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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,图表类作文,图表题的五种类型,table,line graph,bar chart,pie chart,process diagram,表格题,线图,柱状图,饼状图,流程图,Note:,图表题和议论文最根本的差异就是图表题是客观性写作而议论文是主观性写作。,常用动词词汇:,上升:increase, rise ,grow, soar,shoot up,e.g: the number of population increased/ ascended/ mounted,to(by,),下降: decrease ,fall ,drop ,descend ,decline ,reduce ,plunge,e.g: the number of population decreased /declined,to(by,),平稳:remain stable ,steady,gradual,stay/remain/maintain/keep/be the same,e.g: the number of population mounted and leveled off,at,7 million,the number of population stayed stable,at,5 million,波动:fluctuate ,rise and falls up and down,e.g:the number of population fluctuated,between,2 and 10 million,最高点:reach the peak, reach the highest point, reach the zenith,e.g: the number of population reached the peak,at,8 million,最低点:reach the bottom,e.g: After decreasing, the number of population bottomed out,at,4 million.,占据:occupy, take up ,account for,表复苏:recover, bounce back,e.g:the number of population recovered,from,2 million,常用形容词和副词变化程度,abrupt(ly),sudden(ly),dramatic(ally),drastic(ally),sharp(ly),quick(ly),rapid(ly),marked(ly),significant(ly),considerable(considerably),substantial(ly),moderate(ly),gradual(ly),slight(ly),enormous(ly), vast(ly),图表时间的表达:,1.in +,月,/,年,2.between and,3. from to,4. over the period fromto,5. in the year between and,6.in the 3 years spanning from 2001 through 2004,7.for the first 3 months,8.for/during/over the next/ following 6 months,9.for/during/over/in the of 4 months,10.for/during/over/in a 4-month period,11.over/for/during the same period,12.from then on/ from this time/ point onwards/since then,13.by the year of,14. after/before+,年,/,月,一、如何描述数据的上升或下降,一般来说,有两种句式表达数据的上升或下降。,描述对象,+,表示增长或减少的动词,+,程度副词,+,数据,+,时间点,There was a,+,表示程度的形容词,+,表示增长或减少的名词,+,数据,+,时间点,Example:,The birth rate in China,increased steadily from,about 10 percent in 1920 to just over 15 percent in 1935, followed by a sharp decline to nearly 5 percent in 1940.,There was,a steady increase,in the birth rate in China from about 10 percent in 1920 to just over 15 percent in 1935,followed by a sharp decline to nearly 5 percent in 1940.,句子演练:,1.,根据图表中的数据,教师的人数从,1960,年的,500,万急剧下滑到,1962,年,300,万。,a. According to the figure, there was a sharp decrease in the number of teachers from five million in 1960 to three million in 1962.,b. According to the figure, the number of teachers decreased dramatically from five million in 1960 to (no more than) three million in 1962.,2. 1979,年之后,牛肉和羊肉的消费状况分别急剧下降到大约,100,和,55,斤。,a. After 1979,the consumption of beef and lamb fell dramatically to approximately 100 and 55 grams respectively.,b. After 1979, there was a dramatic decline in the consumption of beef and lamb to approximately 100 and 55 grams respectively.,二、如何描述数据变化的总体趋势,a.,描述对象,+,shoed a/an upward/downward trend,+,from,+,具体数据,+,时间点,+,to,+,具体数据,+,时间点,b.,描述对象,+,experienced a fall/rise,+,between,+,具体数据,+,时间点,+,and,+,具体数据,+,时间点,Example:,As can be seen from the line graph, the consumption of hamburgers showed an,upward trend,from,about 90 grams in 1970,to,nearly 550 grams in 1990.,By comparison, the consumption of fish and chips,experienced a steady fall,between,just over 300 grams in the 1970,and,200 grams in 1985, followed by a slight increase to approximately 230 grams in 1990.,句子演练:,1.,离婚的数量呈下降的趋势,从,1990,年的,140,万下降到,2000,年的,100,万。,a. The number of divorces experienced a downward trend from 1.4 millions in 1990 to 1 million in 2000.,b. The number of divorces experienced a fall between 1.4 millions in 1990 and 1 million in 2000.,三、如何排序,表示总量第一或占比例第一,+at +,具体的数据,+followed by,排名第二的对象,+,表示占比例的词或词组,+,具体数据,表示总量第一或占比例第一,+at+,具体数据, while,排名第二的对象,+,表示占比例的词或词组,+,具体数据,Example:,It is clear from the pie chart that,individuals,should,take the largest proportion,of the costs of each,course,at 40%,followed by the employers,accounting for,35 %. Besides, the taxpayers,constituted,25%.,However, peoples preference in 1995 changed a lot. It is surprising that 27% of them started to play computer games, while 11% stopped talking with their family.,描述排序会用到的词或词组,表示排名第一的方式:,Be on the top of the list,Take the first place,Rank the first,表示占据比例的词:,Account for, constitute, take up,表示比例的词:,Percentage, proportion, share,四、如何表示比例,. was 20 % of ., was one fifth of., was 20 % as many/ much as, increased/ fell by,Example:,The electricity produced from,hydropower,in Norway was 108.7 billion kw/h, which was almost,99% of the total,in this country.,However, in 2000, the,proportion,of marriage,fell by,approximately 11%,while,that,of those who were never married,rose by nearly 5 %.,五、如何表示对比,By contrast, / By comparison,Compared with sth,., while,A similar pattern was repeated for,A sharp contrast was illustrated in,On the contrary,Contrary to.,句子演练:,1.,从图表中可见,受到雇佣者支持的,26,岁以下的人所占比例最大,大约为,60%,,而那些,26,至,29,岁的人居第二位,所占比例大约为,50%,。,As can be seen from chart, people under 26 received the largest proportion of support from the employers, at more than 60 %, while those who were 26 to 29 took the second place, at over 50%.,2.,与披萨饼的消费情况相比,低收入人群似乎更喜欢汉堡包。,Compared with the consumption of pizza, people in low-income group seemed to enjoy more hamburgers.,开头段:写12句,改写原题,增加单词、删除单词和替换单词,The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in,1999,.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.,替换单词,show,describe/ illustrate/ demonstrate/ summarise/ outline/ indicate,proportion,percentage,categories,kinds/ types,families,households,families living in poverty,poor families,首段翻译练习:,图表中显示了,1992,年从十月到十二月在英国年龄在,4,岁以上的电视观众的比例。,The graph,shows (relates),the,percentage,of television audiences over 4 years old in the UK,over the period from,October,to,December in 1992.,2.,图中数据表明了在,2002,年,5,个不同国家全国消费者开支的比例。,The figures,provide information about,the proportions of national,consumer expenditure,in five different countries in 2002.,3.,图表中显示了随机抽取的五个国家在,1982,年的生活水平。,The table presents the standard of living in five selected countries in the year 1982.,4.,图表中显示了从,1900,至,2000,年世界范围内的用水总是的变化。,The graph describes the change in the amount of water used worldwide from 1900 to 2000.,5.,以上两个表格通过对比高学历与低学历对失业机率的影响的差异,表明了教育背景对于就业的重要性。,The two tables indicate the essentiality of educational background to employment by comparing the distance on incidence of unemployment between the highly educated and the men with low education.,图表引入数据,with,引导数据,Saturn,is the second largest planet after,Jupiter,with,a diameter nearly ten times that of Earth.,China is the worlds most populous country,with,a population of more than 1.4 billion.,实战演练:,拥有博士学位的人工资最高,但只占调查总人数的,2.5%,。,People/Employee in Doctor degree are highest-paid,with a percentage,on,2.5 of the total.,分词作状语,1.The consumption of chicken,showed an upward trend, exceeding/ overtaking/ outnumbering that of lamb in 1980.,2.Young populations had a,high-than-average,smoking rate, followed by the mid-aged.,实战演练:,拥有博士学位的人工资最高,但只占调查总人数的,2.5%,。,People in Doctor degree are highest-paid, accounting for 2.5 % of the total.,括号的使用,With regard to,government spending,on education, there was a,sharp reduction,during the,fied,year-long period (223 million in 1989 versus 110 million in 1994).,Couples generally tended to be,better off, with lower,poverty levels,for couples without children (7%) than those with children (12%).,主体段:,Several reasons, in my opinions, can be identified to account for this phenomenon.,The reasons for this trend may involve,Obviously, there are a number of reasons can be identified to explain this trend.,As far as I am concerned, the fundamental reason for this trend is that,It is evident that the causes of the present phenomenon are.,Several reasons, in my opinion, can be,identified,to account for this,phenomenon,. To begin with, compared with those with,comparatively,lower education degree, people who have received higher education,possess,considerably wider knowledge, more,remarkable,learning and research ability, greater,innovation,and most of all,resourceful,social,network, all of which are,essential,to a high-income work. Also, the higher ones education degree is the bigger,platform,he will have to show his ability. For example, his college, university, or research,institute,will,organize,various job fairs for them to,communicate,face to face with employers.,Peoples opinions about investment in education differ from person to person. Some people say that knowledge could no longer change destiny. To them, it is not only a waste of money, but also a waste of time. Others deem that education is worthy of investment. As for me it is no doubt that education offers,favorable,working,opportunity,and handsome income, which enable us to buy what we want ,please what we love, and fulfill what we dream, and,correspondingly,we are able to build an ideal paradise where life can be enjoyed to the uttermost.,Ample reasons can account for the,issue,of Education Pays,,,the following one might be the most,critical,.For the,majority,of young people, they have been always considering the education as a bothering thing to do or not a,opportunity,that can add color to the,dull,routine,of every day life.So, they want to get a job as early as possible. But, as matter of fact, as the picture described, the people who have learned more earn more than others. And, in the picture, the ones who have the doctoral degree earn more XXXX than the ones who have only a degree as bachelor.,写作常用同义词替换,动词,解决:,resolve, combat, tackle,破坏:,undermine, jeopardize, devastate,增进:,improve,enhance,保护:,protect,preserve,认为,:,think, believe, hold, deem, maintain, argue, assert, declare, advocate, claim, be convinced that, insist, contend, state,买:,buy,purchase,培养,:,cultivate, foster, nurture, boost, shape, form,develop,忽略:,neglect, ignore,overlook,改变,:,change,alter, transform,丰富,扩大,enrich, expand, broaden, widen, deepen,引起,导致,cause, trigger, give rise to, bring about, result in, lead to, contribute to,恶化,worsen, deteriorate, aggravate,不同意,state the objection to, disapprove, vote against, be against,关注,首要任务,pay attention to, give priority to, attach importance to, put in the first place, place stress in, give weight to,充满,be filled with, be teemed with, be replete with,基于,based on, derived from,名词,人类,优点,好处,缺点,坏处,在当代,观点,名声,名誉,老人,城市居民,年轻人,工作,职业,污染,the human race, humanity, man humankind, human beings, mankind,benefits, pros-cons, advantages, boons, merit, positive aspect, favorable aspect,banes, disadvantages, demerit, weakness, drawback, con, negative aspect, unfavorable aspect, bane,in contemporary society, in present-day society, in this day and age, at present, currently, nowadays, recently, these years,opinion= perspective, standpoint, view,fame= prestige, reputation, eminence,the old, the elderly, the retired, senior citizen, old people,city residents, urban dwellers, local inhabitants,the young, young people, youngster, youths, adolescents,employment, profession, occupation,pollution, contamination,形容词:,有害的,harmful, detrimental, pernicious, adverse, baneful,有好处的,conductive, beneficial, helpful, advantageous, profitable, rewarding,丰富的,abundant, ample, plentiful,普遍的,随处可见的,common, universal, ubiquitous, prevalent,贫穷的,impoverished,富裕的,affluent, wealthy, prosperous,重要的,crucial, critical, vital, essential, primary, fundamental, radical,吸引人的,appealing, attractive, absorbing,不可思议的,unbelievable, inconceivable, incredible,著名的,famous, distinguished, eminent,贪婪的,greedy, rapacious, voracious,


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