.This product is,characterized,by its,fine,workmanship and,durability,.,此产品的,特点,是工艺,精湛,,,经久耐用。,11.They signed two agreements that,served,to warm up the atmosphere of their relations.,他们签订了两个协议,目的是使彼此的关系热乎起来,12.The increase in international business has created a,need,for managers,with,skills in cross-culture communication.,国际贸易的增加需要具有跨文化交流技能的经理。,Conclusions,1).English Nouns,(especially the noun with dynamic notion)can be converted into verbs in E-C translation.,2).English Adjectives,can be converted into verbs/nouns in E-C translation.,3).English Prepositions,can be converted into verbs in E-C translation.,Homework,1.The samples on display at the Fair are just part of the products.,2.You certainly have got a large collection of sample carpets here.,3.And,the preference for local suppliers by Chinese joint-venture partners limited competition.,4.In addition to VW(Volkswagen),General Motors have tested the export market,with trial shipments of about 1,000 Shanghai-made Chevrolet Ventures to the Philippines earlier this year.,Homework,5.Still,VW and GM officials say they do not have large-scale export plans any time soon.Even though the government has promised support,such as tax breaks,for car and component exporters.,6.Chinas insistence that foreign firms form joint ventures with local companies is also viewed as a major obstacle.,7.Foreign car makers see joint ventures-in which theyre limited to a 50 percent stake-as an unavoidable cost of entry to the China market.,8.In compliance with your request,we are sending herewith the names and addresses of the most reputed companies in this city.,Homework,9.We have been,exporters,of valve cores for more than 20 years and have many connections all over the world.,10.To acquaint you with our products,we enclose a full set of catalogues covering various products being handled by us,with,details of specifications and means of packing.,11.Quotations and samples will be sent upon,receipt,of your specific enquires.,12.We look forward to your early,reply,with much interest.,13.100%cotton pyjamas have been in,growing,demand in the past three months.,Conversion of Sentence Patterns,1.I hope you dont feel like a fish out of water here.,(,negative,),希望你在这里不会如鱼离水般不自在。,希望你在这里如鱼得水般自由自在。,(positive),2.,你所要的货今天下午上船。,(active),The goods you ordered will be loaded on board the ship this afternoon.(passive),3.I couldnt agree with you any more.(negative),我完全赞同你的观点。,(positive),Conversion of Sentence Patterns,4.He is the last man with good manners that Ive ever met.(positive),他是我所碰到的最没有风度的男人,.(negative),5.We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit at sight rather than/instead of D/A(documents against/for acceptance).(positive),我们只接受不可撤销即期信用证付款方式,,而不接受,承兑交单付款方式。,(negative),Conversion of Sentence Patterns,6.The Seller,shall,not be held liable for,the,delay,in shipment or,non-delivery,of the goods under the Contract in consequence of Force Majeure,which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit.(passive voice),本合同所述的全部商品,在制造和装运过程,如因人力不可抗拒的原因,,拖延装运,或,不能交货,,,则卖方概不负责,。,(active voice),Conclusion,在进行英汉翻译时,为了更好地表达,即使翻译的句子更符合汉语表达习惯,不仅可以转换英语原文中的词性(词的类别),英语的句式也可以转换。这本身就是英汉两种语言差异所使然。,Due to tremendous differences between English and Chinese,in English-Chinese translation we can change the part of speech of words or the sentence patterns so as to make our translations more standard in expression according to Chinese custom.,汉译英转换技巧的应用,前面讲英译汉要运用转换技巧,其实汉译英同样要考虑转换技巧。我们习惯了汉母语的思维,在写作或者翻译(汉译英)时往往下意识的就用汉语的思维习惯去组织英文句子,这样得出的句子往往是汉式的表达,而不是地道的英语表达。,C-E Translation Examples,我,打开,窗子,,让,新鲜空气,进来,。,1)I open t


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