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aphasia),Syndromes,:,A.,Labored speech,B.,Word-finding difficulties,C.,Problems in forming sentences with the rules of syntax,D.,Language produced is often agrammatic,Q:What is“agrammatic”?,A:It frequently,lacks articles,prepositions,pronouns,auxiliary verbs,.,lacks,function words,The omission of function words in the speech of agrammatic aphasics shows that,function words are mentally distinct from content words.,E,.May typically omit inflections,the past tense suffix ed,e.g.I watch,TV for three hours this morning.,the third person singular verb ending s,e.g.She like playing the piano.,ed,s,F.,Have difficulty understanding complex sentences in which they cannot rely on their real-world knowledge.,more difficulty for aphasia people,:,e.g.Which girl did the boy kiss?,less difficulty for aphasia people,:,e.g.Which book did the boy read?,II.Wernickes aphasia,Wernickes aphasics can produce fluent speech and adhere to the rules of syntax.,Syndromes,:,A.,Their language is often semantically incoherent,.,fork a need for a schedule,when asking about poor vision,My wires dont hire right.,B.,Have difficulty naming objects presented to them,C.,Have difficulty choosing words in spontaneous speech,often produce,jargon,and,nonsense words,Jargon aphasia,Severe Wernickes aphasia is often referred to as,jargon aphasia,.,Syndrome,:,substitute new word for original word,Word substitutions that aphasic patients produce also tell us about,how words are organized in the mental lexicon,.,sounds,meaning,pool tool table chair,sable table boy girl,crucial crucible,.,III.Acquired dyslexics,Dyslexia,:a condition that makes it difficult for someone to read and spell.,Acquired dyslexics,:people who become dyslexic after brain damage.,The similar phenomenon of,word substitutions,may also happen to acquired dyslexics.,(examples on page 9),The similar syndrome of,the omission of function words in the speech,also happens to acquired dyslexics.(examples on page 10),These errors show that,the mental lexicon has content words and function words in different compartments,.,IV.Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon,The tip-of the-tongue phenomenon is,the failure to retrieve a word from memory,combined with partial recall and the feeling that retrieval is imminent.,word-finding difficulties in speaking,TOT,Word finding difficulties is the fate of many aphasics.,Anomia,:the inability to find words you wish to speak,V.Deaf Aphasic patients,Deaf patients with lesions,in Brocas area,Syndromes,:dysfluent and agrammatic sign production,Deaf patients with lesions,in Wernickes area,Syndromes,:have fluent but often semantically incoherent sign language,Conclusion,Deaf signers with damage to the left hemisphere show aphasia for sign language similar to the language breakdown in hearing aphasics.,Brain Imaging Technology,Noninvasive brain recording technologies,1.Computer tomography(CT),2.Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI),Reveal lesions in the living brain shortly after the damage occurs.,3.,Positron emission,tomography(PET),4.Functional MRI(FmrI),5.Single photon emission,CT(SPECT),Provide images of the brain in action.,.,Other scanning techniques,measure metabolic activity in,particular,areas of the brain,1.Magnetic encephalography (MEG),This technique shows us how the,healthy brain reacts to particular,linguistic stimuli.,Separation of the cognitive system,Evidence:,1.fMRL&PET scans,Differential activation in the normal,brains in just those sites that were,damaged in the aphasics.,2.neurological and behavioral findings,Brain,Plasticity and Lateralization in Early Life,Lateralization of language to the left hemisphere is a process that begins very early in life.,Infant as young as one week show a response,right hemisphere music,left hemisphere language,The study found:,during smiling greater opening of the left side of the mouth,during babbling greater opening of the right side of the mouth,more left hemisphere involvement even at this very early stage of productive language development,the right hemis


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