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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2,The Grand Canyon was not just big.,Module 1,Wonders of the world,a),The Terracotta Army 秦始皇兵马俑,b),The Three Gorges Dam.,三峡大坝,C),The Giants Causeway 巨人之路,d),Victoria Falls,维多利亚大瀑布,Read the words and expressions loudly.,Review,below,shine,(shone/shined;shone/shined),sign,silent,silver,sky,grey,go through,beside,=next to,Words and expressions,prep.,在下面;在 一下,v.,照耀,n.,迹象;标志;招牌,adj.,寂寞的,adj.,银灰色的;银制的,n,.,天;天空,adj,.,灰色的;(天气)阴沉的,穿过;从头至尾地练习,prep.,在旁边;在附近,Words and expressions,reply,clear,fall away,stream,nearly,on top of,canyon,remain,by,v.,回答;答复,v.,(烟雾等)开始消失,突然向下倾斜,n.,小河,小溪,adv.,几乎;差不多,在上面;盖住,n.,峡谷,v.,逗留,留下,prep.,在旁边;靠近,The Grand Canyon.,Do you know what it is?,Some facts about the Grand Canyon.,*,Location:Arizona,USA,*,446 km long,16 km wide(average),1,600 m deep(average),*,one of the seven wonders of the natural world,*,The Colorado River runs through the Grand Canyon.,*,The rock found at the bottom of the Grand Canyon is around 2 billion years old.,Now lets enjoy a video about its fantastic view.,Read the passage and answer the following questions:,1.Whats the great wonder of the natural world the writer travelled to see?,2.What was the writers feeling when he saw the full view of the wonder?,The Grand Canyon.,It was not just big.It was huge.,Task 1,The Grand Canyon,科罗拉多大峡谷,deep,wide,long,Read the passage and complete the table.,The Grand Canyon,How deep,How wide,How long,nearly,one mile,about fifteen miles,more than 200 miles,Task 2,Read the passage again and choose the correct answer.,3,1.Where does the passage most probably come from?,a)A magazine.b)A grammar book.,c)A dictionary.d)A storybook.,2.Why was there nothing to see?,a)Because there was nothing.,b)Because it was too dark.,c)Because it was raining.,d)Because it was in the evening.,Task 3,3.Which direction was the writer facing while he was looking over the Grand Canyon?,a)South b)North c)East d)West,4.What is the writers purpose in writing this passage?,a)To give facts about the natural world.,b)To say how he feels about the natural world.,c)To tell an interesting story about the Grand Canyon.,d)To attract people to visit the Grand Canyon.,Language points,1.A great wonder of the natural world.,自然界的伟大奇观。,arrive in+大地方,at+小地方,get to+地点名词,reach +地点名词,他明天将到达北京,。,He will _Beijing tomorrow.,arrive in/get to/reach,arrive,get +地点,reach (副词),当未明确表示到达的地方时只能用arrive.,当我们到达时,他们正在开会。,When we _,they were having a,meeting.,arrived,3.early morning,一大清早,4.I,get out of,the car,went through a gate,and,walked along,a dark path,.,我下了小汽车,穿过大门并沿着一条昏暗的,小路往前走。,1)get,out of,the car 下车,get,into,the car 上车,get,on,the bus/train 上车,get,off,the bus/train 下车,across,prep.,是指在表面上掠过,穿过,如:walk across the bridge,fly across the mountain,还有对面的意思,如:run across the road,through,prep.,多指从中穿过,通过,如:walk through the forest,go through the tunnel,past,prep.,多指从旁边经过,run past Jim,2),through,across,past,区别,3)walk along 沿着走,相当于go along,沿着这条街道走,向右转,你就可以找到它。,_this street,turn right,and then you will find it.,Walk/go along,5.There was nothing,to see,.,什么都看不见。,6.,beside,prep,.在旁边;在附近。,它相当于next to.,这是学校大楼,它在公园旁边。,This is the school building.It is _,the park.,besides,prep,.除了.之外(还有)。,除了唱英文歌曲外,还有很多有趣的方法来学习英语。,beside,_ singing English songs,there are,many other fun ways to learn English.,Besides,7.answer 与 reply,v.&n.,回答;答复;答案,answer和reply 后,接that 从句时,可互换。,他没能回答我的问题。,He failed to _,to,my question.,谁能回答我这个问题?,Who can _ me this question?,你能找到这个问题的答案吗?,Can you find out _,to,this question?,reply,answer,the answer/reply,answer+名词/代词,reply+,to,+名词/代词,两者作名词时,,都与to 搭配,9.I,looked over,them,but,it,was silent,and there was no sign of it.,我望着它们,但一 片寂静,看不见它。,1)该句是并列句,由连词,but,连接,两句之间表转折关系。,2)look over 查看,检查,调查。,她正在查阅她的笔记,。,She is _her notes.,looking over,8.in five minutes=five minutes later,五分钟后,10.本课出现了四个使用look短语的句子.,I,look,ed,over,them,but it was silent and there was no sign of it.,I was,look,ing,across,one of the wonders of the natural world the Grand Canyon.,I,look,ed,down,to the Colorado River,Finally,I,look,ed,to my left and to my right,look over,从上方看过去/查看,look across,眺望;向对面看,look down,向下看/看不起,look to ones left/right,朝某人的左侧,/右侧看,3)silent,adj.,寂静的,当天变黑时,万籁俱寂。,When it gets dark,everything falls _.,a)silent,adj.,沉默的。,keep silent 保持沉默,面对这样的事时我们不应该保持沉默。,We shouldnt _,when we face such things.,b)silence,n,.沉默;安静,他们一起回家,一路上谁也不说话。,They went home together in _.,keep silent,silent,silence,11.the clouds clear,云散开了,The water is very,clear,.,Are you,clear,?,一词多意哦,12.The sun,rose,behind me and,shone,on the rocks.,rise-rose-risen shine-shone-shone,-shined-shined,The sun rise,s,in the east.,13.Far,below,me,the ground,fell away,and,down to a river,.,fall away,突然向下倾斜,消失,down to a river 沉降到一条河里,below-above,14.眺望,15.在底部,16.俯视,17.一条银色的小河,18.够到顶部,19.峡谷的另外一边,20.向左看,21.延伸,22.多深,多宽,多长,look,down,a silver stream,reach the top,the,other,side of the canyon,look,to the left,go far away,how deep,how wide,how long,at the,bottom,of,look,across,10.,If,you,put,the two tallest buildings in the world on t


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