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receiver.What a mess!There was pastry on my fingers,on the telephone,and on the doorknobs.I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead.This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter!,New words,and,expressions,Newwordsandexpressions,生词和短语,stickyadj.,粘的,fingern.,手指,pien.,馅饼,mixv.,混合,拌和,pastryn.,面糊,annoyingadj.,恼人的,receivern.,电话的话筒,dismayv.,失望,泄气,recognizev.,认出,听出,persuadev.,说服,劝说,messn.,乱七八糟,doorknobn.,门把手,signv.,签字,registerv.,挂号邮寄,sticky adj,粘的,as sticky as glue,和胶水一样粘,sticky rice,糯米,sticky tape,胶带,sticky fingers,有偷盗行为的人,(,天气,),湿热的,棘手的,a sticky road,泥泞的道路,What a sticky day!,sticky weather,湿热的天气,stick v.,把,粘住 ,坚持于,He stuck to his opinions.,他 坚持己见,stick n,.,柴枝,棒,棍,杆,a stick of chalk,一,支粉笔,finger n,手指,thumb,大拇指,index finger/forefinger,食指,middle finger,中指,ring finger,无名指,little finger,小指,toe,脚趾,thumb,index finger,middle finger,ring finger,little finger,pie n,馅饼,blueberrypie;apple pie,Pleasegivemeapieceof,pie,.,请给我一块馅饼,mix v,混合,拌和,mixture n,混合物,Please,mix,sugarandcreamfifty-fifty.,请把砂糖和奶油对半加入。,3.pie,pastry,1.,面糊,点心,糕点,pastry n.,糕点;油酥糕点;油酥面团;油酥面皮,annoying adj,恼人的,It is annoying,annoyed,感到烦恼的,比,anger,的语气弱,recelver n,电话的话筒,dismay,vt.,使惊愕,使焦虑,使气馁,n.,惊愕,气馁,dismay sb,让某人感到失望,dismaying,令人失望,dismayed,感到失望,recognize v,认出,听出,persuade v,说服,劝说,reason with sb,劝说,;,并不能说明是否劝说成功,try to persuade,劝说,;persuade,表示劝说已经成功,mess n,乱七八糟,what a mess!,you are a mess!,你真邋遢,the man/woman is a mess,make a mess of sth,把,.,搅得乱七八糟,he made a mess of my job,他把我的工作搅得一团糟,doorknob n,门把手,sign v,签字,sign your name(s)here,在这签名,(,许多人加,“s”),signature,签名,I need your signature,我需要你的签名,autograph,明星,名人的签名,(n,亲笔签名,v,签署,),registered letter,挂号信,sign for,签收,register v,挂号邮寄,Notes on the text,After breakfast,I sent the children to school and then I went to the shops.It was still early when I returned home.,at school,在上学;,at work,在上班;,at home,在家休息,The children were at school,my husband was at work and the house was quiet.So I decided to make some meat pies.,In a short time I was busy mixing butter and flour and my hands were soon covered with sticky pastry.,be busy doing sth.,忙于做某事,be busy with sth.,忙于某事,flour,面粉,不可数,发音于“,flower”,相同,be covered with,盖满,At exactly that moment,the telephone rang.,Nothing could have been more annoying.,at exactly that moment,就在那时,恰恰在此时,exactly,用于加强语气,表示“正、恰恰”:,Thats exactly what I wanted to tell you.,否定,(,Nothing),+,比较级,(,more),=?,annoying adj.,讨厌的,;,恼人的,使人烦恼的,It is annoying that there is no hot water.,没热水,真伤脑筋,annoyed adj.,厌烦的,恼怒的,annoy vt.,惹恼 使烦恼 使生气,His mother was annoyed,with,him for being so rude to their neighbors.,他母亲因为他对邻居如此粗暴无礼而生他的气。,e.g.1.,Nothing,could have been,worse,.,没有比这更坏的了。,2.,Nobody,can do it,better,.,没人能做得更好了。,3.Nothing could have been more annoying.,没有什么能比这更烦人的了,4.This time,you cant be more wrong.,这次,你真的错了,I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates.,vt.,辨出,认出,认识,We recognized the voice of Jay Chou.,vt.,承认,确认,认可,It is recognized that Jane is the most intelligent girl among us.,He recognized Dan as one of his best friends.,It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later.,It,是形式主语,persuade v.,说服,劝说,(,persuade sb to do/not to do sth),劝说某人做,/,不做某事,We persuade the man not to end marriage easily.,persuade sb.that,persuasive,有口才的,有说服力的,At last I hung up the receiver.What a mess!There was pastry on my fingers,on the telephone,and on the doorknobs.,n.,乱七八糟,口语中,a mess,用来指“困境,窘境,一团糟”,e.g.What a mess!,真是糟糕透了!,You are a mess!,你真邋遢,!,The man is a mess.,make a mess of sth.,把,搅得乱七八糟,He made a mess of my job.,他把我的工作搅得一团糟。,v.,弄糟,搞乱,(,mess up,搞乱,陷入混乱,;,把事情弄糟),I dont want you to mess up my room.,I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead.,no sooner.than./hardly.when.,enough n adj adv,足够的,1,、,n.I have/had had enough.,我已经够了,2,、,adj enough+n,n+enough,修饰名词,I have enough time/time enough.,Enough,修饰名词放在被修饰词的前面或后面,3,、,adv,不修饰动词只修饰,adj,或者,adv,Enough,修饰,adj,或者,adv,时一定要放在被修饰


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