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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,律商联讯数据库与中国学术市场,协助图书馆员帮助学生成功,彭惠洪,-,中国区销售总监,李燕,-,产品应用顾问,2008,年,5,月,16,日,09:35-10:05,信息如何影响生活,2,2004,年,12,月,印尼海啸过后一片狼藉,,熟悉的家园面目全非,一年过后,这个被海啸袭击的地区开始慢慢重建,3,2004,年,12,月印尼海啸中,一名,10,岁的英国小女孩在泰国普吉岛的一个海滩上救了几百人的命,女孩的名字叫缇丽,Tilly,Smith,。,“,I was on the beach and the water started to go funny.There were bubbles and the tide went out all of a sudden.I recognised,what was happening and had a feeling there was going to be a tsunami.I told mummy.Ive just studied this at school by Mr.Kearney,geography lesson,two weeks ago.,小缇丽说,“我当时正在海滩上,我看到了很多的泡泡,然后浪就突然打了过来。我意识到了这里将要发生海啸。我就告诉了妈妈。上个学期,科尔尼老师告诉过我们地震是什么。他还告诉我们地震后会如何发生海啸。”,从海水渐渐上涨到海啸袭来,这中间有十分钟时间。,摘自,Sun,(,英国,太阳报,),正确的把握住信息挽救了数百人的生命,4,北京时间,5,月,12,日,14,时,28,分,在四川汶川县(北纬,31,度,东经,103.4,度,),发生地震,震级为,7.8,级,5,寄件者:,Damon Pang,(,),寄件日期:,2008,年,5,月,13,日,2:40:18,收件者:,;Bernard,I am now at WuHan tonight and just want to greet you and Eva after your settlement at ChengDu.I am now working with Aley at Beijing,lots of work now and sincerely wamt,to say thank you for your guidance for the past 12 years.Is your telephone has changed?I want to mail you some CD and tea.Is your address is,中国 四川省 成都市 温江区 滨江路,128,号 边城水恋 十三栋,3,单元,301,室,?Boss,I belive,it is OK on your side after the earthquake(at your nearby area)and I really care you and Eva.Do drop me a few lines if you read the mail for I cannot reach you at 13548001893 since this afternoon.Best Regards,Damon,Subject:,Message from Bernard Lee after Sichuan earthquake,Dear all,Below are Bernards messages.He is well.,2207,MAY 12,+,Thank you everybody for sending me messages.I am well.Eva so happen is in HK now so she is okay.I was in down town meeting a supplier when the earthquake happened.Both of us dashed outside the building(we were on G/F so it was not a challenge).I went home immediately and it took me 4 hrs or a normally 1 hr trip.I did not see any sever damage in town,although there were some bricks and tiles dropped down from building.The town that I am living is 15km closer to the quake ceter,than CD and therefore should have experienced a more sever shock.When I am at home,I can tell my dog is scared.Things dropped down from rack,furniture moved,loosen paint dropped down every where.I just dashed out again to the open area because of an after shock.Quite mild.I heard that there are quite a lot of casualty.I will take of myself,dont worry.Cheers,Bernard,+,0553,MAY 13,+,Only managed to get some sleep tonight cause I have to run in and out for the after shocks.They are in fact quite mild.It is now raining hard outside.The TV continuously broadcast the lastest situation and it is in fact quite bad in certain areas.The bad weather makes the life saving even harder.I think the govt has done the best that is possible already.My landloard,is working in 都江,?.Sent her anSMS but still couldnt get a reply.I wish her well.I have prepared a survival pack that stay with me at all time.It has water,potato chip,blood pressure medicine,torch and all important documents,of casue cash as well.Any suggestion to add stuff in the pack?The situation in my place is not bad.Pls dont worry and thank you again for a lot email,sms and calls(some pass through).Ill keep you posted.Just wish those that are suffering from this earth quake well.I think there are still a lot of people burried,but still alive crying for help.Wish the rain stop as well.Cheers,BL,6,I was in down town meeting a supplier when the earthquake happened.Both of us dashed outside the building.,地震发生时,我正在郊区和客户开会。意识到地震,我们迅速冲出了房间。,I went home immediately and it took me 4 hrs or a normally 1 hr trip.There were some bricks and tiles dropped down from building.,我立即回家,通常一个小时的路我用了,4,个小时。路上随处可见建筑物掉下来的砖块和瓦砾。,When I am at home,I can tell my dog is scared.Things dropped down from rack,furniture moved,loosen paint dropped down every where.,回到家,我感觉得到我的狗非常恐惧。架子上的东西掉下来了,家具挪动了位置,壁画从墙上摔得满地都是。,The bad weather makes the life saving even harder.I think there are still a lot of people burried,but still alive crying for help.Wish the rain stop as well.,恶劣的天气让救援更加困难,我相信还有很多人活着,等待救援。期盼大雨早点结束。,我们一起祈祷,7,信息对于商业,正确的信息帮助公司,把握行业动向,制定发展战略,恰当销售策略,完善服务体系,信息保证公司继续成功,8,信息对于学术市场同样重要,学术创新带动实践领域,推动经济发展,学术领域课题研究,百家争鸣推陈出新,取精去粕实践验证,9,学术领域信息共享,课题求解的过程是学生在老师指导下通过,文献研究,、调查研究、实验研究甚至请教专家等多种方式努力获得解决问题的办法的过程,研究性学习开放性、探究性特点,LexisNexis,是您身边的信息提供合作伙伴,10,LexisNexis(,律商,联讯,),发展,在,LexisNexis,成立以来的,30,多年中,其网络搜寻系统革命性地为客户创建了法律和商业研究平台。这一历程包括了以下几个重要历史阶段:,Lexis,法律查询体系开始有效地为法律资料的收集提供无与伦比的服务。,1973,1980,Nexis,新闻和商业信息服务开始在网络上锋芒毕露。,在世界范围内,,LexisNexis,服务已经成为收集信息和为律师行提供准确到位搜索的不可替代的重要办公工具。,2007,11,LexisNexis,公司全球概况,1994,年全球最大专业出版集团,Reed Elsevier,收购,LexisNexis,目前全球,200,多个城市设有分公司或办事处,拥有超过,36,500,员工,产品已覆盖,100,多个国家和地区,英国,波兰,比利时,意大利,俄罗斯,西班牙,捷克,澳大利亚,香港,印度,新加坡,日本,中国,马来西亚,新西兰,阿根廷,巴西,委内瑞拉,瑞典,土尔其,丹麦,芬兰,荷兰,法国,德国,挪威,美国,加拿大,墨西哥,南美,北美,欧洲,亚太,非洲,南非,50,亿个可查文件,20000,个数据库,32000,多个法律、商业和新闻信息来源,全美,1650,所大学,超过,700,万名学生正在使用,LN,产品,12,律商联讯中国产品及业务发展概述,1994,2001,2004,2005,2007,律商联讯进


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