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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Art,选修,6 Unit1 Art Reading,湖北省襄阳市保康县第一中学 吴海波,邮政编码,441600,手机,13972069892,Art involve,In your opinion,which field does art involve?,Now,look at the following picture.,Do you think these works are art?,dancing,music,movie,sculpture,painting,architecture,literature,opera,clothing,paper cutting,Art involve,art,music,dancing,movie,sculpture,opera,painting,literature,architecture,clothing,paper cutting,some famous western artists,G,iotto di Bondone,乔托迪邦多纳,犹大之吻,some famous western artists,梵高,向日葵,Sun flowers,Claude Monet,water lilies,克劳德,莫奈,some famous western artists,Which style of paintings,is Chinese,?,Why?,It is often about nature,such as,mountain,water,bird-and-flower,etc.,It has an air of living in,nature,harmony(,和谐),and peace.,Chinese painting,Western paintings:,About,religion,human,.,Abstract,rich in,color,oil,line and shape,.,A short history,of Western painting,Skimming,Q:How many periods of the paintings are mentioned in this text?What are they?,Four.They are:,The Middle Ages,The Renaissance,Impressionism and Modern art.,Q:Choose the right answer about the main idea of the text,A.A history of Chinese painting.,B.How to draw pictures.,C.Different people,different paintings.,D.Art is influenced by the ways of life and beliefs of the people,Time line,5,th,C AD,15,th,16,th,19,th,20,th,The Middle Ages,The Renaissance,Impressionism,Modern,Art,Q.How is the passage organized?,A,C,D,B,Careful reading,The Middle Ages(5th to the 15th century AD),Q:What are the paintings of this period full of?,They are full of religious symbols,which created a feeling of respect and love for God.,Q:What did the idea change in the 13th century?,In the 13th century painters like Giotto,di,Bondone,began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.,Works of the Middle Ages,Religious themes,Religious symbols,Careful reading,The Renaissance(15th to 16th century),1.Painters in Renaissance began to focus on_,A.,religion,B.,humans,C.,nature,D,.science,2.In Renaissance,painters returned to classical,_and _ideas about art.,Roman,Paris,B.,Greek,London,C.,Roman,Greek,D.,Greek,Paris,Careful reading,The Renaissance(15th to 16th century),4.What are the two important discoveries in the,Renaissance period?,3.Which of the following is not the things the rich people paid famous artists to paint?,The rich people themselves,B.,the god,C.,houses and possessions,D.,activities and achievements,perspective B.oil paint,C.religious symbols D.impressionist,make colors look richer and deeper,more realistic,Works of the Renaissance,realistic theme,perspective,new oil paints,Careful reading,Impressionism(late 19th to early 20th century),In the late 19th century,Europe changed_.from a mostly _society to a mostly _one.People moved from _to the_.There are many_ and_.,agricultural,industrial,countryside,new inventions,a great deal,new cities,social changes,new painting styles,Led to,Careful reading,Impressionism(late 19th to early 20th century),The painters who _the _style of the painting were the _.,broke away from,traditional,Impressionists,Q:Why did the impressionists have to paint quickly?,Because natural light changes so quickly.,paintings were not so detailed,lead to,Works of the impressionism,painted outdoors,changes in light,not detailed,Careful reading,Modern Art(20th century to today),Judge the following sentences T or F.,1.The Impressionism is the beginning of Modern Art.,2.The Impressionism encourage artists to look at their environment in old ways,3.Some modern art is abstract,the painter use,colour,line and shape to represent the object.,4.Some modern art is realistic that they look like photographs.,5.We can predict that painting styles in the future will be abstract.,F,T,T,T,F,Works of the Modern Art,abstract:concentrated on,qualities of the object,realistic:like photographs,Consolidation,Work in groups to finish the,chart below.,Age,Main aim,Characteristic,Artist,_,_ (5th to 15th century AD),to represent _,_,full of _ _,in a more _ way(in the 13th century),_,The Middle,Ages,religious,themes,religious,symbols,realistic,Giotto,di,Bondone,Age,Main aim,Characteristic,Artist,_,(15th to 16th century),to paint _,_ as they really were,adopted a more _ attitude to life,painted in _,Masaccio,people and nature,perspective,The,Renaissance,humanistic,Consolidation,Work in groups to finish the,chart below.,Consolidation,Work in groups to finish the,chart below.,Age,Main aim,Characteristic,Artist,_(late 19th to _),to show how _ _ fell on objects at different times of the day,not as _ as paintings of early painters,controver-sial,at first,not men,-,tioned,early 20th century,light and shadow,detailed,Impressionism,Age,Main aim,Characteristic,Artist,_,(20th century to today),to concentrate on certain _,of the object,or,to make the paintings look like _,_,realistic,not mentioned,Modern,Art,qualities,abstract,photographs,Consolidation,Work in groups to finish the,chart below.,Assignment,Pay more attention to,the phrases a


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