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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,学术英语 社科,Academic English for Social Sciences,6,Journalism and,Journalists,It is reported that journalism remains one of the most popular majors on most university campuses in America. To be a journalist has been many graduates dream. Why is it the case? Is it because this profession is superior to others? Are there other reasons? Read the following texts and you will get the answer.,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Unit Contents,Text A,Text B,Listening,Speaking,Writing,Lead-in,Text C,Lead-in,Lead-in task,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Lead-in,Write a paragraph which describes a journalists way of life according to your knowledge and imagination. (10 minutes); then read your paragraph to the class.,Lead-in task,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Critical reading and thinking,Difficult sentences,Group discussion,English language for academic purpose,Suggested answers,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Analyze the text by asking the following questions:,How does the text begin? (Para.1),Why did James Kilpatrick tell the story? (Paras.1 & 2),What is journalism like? (Para.3),Why do the authors say “newspeople do pay a price”? (Para.6),Why does journalism remain one of the most popular majors on most university campuses? (Para.6),Find examples to illustrate:,journalism is a glamorous life;,journalism is not a glamorous life. (Paras.8,9),Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Analyze the text by asking the following questions:,What advice do the authors give on how to be successful in journalism? Use an example to illustrate it. (Para.10),Why cant journalists react to peoples anger aroused by bad news? (Para.13),According to the authors, what is the true reward of journalism? (Para.15),What do the authors conclude? (Para.15),What is the authors purpose in writing this article?,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Task1,Complete the following table about the main points of the text.,Journalism can be _. Most journalists cant help it. They are _.,Journalism is hardly _. Many journalists work in _.,Journalism isnt for you if you have to be a superstar. One of the real keys to journalistic success is to _.,Journalism is not about being popular. Journalists do not _.,addictive,hooked on journalism,a glamorous life,quiet anonymity,love the process of journalism regardless of its content or the medium,rate highly with the public,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Difficult sentences,“,Dont be a newspaperman if you possibly can help it.” (Para.2),“Try not to be a newspaperman.”,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Difficult sentences,Today, its not just young men who are interested in journalism. Indeed young women are more likely to be interested and the question about journalism is not just focused on newspaper but also on television or on some online media.,Today, of course, the young man interested in journalism is just as likely (possibly even more likely) to be a young woman, and the career question more likely to be about television or an online medium. (Para.2),Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Difficult sentences,Theres an undeniable element of ego in journalism, and an equally undeniable element of self-sacrifice. (Para.3),To succeed as a journalist, you must have great confidence about yourself, and at the same time be ready of self-sacrifice.,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Difficult sentences,the adrenalin rush (Para.5),Adrenalin is a chemical produced by your adrenal glands that makes your heart beat faster and gives you more energy when you are frightened, excited, or angry.,The phrase the adrenalin rush is often applied to describe the feeling of exhilaration and power often experienced in highly stressful or exciting situations.,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Difficult sentences,matching wits against the deadline (Para.5),Match wits against something is a figurative expression, meaning to enter into intellectual competition with someone. Here the writer is saying how the journalists are working hard to meet the deadline.,Theres a touch of truth to this. (Para.8),This (journalism is a glamorous life) is true to a,certain extent.,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Difficult sentences,No one in the newsroom, he told her, can be above doing any job if thats what the paper needs at that moment. (Para.11),Everyone in the newsroom should be prepared to do any job that is required by the newspaper at that moment.,The writer explains how you might be disappointed in the following two paragraphs.,Here we must disappoint you. (Para.12),Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Group Discussion,Work in groups of 4-5 and make a list of the qualities you think a good journalist should have. You should also give your explanations.,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Specialized vocabulary,Text A,English language for academic purpose,Task1,Translate the following expressions from English to Chinese or vice versa. (P120,),official publication,professional journalist,newspaper reporter,radio or TV newscast,uncover scandal,television anchor people,正式出版,职业记者,报纸记者,电台或电视新闻报道,揭露丑闻,电视主持人,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Specialized vocabulary,Text A,English language for academic purpose,专栏作者,日报,头版,体育版,大众传媒,新闻稿,准时出版,columnist,daily paper,the front page,sports page,mass media,press release,turn out on time,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Signpost language,first, second, third, then, next, and finally,1, 2, 3, etc.; a, b, c, etc,before, during, after,words indicating steps, phases, stages, processes, series, spectra, continuums,Text A,English language for academic purpose,sequence: presenting a list of items in a specific order,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,hedging at syntactic level,English language for academic purpose,Formal English,It is recommended that,Our data appear to,Our data are expected to show,From these results we may conclude,One might suggest/consider/claim that,It might therefore be considered/assumed/claimed,A consideration of the foregoing might/may suggest that,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,hedging at syntactic level,English language for academic purpose,Formal English,Thus it might/may be contended that,Additionally, it might/may be contended/assumed/considered that,Hence/Thus it is essential that,It is clear that,It seems appropriate, therefore, that,It may be considered that,It might be of interest to compose,This assumption may also help to explain why,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,2,English language for academic purpose,Collocation,an undeniable element of ego,come out,the publics interest,get hooked,deadline pressure,pay a price,burn out,seek careers,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,2,English language for academic purpose,Collocation,public service,be addictive to,uncover scandals,rub elbows with celebrities,in anonymity,public relations,occupy a lofty position,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Suggested answers,Task2,Complete the following sentences.,(P120),News of the professors departure was a single sentence at the bottom of a footnote in a holiday-period ministry _.,Advertising refers to the use of _ to carry paid messages for a commercial purpose or to advance a cause, institution, or political candidate.,Dan Dorfman, the influential financial _, was fired by Money magazine, the magazines managing editor said yesterday.,mass media,columnist,daily newspaper,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Suggested answers,Task2,Complete the following sentences.,(P120),The current revolution in the newspaper industry has highlighted the growing use of new technology to produce _.,This annual national award honors three _ whose outstanding coverage in audio, video and print formats best reflects the enjoyment, importance and public service value of the Amateur Radio Service.,The strange subculture of grown-ups obsessing over a childrens cartoon is now _ news a,The Wall Street Journal,.,professional journalists,press release,front page,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Task 3,Complete the sentences,. (P122),Suggested answers,Why do people fall in love? The answer at first sight _ obvious. Love expresses a mutual physical and personal attachment two individuals feel for one another. These days, we _ be skeptical of the idea that love is “forever”, but falling in love, we _ think, is an experience arising from universal human emotions. It _ natural for a couple who fall in love to want personal and sexual fulfillment in their relationship, _in the form of marriage.,seems,seems,perhaps,tend to,might,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Task 3,Complete the sentences,. (P122),Suggested answers,Thus a sociologist studying the Columbine High killings _ study other mass murders and look to see if there was a pattern in the group characteristics such as social class, race, gender, age, or cultural background of the murderers and victims. This _ lead a sociologist to ask why mass murders like the one at Columbine High _ to be mostly the doing of young, middle-class, white men and then explain why this is the case.,might,might,seem,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text A,Task 3,Complete the sentences,. (P122),Suggested answers,Economists normally _ that people are rational.,To beginners, it can _ odd to claim that economics is a science.,If unemployment is short-term, one _ conclude that it is not a big problem.,assume,seem,might,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text B,Critical reading and thinking,Difficult sentences,English language for academic purpose,Group discussion,Researching,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text B,The nature of Internet news:,a rival and partner of print and broadcast news; a moving target about the future; nobody seems to know where it is headed; interactive,People who have adopted this explosive information revolution:,publishers, broadcasters, journalists,Some of the most popular and widely used websites carrying news:,MSNBC.com, CNN.com, BBC.CO.UK, NYT, W,Critical reading and thinking,Go over the text and try to find the information about Internet journalism according to the following notes.,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text B,Some problems of Internet journalism:,produced a lot of red ink; traditional values and standards of good journalism are facing challenges.,The authors perception of new media:,New media dont replace old media, but instead supplement and complement them.,The new trend of the media:,Provide portals rather than just websites for their online publications.,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text B,Difficult sentences,News on the Internet is a moving target and we can only offer a snapshot of this “bird on the wing”. (Para.1),News on the Internet is updating fast. Hence we,can just draw a rough sketch of it.,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text B,Difficult sentences,They provide a kind of instant feedback loop for media corporations. (Para.7),The bloggers critical comments of big newspapers and networks provide instant feedback to these newspapers and networks. The phrase feedback loop is used here to describe any sort of relationship in which one person gives feedback to another, even if nothing in the feedback process resembles a loop.,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text B,Difficult sentences,To be successful, online newspapers must be more than merely newspapers online.(Para.14),To be successful, it is not enough for newspapers,just upload the printed version online.,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Collocation,news sources,a moving target,bird on the wing,downsize staffs,trim costs,on the verge of,Text B,English language for academic purpose,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Collocation,electronic edition,in hot competition with,a breaking news story,pop off,equate with,classified advertisements,bet on,Text B,English language for academic purpose,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text B,Form groups of 4-5 and discuss the following question.,The author says that “Internet news has a strong future but is quite unlikely to replace either print or broadcast news.” Do you agree? Why or why not?,Group discussion,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text B,Work in groups of 4-5 and conduct a survey about “How weibo affects university students daily lives”.,Researching,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text C,Critical reading,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Text C,Suggested answers,Journalists,Major achievements,Bob Woodward,Walter Winchell,Margaret Bourke-White,Robert Capa,Anna Quindlen,Complete the following table by noting down the major achievements of the five famous journalists Text C talks about.,one of the best non-fiction authors; report of “Watergate scandal”,the only combat journalist,one of the worlds first and most famous journalists; the only woman photographer permitted in war zones,one of the best celebrity journalists,the voice of the “Baby Boomers”,Listening,Dealing with unfamiliar words,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Dealing with unfamiliar words,Listening,If the words dont hinder your understanding of the major points, just,skip them over,.,2.,Use,contextual information, common sense and background information,to,guess,the meaning of the word.,3.,If you fail to figure out the meaning of an important word, move on and listen attentively to the speaker.,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Task 1,listen to a talk and write down the definitions of the following terms. (,Page 132,),Listening,Suggested answers,blogger: _,_,2.,Web logger: _,_,someones online record of the websites he or she visits.,one-person Internet blabbermouths who pop off to anyone who will listen,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Listening,Task 2,listen to a talk and complete the following sentences. (,Page 132,),Suggested answers,The main idea of this talk is_.,In the final quarter of 2009 the average American spent _.,Shows like “American Idol” and “Britains Got Talent” draw huge audiences partly because _ _.,TV has coped well with technological change,almost 37 hours a week watching television,people are constantly messaging and tweeting about them, and discussing them on Facebook.,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Listening,Task 2,listen to a talk and complete the following sentences. (,Page 132,),Suggested answers,Pay-television subscriptions grew by _.,India has gone from two channels in the early 1900s to _.,Once people start _ _, they rarely stop.,more than two million in America last year,more than 600 today,paying for greater television,choice,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Speaking,Analyzing your audience and purpose,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Analyzing your audience and purpose,Speaking,Presentation Outline,When you are planning a presentation, you may find it helpful to use an outline.,If it is a group presentation, the outline can provide an easy way to divide the content.,For example, someone could do the introduction, another student the first main idea in the body, and so on.,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Analyzing your audience and purpose,Speaking,Introduction,Topic: _,Hook/attention getter:_,Thesis statement: _,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Analyzing your audience and purpose,Speaking,Body,First step/example/reason: _,Supporting details:_,Second step/example/reason: _,Supporting details: _,Third step/example/reason: _,Supporting details: _,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Analyzing your audience and purpose,Speaking,Conclusion,Major points to summarize: _,Any implications/suggestions/predictions: _,Closing comment/summary: _,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Writing,Writing findings/results,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Writing,Writing findings/results,A summary of the results,This study has shown that,The main finding of this thesis is that,This study demonstrates that,The evidence seems to indicate that.,It must therefore be recognised that.,The indications are therefore that.,It is clear therefore that.,Thus it could be concluded that.,The evidence seems to be strong that.,On this basis it may be inferred that.,Given this evidence, it can be seen that,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Writing,Writing findings/results,An explanation of the results, particularly those that do not support, or only partially support, your hypotheses,Unexpectedly, X and Y were shown to be,This finding was unexpected and suggests,The most likely explanation of the negative finding is,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Writing,Writing findings/results,Generalizations that can be made from the results,Although this study was conducted in one region, the results should be generalizable to other areas.,The findings suggest that this approach would also be beneficial in other sectors.,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Writing,Writing findings/results,Search your university library for a research paper with a well-written findings or results section. Then answer the following questions.,What are the general findings or results of the research paper?,Do the authors use tables or figures to analyze the data?,Do the authors provide raw material in this part?,Do the authors use past tense when writing this part?,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Getting ready for the next unit,After class tasks,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,Do the following tasks after class,Getting ready for the next unit,Find out main points of Text A.,Define the key terms with examples.,Mark the specialized vocabulary and explain them.,Underline the collocations you think important.,Unit 6 Journalism and,Journalists,


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