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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,1.,把握好改变的时机,一般而言,在初始阶段的企业最要紧的是生存问题,追求高利润、高速度、高增长。这些企业基本没有融资能力,负债的可能性也不大,但投资能力也相对有限,无暇顾及管理风格问题。在企业顺利渡过生存危机,员工人数增长到一定数量后,就需要考虑管理升级问题了。以,IT,业为例,,企业资产,达到,5000,万,1,个亿、员工人数达到,40,60,人、已成立,3,5,年左右的公司应属于进入了管理升级时期的企业。管理升级的目的仍然是业务的稳定增长,因此改变的契机一般都是发现了新的增长点,例如新的分公司的成立、开拓新的业务领域等等。没有增长点的刺激,管理升级往往会成为无本之木,无法给员工带来希望。,2.,人力资源的准备,要注意培养员工的素质、能力、态度。如果员工不具备合格的素质,不具备相当的经验和能力,没有积极的工作态度和团对精神,就达不到授权的条件,不能分担领导的工作。管理变革就缺乏适宜的土壤,人力资源。因此需要大量的员工培训,必要时可以寻找职业经理人促成这种转变,但要注意处理好新旧员工的关系。,3.,领导者自身素质的提高,领导者自己也需要加强学习,才能适应和驾驭管理升级的改变。对企业领导者而言,要完成从个人独裁到集体管理角色的转变,必须改变自己的心态,例如:权力分配后产生的失落感;财务管理的公开化产生的抵触心理;插手具体工作的惯性;追求转变速度,急功近利的心态等等。只有超越昔日小老板的情结,企业才能真正获得发展。企业的领导者必须坚定管理升级的信念,坚信管理升级是企业正确的选择。,4.,处理好利益分配和产权分解的问题,管理升级由于涉及员工利益的再分配,必然会引发矛盾,需要有相应的制度、流程,更需要领导的协调和决心。另外,对于已有一定规模的企业,其核心骨干大都为公司付出过许多,薪水已经不再是他们唯一追求的目标,他们需要的是归宿感,因此企业要合理地考虑他们的利益,必要时可以进行合理的产权分解。从股份持有和薪酬政策两方面平衡员工与企业的利益关系,形成长久的利益共同体。,5.,建立健全企业决策体系与管理体系,对于中小企业而言,,企业财务制度,、薪酬体系、物流体系、销售体系是核心。只有形成了科学规范的管理秩序和决策机制,管理升级才能取信于人,顺利实现。企业增长的模式才能实现从量的积累到质的飞跃。,(2)Crisis management planning,form a crisis management team,with clear responsibilities at both the planning stage and the time of crisis.,head of crisis management team is assigned responsibility for communications,one or two press officers,someone from the finance department and the person responsible for buildings maintenance and security.,the important thing is to make clear whose job it is to ensure that a press facility is made available,and that that person knows how to provide such a facility at a moments notice.,members of the team should meet regularly,(3)Rehearsal,to test that the plan works,to keep it up to date and to keep everyone concerned on their toes.,case study 6.1,Crisis planning:Porsche:Leonard,Saffir,2.Provide background information,One of the problems at crisis time is that often the PR officer can say nothing at all to help the journalist with the story.,example:roll-on roll-off ferry Estonia in 1994,3.Manage the flow of information,It is vital that the,organisation,takes immediate control of information process.,why,:,the,organisation,will look foolish,incompetent or even negligent if it gives the impression that it does not know what is going on.,it is important that the,organisation,in crisis speaks with one voice.,managing information properly makes for greater clarity.,How?,Unocal UK,operators of north sea oil platform,Incidents are classified as A(possible serious injury or damage to installations),B(fatalities and/or serious damage to an installation requiring shut down),C(potential catastrophe),4.Agree the ground-rules,Interested parties,Forward planning:the,organisations,insurers,its legal advisers,its subsidiaries,its suppliers,other,organisations,operating in the same sector,and the emergency services serving the,organisations,local area.,have agreed what the ground-rules when the crisis breaks.,agreeing what can and cannot be said publicly without reference to the,organisation,concerned,so that the various spokespeople can avoid unnecessarily getting in each others way,or passing the buck,or blaming each other.,The media,controlled access,one-way is by the,pooling system,.,another way is to select volunteer victims or eye-witnesses who are willing to talk to the media under controlled conditions.,5.Be authoritative,case study 6.2,6.Keep talking,echoes the earlier point:provide background information.,what can you say?,explain why you cannot answer,quesitons,about the specific matter in hand,to give out your carefully prepared background material and talk about something else.,does not equate to“ramble on at all costs”,is not invitation to provide additional information which is of no help to the,organisation,.,case study,:Johnson,Tylenol crisis,7.Say youre sorry,expressing regret is a different matter from making an apology,and that expressing sorrow at a disastrous or tragic event is perfectly proper,behaviour,.,case study:the,airlin,A1,Amsterdam air crash in1992,8.Ensure accuracy,make sure that the org.is giving out accurate information and ensure that what is printed is accurate.,tell the truth,case study 6.3 P108,accuracy is vital for several reasons.(1)it would be wicked as well as stupid to give out wrong information;(2)the,organisation,looks incompetent and untrustworthy.(3)the media are also concerned with accuracy.,.,monitor coverage,misrepresented,the choice will depend on several factors such as the seriousness of the misrepresentation,the speed with which it needs to be put right,and the need to stay on good terms with the media concerned.,ways,of,dealing with it:,a telephone call or fax to the radio station or newspaper;a letter to the editor;a written complaint to the proprietor or the newspapers ombudsman;a complaint to the broadcasting regulator or the press,complaits,commission;a solicitors letter requiring a retraction or recompense and an injunction to prevent the publication or broadcasting of further details.,9.Be sensitive,taking care over the tone and content of 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