第二十四讲 动词的时态

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Grammar:,动词的时态(,Tense),动作或过程在某一时间内处于何种状态,一般时,进行时,完成时,完成进行时,表示时间区别,现在时,一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时,现在完成进行时,过去时,一般过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时,过去完成进行时,将来时,一般将来时,将来进行时,将来完成时,将来完成进行时,过去将来时,过去将来时,过去将来进行时,过去将来完成时,过去将来完成进行时,Context,:,last summer,I went to San Francisco.That was my first time to the US.I had been to UK before,so I thought the US might be the same as UK.But when I got there,I found that the two countries were quite different.Even though people from both countries speak English,the accents and the intonations are not the same.Another,difference lies in peoples personality.To me,the Americans are more cheerful,always laughing and telling jokes,while the British are conservative,always trying to keep their head calm.But nowadays,I can feel the influence of US on every corner of the world.Even the British are using some words that the Americans create.Maybe one day,people from all over the world will speak English with a strong American accent.,1.,一般现在时,构成:,主语,+,动词,(,vt,.)+,宾语,主语,+,动词(,vi.,),主语(第三人称单数),+,动词(,-s,-,es,),be,动词和,have,的变化,be,have,I,am,have,you,are,have,he,is,has,she,it,we,are,have,you,are,have,they,are,have,一般现在时用法:,1.,讲述事实,客观真理,eg,:Our teacher told us the earth goes around the sun.,Air is important to us.,He does well in Physics.,The sun rises in the east and sets in,the west.,2.,描述习惯性动作,标志:,every day(week,year),often,always,usually,sometimes,eg,:,Everyday,he arrives at school at 7:30.,School,usually,begins in early September.,3.,叙述现在已经安排好的未来行程或其他活动。常用动词,:,go,come,start,leave,arrive,begin,eg,:The train leaves at three sharp.,What time does the next train leave for,New York tomorrow?,4.,在从句中,代替将来时,eg,:Will you be able to come,when,you are,free tomorrow?,I will tell him the news,as soon as,I see him.,I will stay here,until,he comes back.,If,you join us,be here at 3 this afternoon.,If you will help me,I shall be much obliged.,(此处的,if,表示意愿,不表示将来),Exercises,:,1.He never_(walk)to school.He goes to school by bike.walks,2.If it_(rain)tomorrow,we will put off the football match.rains,3.The,river_(run)all,the way to the sea.runs,4.He knows clearly where his,duty_(lie,).lies,5.My,plane_(take,off)at,10am tomorrow.,takes off,6,.I will tell him the news as soon as I _(see)him.see,7.Here _(come)the es,8.Ice _(feel)cold.feels,2.,一般过去时,构成:,主语,+,动词的过去式(,vt,.,),+,宾语,主语,+,动词的过去式(,vi.,),动词的过去式:,规则动词,+ed,不规则动词,-,特殊变化,一般过去时用法:,1.,表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或状态,,标志:,last day(week,year),yesterday,ago,in 2001,at that time,just now,the other day(,前几天),the day before yesterday,eg,:,I went to the US,last summer,.,一般过去时用法:,2.,表示过去习惯性动作,eg,:He used to go camping at weekends.,During our stay in Los Angeles,we often,went swimming at Santa Monica Beach.,3.,现在进行时,结构:,主语,+be,动词(,am,is,are)+doing,标志:,now,at this moment,these years,in a few days,this morning(afternoon,evening),tonight,this term,现在进行时的用法:,1.,动作正在进行,eg,:,It is raining.,I am reading a book.,2.,某阶段正在进行的动作,eg,:,He is teaching English in a high school.,3.,最近将要发生的动作,eg,:I am leaving for San Francisco this summer.,The train is leaving very soon.,Spring Festival is coming.,4.,与,always,连用,表示厌烦或赞扬,eg,:He is always coming late.,Im always making the same mistake.,He is always practicing his shooting skills.,5.,不用进行时的动词,A,:表示无意识感觉到的动词:,feel,hear,see,smell,notice,taste,look,sound,eg,:He saw man coming towards him.,You look tired.,I feel cold.,The dish tastes nice.,但如果表示有意识地去感受,比如,feel,look,taste,listen,等可用进行时,eg,:How are you feeling now?,-Hi,son.What are you doing there?,-I am tasting the salad.,He is listening to CD at the moment.,B.,表示爱憎的动词,比如,like,dislike,love,hate,eg,:I like sports.,He hates being left alone.,C.,表示思维,判断活动的词,比如,agree,disagree,believe,think,know,realize,recognize,remember,forget,see,understand,eg,:I dont agree with him.,I see.,I think you are right.,但是如果,think,表示“思考”,就可用进行时,eg,:Im thinking about how to solve the problem,D.,某些固定词汇或词组,比如,belong to,break out,take place,oweto,eg,:The book doesnt belong to me.,The war broke out in 1939.,I owe much of my achievement to my family.,I owe you 10 dollars.,4.,过去进行时,构成:,主语,+be,动词的过去式(,was,were)+doing,过去进行时的用法:,1.,表示在过去某个时间,一个动作正在发生,eg,:I was reading a book when he phone me.,2.,与,always,连用,表示过去常做某事,eg,:He was always surfing the internet when he was young.,5.,将来进行时,结构:,主语,+will be+doing,将来进行时的用法:,1.,表示将来某一时刻正在进行的动作,eg,:Everybody else will be wearing jewelry,that night.,2.,表示将来某一时刻开始,并将持续下去的动作,eg,:From this October on,I will be living in,Sweden.,6.,现在完成进行时,结构:主语,+have/has been+doing,表示某个动作从过去某一时刻开始,一直持续到现在,eg,:I have been painting the house for a whole,day.,I have been reading the novel since last,Saturday.,Exercises:,I have been learning(learn)English since I was 9 years old.But still I have some difficult.One day,when my Dad came back home from work.I was doing(do)my English homework.He asked me,“How are you getting(get)along with your English study?”I told him I did make some progress,even though it was not so great.And I asked him if he could buy me,some more books.He said,“I are leaving(leave)for Beijing tomo


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