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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,D.H.Lawrence,David Herbert Lawrence(1885-1930)was born at Eastwood,Nottinghamshire which is the setting of most of his works.His father was an illiterate miner.,His mother Lydia,Beardsall,was from a somewhat higher class,had been a schoolteacher in Kent,was fond of reading,had written poetry and was deeply religious.,His mother think that she had married beneath her and desired to have her sons well educated so as to help them escape from the life of coal miners.,Poverty and differences in interests resulted in frequent quarrels between his parents.,Especially when his father had to stay away due to injuries and drank a lot,the quarrels between his parents became a dreaded yet familiar part of the childrens lives.,And this affects Lawrences personality.,The conflict between the earthly,coarse,energetic but often drunken father,and the refined,strong-willed and up-climbing mother is vividly presented in his autobiographical novel,Sons and Lovers,.,D.H.Lawrence,D.H.Lawrence is perhaps one of the most controversial modernist writers.,For a long time,readers and critics argues about not only his personality but also his works.,Some people condemn him as a madman,a depraved person or a pornographic writer.,His novels,The Rainbow,and,Lady Chatterleys Lover,were once banned.,Moreover,the dispute about whether he is a realist or a modernist writer lasted for a long time.,Nowadays,most western critics regard him not only the great master of modern English literature but also one of the most outstanding modernist writers.,Characteristics of His Works,In his writings,Lawrence has experienced a strong reaction against the mechanical civilization.,Lawrence was one of the first novelists to introduce themes of psychology into his works.,He believed that the healthy way of the individuals psychological development lay in the primacy of the life impulse,or in other term,the sexual impulse.,Lawrence declared that any repression of the sexual impulse based on social,religious,or moral values of the civilized world would cause severe damages to the harmony of human relationships and the psychic health of the individuals personality.,And this frank discussion of sex in his novel is the chief reason why Lawrence had been accused of pornographic writing.,Major works:,The,Odour,of Chrysanthemums,菊馨,The White Peacock,白孔雀,The Trespasser,逾矩的罪人,Sons and Lovers,The Rainbow,虹,Women in Love,恋爱中的女人,Lady Chatterleys Lover,查泰莱夫人的情人,We,will,find that most of his works relate to sex and marriage.Therefore,many readers regard him as a pornographic writer.This comment is perhaps too extreme.,Why did Lawrence write many novels relating to sex and marriage?,Lawrence believes that harmonious relationship between men and women is the basis of harmonious society.,In his work Lawrence drew on the social and medical models of psychic life available in his time:theories of traumatic neurasthenia(,神经衰弱症,),hysteria,depression.He also used the theory of Freud psychology in his work,.,Sons and Lovers,Sons and Lovers,is an important work of Lawrence.It is an autobiographic work,and it is the first English novel in which Freudianism is used.,Sons and Lovers,vividly depicts the spiritual bewilderment and emotional turmoil of Paul,the protagonist.,The novel consists of fifteen chapters.,The story of,Sons and Lovers,starts with the marriage of Pauls parents.,Mrs.Morel,daughter of a middle-class family,is a strong-willed,intelligent and ambitious woman who is fascinated by a warm,vigorous and sensuous coal miner,Walter Morel,and married beneath her own class.,After an initial stage of happiness in their marriage,the class difference between them starts to estrange them from each other.,The disillusion in her husband makes her give all the affections upon her sons.,She determines that her sons should never becomes miners;they will be educated to realize her ideals of success,happiness and social esteem.,Thus,the sons gradually come under the strong influence of the mother in affections,aspirations and mental habits.,And see their father with their mothers eyes,despising their father whose personality degenerates step by step as he feels his exclusion.,Sons and Lovers,After Williams death their mother loved Paul more than ever.Then Paul was drawn unconsciously to his mother.,In second part of the novel,the closeness between Paul and his mother develops after the death of William.,Pauls psychological development is traced with great subtlety,especially his emotional in the course of his early love affairs with Miriam and Clara.,Sons and Lovers,Paul depends heavily on his mothers love and help to make sense of the world around him;,but in order to become an independent man and a true artist he has to make his own decisions about his life and work,and has to struggle to become free from his mothers influence.,However,Paul is proved to be incapable of escaping the overpowering emotional bond imposed by her mothers love,so h


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