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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,10/24/16,单击鼠标编辑大纲文字格式,第二个大纲级,第三大纲级别,第四大纲级别,第五大纲级别,第六大纲级别,第七大纲级别,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击鼠标编辑大纲文字格式,第二个大纲级,第三大纲级别,第四大纲级别,第五大纲级别,第六大纲级别,第七大纲级别单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,10/24/16,The Knight and,chivalry,Who is Knight?,knight,(/nat/)is a person granted an honorary titleof,knighthood,by amonarchor other political leader for service to the Monarch or country,especially in a military capacity.Historically,in Europe,knighthood has been conferred upon mounted warriors.,How did knight form?,The first knights appeared during the reign ofCharlemagnein the 8th century.As theCarolingianAge progressed,the Franks were generally on the attack,These mobile mounted warriors made Charlemagnes far-flung conquests possible,and to secure their service he rewarded them with grants of land called benefices.,knights status,During theHigh Middle Ages,knighthood was considered a class of lowernobility.Usually only sons of knights or lords can become a knight,In some cases commoners could also be knighted as a reward for extraordinary military service.,The picture on the right shows chivalric ranks during theMiddle Ages.,Knights appearance,How to be a knight?,Becoming a knight is the dream of every boy in middle ages,but the process it extremely tough.,The picture on the right shows a common ceremony of knight nomination(授名).,How to be a knight?,Knighthood were required to master the“,seven points ofagilities,”riding,swimmingand diving,shooting different types of weapons,climbing,participation in tournaments wrestling,fencing,long jumping,and dancing the prerequisite skills for knighthood.All of which were done even while wearing armor.,The Knights Oath(宣誓),Said by feudallord(册封者):,Be without fear in the face of your enemies.Be brave and upright that God may see.Speak the truth even if it leads to your death.Save God the helpless.That is your oath.And that so you remember it.Rise a knight!,强敌当前,无畏不惧!果敢忠义,无愧上帝!耿正直言,宁死不诳!保护弱者,无怪天理!这是你的誓词,牢牢记住!册封为骑士!,The declaration of knights,I will be kind to the weak.I will be brave and against the strong.I will fight the all who do wrong.I will fight for those who cannot fight.I will help those who call me for help.I will harm no woman.I will help my brother knight.I will be true to my friends.I will be faithful in love.,我发誓善待弱者,我发誓勇敢地对抗强暴,我发誓抗击一切错误,我发誓为手无寸铁的人战斗,我发誓帮助任何向我求助的人,我发誓不伤害任何妇人,我发誓帮助我的兄弟骑士,我发誓真诚地对待我的朋友,我发誓将对所爱至死不渝,decline,By the end of the 15th century,knights became obsolete as countries started creating their ownprofessional armiesthat were quicker to train,cheaper and easier to mobilise.The advancement of high-powered firearms eradicated the use of plate armour,as the time it takes to train soldiers with guns is much less compared to that of the knight,the cost of equipment is lower.,chivalry,Historically,the ideals of chivalry(骑士精神)were popularized inmedieval literature,especially theMatter of BritainandMatter of France,Sir Thomas MalorysThe Death of Arthur,written in 1485,was important in defining the idealofchivalrywhich is essential to the modern concept of the knight as an elite warrior sworn to uphold the values of,faith,loyalty,courage,andhonor,.,chivalry,During theRenaissance,the genre ofchivalric romancebecame popular in literature,growing ever more idealistic and eventually giving rise to a new form ofrealismin literature popularised by Miguel de Cervantes,Don Quixote,.,Knight in today,Knight in today,Question:,Can you list at least two values of a knight?,Faith,loyalty,courage,andhonor,Sacrifice and so on.,


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