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,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,CHAPTER 14,FIRMS IN COMPETITVE MARKETS,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,2007 Thomson South-Western,2007 Thomson South-Western,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,2007 Thomson South-Western,2007 Thomson South-Western,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Summary,2007 Thomson South-Western,Click to edit Master title style,2007 Thomson South-Western,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,2007 Thomson South-Western,2007 Thomson South-Western,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,2007 Thomson South-Western,Click to edit Master title style,2007 Thomson South-Western,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Summary,2007 Thomson South-Western,Click to edit Master title style,2007 Thomson South-Western,2007 Thomson South-Western,WHAT IS A COMPETITIVE MARKET?,什么是竞争性市场,?,A,competitive market,has many buyers and sellers trading identical products so that each buyer and seller is a price taker.,竞争性市场拥有许多买者和卖者,他们所交易的是相同的产品,因此每一个买者和卖者都是价格的接受者,.,Buyers and sellers must accept the price determined by the market.,买者和卖者必须接受市场决定的价格,.,The Meaning of Competition,竞争的涵义,A,perfectly,competitive market,has the following characteristics:,一个完全竞争的市场具有下列特征,:,There are many buyers and sellers in the market.,市场上存在着许多,买者和卖者,The goods offered by the various sellers are largely the same.,由各个不同的卖者所提供的商品在很大程度上是相同的。,Firms can freely enter or exit the market.,企业能够自由地进入和退出市场。,The Meaning of Competition,竞争的涵义,As a result of its characteristics,the perfectly competitive market has the following outcomes:,作为其特征的结果,完全竞争市场具有下列结果:,The actions of any single buyer or seller in the market have a negligible impact on the market price.,市场上任何单一的买者或卖者对市场价格的影响都是微不足道的。,Each buyer and seller takes the market price as given.,每一个买者或卖者把市场价格都看作是给定的。,The Revenue of a Competitive Firm,竞争性企业的收益,Total revenue for a firm is the selling price times the quantity sold.,企业的总收益是销售价格乘出售的数量,TR,=(,P,Q,),Total revenue is proportional to the amount of output.,总收益与产出数量成比例,The Revenue of a Competitive Firm,竞争性企业的收益,Average revenue,tells us how much revenue a firm receives for the typical unit sold.,平均收益,告诉我们一个企业从销售的典型单位中获取多少收益,Average revenue is total revenue divided by the quantity sold.,平均收益是总收益除销售数量,The Revenue of a Competitive Firm,竞争性企业的收益,In perfect competition,average revenue equals the price of the good.,在完全竞争中,平均收益等于商品的价格。,The Revenue of a Competitive Firm,竞争性企业的收益,Marginal revenue,is the change in total revenue from an additional unit sold.,边际收益是来自新增一单位销售的总收益变化,MR,=,TR,/,Q,For competitive firms,marginal revenue equals the price of the good.,对于竞争性企业来说,边际收益等于商品的价格。,Table 1 Total,Average,and Marginal Revenue for a Competitive Firm,PROFIT MAXIMIZATION AND THE COMPETITIVE FIRMS SUPPLY CURVE,利润最大化与竞争性企业的供给曲线,The goal of a competitive firm is to maximize profit.,竞争性企业的目标是使利润达到最大化,This means that the firm will want to produce the quantity that maximizes the,difference between total revenue and total cost,.,这意味着企业想要生产的数量能够使得总收益与总成本之间的差额达到最大化。,Table 2 Profit Maximization:A Numerical Example,表,2,:利润最大化,-,一个数字化范例,The Marginal Cost-Curve and the Firms Supply Decision,边际成本曲线与企业的供给决策,Profit maximization occurs at the quantity where,marginal revenue equals marginal cost,.,利润最大化出现在边际收益等于边际成本的数量上。,When,MR MC,in,crease,Q,当,边际收益大于边际成本时,数量增加。,When,MR MC,de,crease,Q,当,边际收益小于边际成本时,数量减少。,When,MR=MC,profit is maximized,.,当,边际收益等于边际成本时,利润达到最大化。,Figure 1 Profit Maximization for a Competitive Firm,图,1,:竞争性企业的利润最大化,Quantity,0,Costs,and,Revenue,MC,ATC,AVC,MC,1,Q,1,MC,2,Q,2,The firm maximizes,profit by producing,the quantity at which,marginal cost equals,marginal revenue.,Q,MAX,P,=,MR,1,=,MR,2,P,=,AR,=,MR,If the firm produces Q,1,marginal cost is MC,1,.,If the firm produces Q,2,marginal cost is MC,2,.,Suppose the market price is P.,Figure 2 Marginal Cost as the Competitive Firms Supply Curve,图,2,:作为竞争性企业供给曲线的边际成本,Quantity,0,Price,MC,ATC,AVC,P,1,Q,1,P,2,Q,2,So,this section of the,firms,MC,curve is,also the firms supply,curve.,As P increases,the firm will select its level of output along the MC curve.,The Firms Short-Run Decision to Shut Down,企业关闭的短期决策,A shutdown refers to a short-run decision not to produce anything during a specific period of time because of current market conditions.,暂时关闭是指在某一特定时期内因为当时的市场条件而决定不生产任何东西的短期决策,Exit refers to a long-run decision to leave the market.,退出是指离开市场的长期决策,The Firms Short-Run Decision to Shut Down,企业关闭的短期决策,The firm shuts down if the revenue it gets from producing is less than the variable cost of production.,如果来自其生产的收益小于生产成本时,企业会暂时关闭。,Shut down if TR VC


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