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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Module 6,Unit 1,I bought you this book.,Lets have a revision.,一、下出下列动词的过去式,buy give ride eat is am are drink see go win take send play watch,bought gave rode ate was was were drank saw went won took sent played watched,Daming and Simon _ to a baseball game in America.They_ their bicycles.Then they _ the game.They_ their favourite team.Their team _ very well and they _.Daming and Simon _ hot dogs and_ colas.It _ a great game!,rode,ate,played,was,drank,saw,watched,went,won,1.我给你买了这本关于美国的书。,2.它看起来很有趣。,3.这是什么?这是打棒球用的。,4.谁给你的?西蒙的家人给我的。,5.现在我们就能有一个棒球队。,6.我买这些是给我的朋友们的。,7.我能有用这顶帽子吗?,8.那顶是给萨姆的小弟弟汤姆的。,9.但是你可以戴这顶。,I bought you this book about America.,It looks interesting.,Whats this?Its for playing baseball.,Who gave it to you?Simons family gave it to me.,And now wo can have a baseball team.,And I bought these for my friends.,Can I have this cap?,That one is for Sams little brother.,But you can have this one.,Module 6,Unit 2,Whats it about?,Daming,I bought a book for you,too!,Whats it about?,Its about space travel.,This,American,spaceship took a man into space.,Rassia,sent the first animal into sapce.,China,sent a man into space in this spaceship.,Module 7,Unit 1,Shenzhen V flew into space.,神舟五号飞船,神舟五号飞船是在无人飞船的基础上研制的我国第1艘载人飞船,乘有1名航天员,在轨道运行了1天。整个飞行期间为航天员提供必要的生活和工作条件,同时将航天员的生理数据、电视图像发送地面,并确保航天员安全返回。此次飞行标志着中国成为第三个有能力独自将人送上太空的国家。,基本信息,中文名,神舟五号载人飞船,所属国家,中华人民共和国,发射时间,2003年10月15日09时00分,发射地点,酒泉卫星发射中心,航天员,杨利伟,返回时间,2003年10月16日6时28分,单词,fl,y,fl,ew,飞,驾驶飞机,In October 2003,Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei.,bec,o,me,bec,a,me,成 为,First he became a pilot.Then he became a taikonaut.,spen,d,spen,t,度过,Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one hours in space.,hour,小时,Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one hours in space.,sun,son,儿子,Yang Liweis son was eight years old.,太阳,polit,飞行员,taikonaut,宇航员,proud,骄傲的,自豪的,He saw his father in space and he was very proud of him.,sentenses,In October 2003,Shenzhou V flew into space with,Yang Liwei.,A:Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one hours in space.,B:He made a video and now he is very famous.,1.He was Chinas first man in space.,2.Yang Liwei is from Liaoning.,3.He made a video about his space travel.,4.Lots of people saw it and now he is very famous.,Lets read the text together.,Grammar,in,Octorber 2003,fly into space,in space,be from,make a video,space travel,eight years old,be proud of,2003年10月,飞入太空,进入太空,来自,拍录像,太空之旅,八岁,为.自豪,做创维,module6 unit2,module7 unit1,背课文,module 6 unit1,module 6 unit2,module 7 unit1,Thank you!,


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