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写作技巧点拨系列(七),精研提纲材料,轻松驾驭提纲作文,【典例导练】,(2014唐山模拟)作为一名高三学生的你,明年即将毕业。现在校报征稿,请根据以下要点写一篇英语短文,谈谈你对高三生活的体会和建议。,1.对老师与家长的关爱表示感谢;,2.向与自己发生过矛盾的同学表达歉意;,3.努力学习,实现人生梦想;,4.对学弟、学妹的建议。,【写作指导】,.常用句式,(1)as.,(2)It wont be long before.,(3)without.,(4)Firstly.Secondly.Finally.,.黄金模板,第一段:简述写这篇文章的用意,High school is always considered as the most cherished period of ones life(人生值得纪念).As a Senior 3 student,it wont be long before I graduate(即将毕业).Now,I have much to share with my fellow students.,第二段:梳理提纲要点,表达谢意、歉意和感悟,Firstly,I would like to show my appreciation of help from,those standing by me all the way_.Secondly,its high,time to say sorry to classmates_.Above all,.Just as,the old saying goes,“No pains,no gains.”_,第三段:对他人的希望,Finally I hope_,谢意,歉意,感悟,希望,【审题谋篇】,信息全而不漏,【佳句锤炼】,词句精而高级,1.作为一名高三学生,不久就毕业了,现在我有很多事情与,同学们分享。,(一般表达)Im a student in Senior 3 and Ill graduate soon.,Now,I have a lot of things and Ill share with my fellow,students.,(介词短语+固定句式+不定式作定语)_ a Senior 3 student,_I graduate.Now,I have much _,_ my fellow students.,As,it wont be long before,to share,with,2.首先,我想向那些一直支持我,给我帮助和关爱的老师、,父母、朋友表示感谢。如果没有他们的帮助和建议,我的,生活就会与现在不一样。,(一般表达)At the beginning,I would like to show my,appreciation of help from those who are standing by me,all the way,teachers,parents,including friends.If there,were no their help and advice,my life would be different.,(过渡语+分词作定语+虚拟语气)_,I would like to,show my appreciation of help from _by me,all the way,teachers,parents,and _._,_,my life would be different.,Firstly,those standing,friends included,Without,their help and advice,3.其次,到了向我伤害或误解过的同学道歉的时间了。交流,和微笑充当友谊的桥梁。,(一般表达)Then,its high time that I should say sorry to my,classmates.I hurt or misunderstood them.Communication,and smiles are used as bridges to friendship.,(过渡语+固定句式+定语从句)_,_say,sorry to my classmates _ I hurt or misunderstood.,Communication and smiles _bridges to friendship.,Secondly,its high time to,whom,act as,4.尤其重要的是,我已经下定决心努力学习,因为我相信,,努力学习是成功的钥匙,正如古代谚语说的“不劳无获”。,(一般表达)Importantly,Ive decided to make every effort to,study.I believe hard work is the key to success,like the old,saying,“No pains,no gains.”,(过渡语+高级词汇+原因状语从句)_,_ to make every effort to study,_ I believe hard work is,the key to success._,“No pains,no,gains.”,Above all,Ive made up my,mind,for,Just as the old saying goes,【连句成篇】,过渡巧而自然,High school is always considered as the most cherished period of ones life.As a Senior 3 student,it wont be long before I graduate.Now,I have much to share with my fellow students.,Firstly,I would like to show my appreciation of help from those standing by me all the way,teachers,parents and friends included.Without their help and,adv,ice,my life would be different.Secondly,its high time to say sorry to my classmates whom I hurt or misunderstood.Communication and smiles act as bridges to friendship.Above all,Ive made up my mind to make every effort to study,for I believe hard work is the key to success.Just as the old saying goes,“No pains,no gains.”,Finally I hope that all the younger fellows can make full use of time,because time and tide wait for no men.,【命题专家如是说】,提纲作文解题关键,提纲作文是高考试题中最常见的书面表达命题方式之一,通常会以中文、英文、中文+英文、文字+表格、文字+图片等不同的形式给出要点,并要求考生根据所列要点组织语言,将所列要点完整、清晰地表达出来。需注意以下几点:,1.仔细研读题目。确定所写文章的主题、人称、大致写作内容及主要采用的时态等。,2.分析整合要点。对所给要点进行分析及重新整合,并适当进行细节扩展。重新整合信息是为了将信息分为若干部分,划分依据是要点间的逻辑关系和相似性等。,3.确定文章体裁。根据题目要求以及要点的特征来进一步确定文章的体裁,根据要点的逻辑关系来确定文章的整体框架和具体段落,并根据重整的信息来确定每个段落的具体内容。,4.斟酌具体表达。结合要点的关键词来确定所选用的具体词汇及搭配。结合要点的内容以及所确立的文体本身的特点来选择使用何种句型。结合文体信息选择合适的句型、适时地交叉使用不同的句型也是一种需要培养的能力。,


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