高中英语 Unit 1 A land of diversity Section 4 Guided Writing课件 新人教版选修8

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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,返回导航,英语 选修,8,课堂学案,Unit 1,A land of diversity,*,*,Unit 1 A land of diversity,Unit 1,Section,Guided Writing,1,【写作指导】,介绍地点时应用一般现在时进行写作,文中一般包括以下要素:地理位置、人口、历史、气候、特产、工农业生产、风景名胜。在写作时,不要逐句翻译,可用恰当的介词短语、从句将多个信息点合并为一个句子。,如何介绍地点,2,【典题示例】,根据下面的信息写一篇短文介绍西山镇。,西山镇依山傍水。过去,这里的人们生活极其贫困。解放后人们的生活在各方面都发生了很大的变化。,人口,约,10,万,面积,约,126,平方公里,地理概况,坐落在粤北一座山脚下,面临一条大河,新建有许多工厂商店、医院学校,教育状况,解放前只有一所学校且只有富家子弟可以上学,现在有,10,所学校,每个孩子都可以上学,生活状况,人们工作之余,可以逛商店、看电影、跳舞、参加体育活动,3,注意:1.短文标题自拟;,2.100词左右。,Xishan town is a small town,which is located at the foot of a mountain of North Guangdong province.In front of Xishan town flows a big river.It has a population of about 100,000 and covers an area of about 126 square kilometers.Before liberation,people there lived a hard life while they have lived a happy life now.,The school education has also improved.Before liberation there was only one school for children from wealthy families,and now there are 10 schools.So every child can go to school.After work people do many different things,such as going shopping,seeing films,going dancing and having sports.,4,.审题谋篇,1.本文是说明文,基本时态为一般现在时。,2.写作要点包括:地理位置;人口、面积;教育状况;生活状况,.写作要点,1.地理位置,Xishan town is located at the foot of a mountain of North Guangdong province.,In front of it flows a river.,5,2.人口和面积,It has a population of about 100,000 and covers an area of about 126 square kilometers.,3.教育状况,Before liberation there was only one school for children from wealthy families.,Now there are 10 schools,so every child can go to school.,4.生活状况,People do many different things,such as going shopping,seeing movies,going dancing and having sports.,6,


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