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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,书信的格式,英文书信通常包括六个部分:,Heading,(信头),,Inside Address,(信内地址),,Salutation,(称呼),,Body of Letter,(信的正文),,Complementary Close,(结束语),,Signature,(签名),3,),称呼,对不相识的男子,单数常用,Sir,Dear Sir,或,My Dear Sir,;复数常用,Dear Sirs,或,Gentlemen,。对不相识的女士,单数常用,Madam, Dear Madam,或,My Dear Madam,;复数常用,Mesdames,或,My Dear Mesdames,。,对比较熟悉的男子,一般称,Dear,Mr,.,即可;对比较熟悉的女士,一般称,Dear,Mrs,(,或,Miss).,即可,称呼,熟人和亲人之间通信,可用下列称呼(按亲密程度排列):,Dear David; My dear David, Dearest David, My dearest David, My dearest, Darling David, My darling, My very own darling,等。有头衔的可把头衔缩写放在名字前,如,Prof. Wang, Dr. Liu, Gen. Chang,等。,4,)信的正文 称呼下方隔一二行处开始写正文。写信与写文章一样,要分段写,每段有一个中心思想,内容表达清楚,语言简单明了,态度诚恳礼貌。给亲友的信还应该亲切热情。,结束语,5,) 结束语是写信人对收信人的谦称,写在正文下面二三行处,从中间写起,第一个词的开头字母要大写,末尾用逗号。,给机关团体或不相识的人可用:,Yours truly,或,Truly yours,Yours faithfully,或,Faithfully yours,Yours sincerely,或,Sincerely yours,给上级或长者的信可用:,Yours respectfully,或,Respectfully yours,Yours obediently,或,Obediently yours,Yours gratefully,或,Gratefully yours,给一般熟人或朋友的信可用:,Yours, Yours ever, Ever yours, Yours as ever,或,Yours sincerely,给亲属或挚友的信可用:,Yours affectionately, Lovingly yours, Your loving son (child, sister.),或,Yours devoted friend,感谢信,1,。基本框架,Opening,Body,Ending,2.guidlines for writing,The tone of the language should be sincere, friendly and courteous.,The letter should prompt.,opening,1. state the purpose of your letter.,2. Extend sincere expression of gratitude to the receiver.,Body,Recall the happy minute/event.,High praise of the past favor.,List the reason why you are grateful to the recipient.,Express your feeling.,ending,1. reiterate your great appreciation of the favor and help rendered to you.,2. Express your wish to have the opportunity to reciprocate /repay the past favor.,常用套句,Im grateful to you for,Im much obliged to you for ,I appreciate it more than I can say.,I can never thank you enough,I shall be pleased to reciprocate your favor when the opportunity arises.,I take this opportunity to express to you my deep appreciation for the kind assistance you rendered me.,I wish there were a better word than “thanks” to express my appreciation for your generous help.,Im writing these few lines to express my sincere thanks, not only to but to for the hospitality and kindness/concern shown me.,It was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.,Many thinks for your kindness and hospitality.,Words fail me when I want to express my gratitude to you.,Again, I would like to express our warm thanks to you,。,We express our sincere and heartfelt thanks for the past favor.,常用词语,感激,Appreciate,sth,.,Think,sb,. for,sth,.,Be grateful to,sb,. for,sth,.,Be indebted to,sb,. for,sth,.,Be obliged to,sb,.,Owe,sb,.,Express ones gratitude,Heartfelt,Cordial,Sincere,Generosity,Hospitality,Kindness,Courtesy,Help/ favor,concern,Convey,Fail to express,Beyond words,Beyond ones power of expression,Repay,reciprocate,Letter Thanks,Dear Mr. Smith,I am writing to you just to tell you how very much I appreciate the warm welcome you extended to my wife when she visited your country last week.,The help and advice you gave to her, and the introductions you arranged for her, have resulted in a number of very useful meetings and I should like you to know how very grateful I am for all you have done to make them possible.,I realized the value of time to a busy person like you and this makes me all the more appreciative of the time you so generously gave to her.,Sincerely yours, ,Thanks Letter,Dear Mr. Smith,I am writing to you just to tell you how very much I appreciate the warm welcome you extended to my wife when she visited your country last week.,The help and advice you gave to her, and the introductions you arranged for her, have resulted in a number of very useful meetings and I should like you to know how very grateful I am for all you have done to make them possible.,I realized the value of time to a busy person like you and this makes me all the more appreciative of the time you so generously gave to her.,Sincerely yours, ,敬爱的史密斯先生:,我写此信是想告诉您我是多么感激您在我太太上周访问贵国时给予他的热情款待。,你给予她的协助和宝贵意见,以及为她安排的情况介绍,使她有机会开成几次十分有用的会议,这一切都得助于您才得以办成,我对此真是感激不尽。,我深知时间对于像您一样忙的人是多么宝贵,而您如此慷慨地拿出时间接待她,我为此要向您表示无限的感谢。,Sample one,You broke your leg due to a traffic accident and were hospitalized for a month, during which you received many cards, letters and flowers from your classmates. Now you have recovered and been back home. Write a letter to them to explain your condition in detail and thank them at the same time.,Dear friends,Today I returned to my long lost home. It is so nice to be back home. I take this opportunity to express to you my sincere and heartfelt thanks to you for your kindly comforts and encouragement rendered me during my stay in hospital. I am so fortunate to have you as my closest friends.,Thanks to the horrible accident, I begin to treasure all the more what I have now. It was your kindness and comforts that helped me through the tough period and stood up from the pains. I can never thank you enough. Your cards, flowers and smiling faces are like a warm fire in the dark freezing winter nights, which will always remain a comfort and give me strength and spur me forward, surmounting all sorts of difficulties lying ahead. I can say that without your encouragement I could not have recovered so soon.,Once more I would like to say “thank you” to you all. I wish there were a better word than “thanks” to express my gratitude.,With love,jack,Your tasks,1. last weekend, you were invited to spend the weekend at an American family. Now you are require to write a letter of thank.,2. You have just passed an very important exam in your life and got a certificate. Now write a letter to thank your good friend who have helped you throughout the preparation period.,邀请信,基本框架,Opening,Body,Ending,opening,Make clear your purpose of writing the letter.,Body,State the reasons for the invitation.,The content of the invitation: the nature of the matter, the place and time of the event.,Requirement and wish.,ending,Reiterate the purpose of writing this letter.,Expectation of an early reply from the,receriver,.,常用套句,I am pleased to invite you to participate in to be held form to(time) in (place),It is my pleasure/ a great honor for me to invite you to,It is with great pleasure that I invite you to attend,It is my pleasure to extend an invitation to you to travel to for the purpose of ,I will be expecting you: so do not disappoint me.,I am longing to see you soon.,I am sure that you will enjoy yourself here.,Will you do us the favor of attending,I will cover all the expenses involved,Do you agree to my arrangement?,常用词语,Invite,sb,. to do,sth,.,Extend an invitation,It is my pleasure to invite,It is with great pleasure that I invite,It is my honor to invite ,Attend,Take part in,Participate in,Join,sb,. in,sth,.,Accept,Welcome,Turn down,decline,Task:,You booked a two week travel at a travel company for you and your brother. But your brother notified you that he cannot attend it. You know a friend is also interested in this travel, please writer to your friend , explain what has happened and invite him to go with you.,sample,Dear Bill:,Hello, I hope everything is fine with you. Im writing to invite you to have a trip to Beijing with me. Do you remember that last year you told me that you were quite interested in a visit to Beijing?,The situation is that I have booked two tickets for a travel to Beijing for my brother an me through China Travel Agency, but my brother is informed by his boss to hold a conference next week. The conference is important for his company and my brother is the only person who can chair it. So he can not go with me.,I would be glad if you can go traveling with me. I ensure you will enjoy the trip. Firstly, Beijing is the capital of China, which has lots of famous scenic spots. Secondly, you know, we can look after each other and have lots of things to talk about during the journey.,Looking forward to your kindly response.,Best wishes,Yours,Dongyi,


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