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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,BEC HIGHER,Proposal Writing,What is a proposal?,a,persuasive,offer to solve problems, provide service, or sell products,solicited proposal (Request for Proposal, i.e. RFP) vs. unsolicited (voluntary) proposal,Letter; memo; document,Structure,1. Introduction,2. Background,3.,Proposal / Recommendations,4. Conclusion,Structure,1. Introduction,In this part, you should state briefly and clearly the purpose of this proposal.,e.g.,This proposal sets out to describe and analyze the possible use of technology in the Marketing Department.,The purpose of this proposal is to analyze the travel and entertainment budget, and suggest ways to tighten managements control over travel and entertainment expenses.,2. Background,In this part, you should state clearly and directly what problem exists.,e.g.,In the past several months, a number of organizational problems had surfaced.,By the end of July 2003, 510 sets of imported Sunflower elevators had been sold in China.,3. Proposal / Recommendations,In this part, you should suggest a practical solution in detail and tell the benefit it can bring.,e.g.,1) Proposal,:,To help our company to get through the current energy crisis and to reduce the cost of electricity, the following conservation measures are effective: 1) 2) 3),2),Benefit,:,There is no denying that these improvements will bring vast profits to the company. Our employees will be able to work faster, more effectively and make greater use of technological innovations. Moreover, our company will be more likely to easily overcome fierce competition in the market.,4. Conclusion,In this part, you should reconfirm that the proposal will solve the problem and restate the benefit it will bring.,e.g.,To sum up, it seems obvious that the introduction of new technology into the Marketing Department will enable the company to gain huge profits. Our position in the market will be strengthened.,I am confident that these measures will reduce our cost of electricity significantly. I will appreciate your efforts to accept them.,Useful Expressions,Introduction,The proposal,aims/sets out to,The aim/purpose of this proposal is to recommend,The,purpose/objective/aim,of this proposal is to ,to,deal with,problems of ,to,explore,problems/some negative aspects,(influence) of. ,to focus on,the issue,to,investigate/to look at/ to present,information,on ,to,recommend/ to study,This proposal recommends a solution and provides budget and time schedule figures.,My proposal intends to make our company more effective and more authoritative at achieving its goals through improving the performance of both workers and managers.,Background,引言,It has been noted that our company has experienced a sudden increase in customer orders ,It is evident/clear that ,回顾,Surveys were conducted among, and we find,Questionnaires were distributed to , and results show that,存在问题,There is another problem which has to be solved.,In the past several months, a number of organizational,problems had surfaced,.,The major,problems which exist,in our company can,be summarized as follows,: .,A number of employees clearly suffer from demotivation as a result of dissatisfaction in one or more areas of their work. The key findings,are outlined below,: .,调查结果,The investigation has revealed that,调查表明,Our findings suggest,that it might be advisable to,As is evidenced by the statements,of all our employees, a brand-new payment system should be launched.,It is noted that 85% of respondents are of the opinion,that there is an urgent need to improve the quality of the companys products.,We are currently dedicated to the research and development of new medicines for a wide variety of conditions and diseases.,During this process, we learn,计划,The project, which is being undertaken by is to be completed by,If, I am confident that we can,Recommendations,It is,proposed/suggested/recommended,that,We strongly propose that ,It is,essential,to/that,It would be advisable to ,We,strongly,recommend that the company,The following recommendations are offered:,We also suggest that be If this is not possible, we recommend that ,One possible solution,to the problem of is to search for,If we were to do this, we might reduce the threat of loss of good managerial-level staff.,Please take a fresh look at,the matter of,A consideration of my proposal on market strategy would be,highly appreciated,.,I am,sincere and eager to suggest,that fire extinguishers be installed in our new branch factories.,It is essential to energize every employee to make the most of their talents, and training is the vital step.,Please,consider the following aspects,when deciding:,Conclusion,It is clear that,It seems obvious that,The following conclusions are based on the results of the investigation: ,To sum up, it seems obvious,The above mentioned points are my recommendations,.,Ill sum up by saying,I am positive that,In view of the above, we find,Well conclude by saying,Writing Steps,1. Before writing,首先应认真读题,弄清题目的具体要求,明确写作目的和写作者的身份。,the purpose (e.g. to persuade, to explain, to apologize, or to notify?),the reader (what does he or she want to know?),What do you want the reader to do?,2. Outline,信息分类,时间顺序,最不重要到最重要,最重要到最不重要,空间顺序,简单到复杂,比较和对比,用熟悉的观点去联系不熟悉的信息,把自己的产品同竞争对手的产品进行比较或对比,用什么顺序来陈述优势和劣势,因果关系,问题和解决,作决定前需要什么事实、推导和结论?,用什么样的数据或例子能找到解决问题的方法?,2. Outline,1),确定文章中心内容,(,题目中已有明确提示,),2),写出每段的中心词或起始句,3),斟酌全文的开篇和结尾的用词和句式,以,使开头部分重点突出,吸引人,;,结尾部分具,有说服力。,3. While Writing,段落,每个段落只讨论,一个主题,有,主题句,反映主题,其余支撑句子,均支持或描写,主题句,用,过渡词,连接,格式,;,语气,3.,句子,平行结构很有力,e.g. The bank offers savings, checking, lending,and,trust services.,合并句子,合并前,:,The process consists of deciding what levels of importance each of them have. Then you organize your tasks around achieving them.,合并后:,The process consists of deciding the levels of importance of each and organizing the tasks.,长短句搭配,简单句和复合句并用,平均句长,15-18,词,一句中标点不超过,4,个,改写前:,Regardless of their seniority, all employees who hope to be promoted will continue their education,either,by enrolling in the special course to be offered by the ABC Company, scheduled to be given on the next eight Saturdays beginning on January 24,or,by taking approved correspondence course selected from a list available in the Staff Development Office.,改写后:,Regardless of their seniority, all employees who hope to be promoted will continue their education in one or two days.,First, they may enroll in the special course to be offered by the ABC Company, scheduled to be given on the next eight Saturdays beginning on January 24.,Second, they may take approved correspondence course selected from a list available in the Staff Development Office.,句首句尾内容,应得到突出,修改前:,In the near future, sales will be hiring two new account managers as we work on improving our customer service.,修改后:,Two new account managers, who will be hired by sales in the near future,will help us improve customer service.,4.,检查,(Review),1),是否包含所有,要点,2),主次关系和逻辑关系,是否合理,3),语法、拼写,等是否正确,Model Practice 1,Your company has decided to conduct an investigation,into the possibility of increasing the number of ways in which technology is used throughout the organization,. You have been asked to write a proposal concerning,the use of technology in your department for the Managing Director.,Write your,proposal, including the following:,a brief outline of the current uses of technology in your department,a description of what technological improvements could be made,an explanation of the benefits these changes might bring,recommendations for the kind of training that would be necessary.,Write,200-250,words on the separate answer paper provided.,Purpose,As requested,the purpose of this proposal,is to,describe and analyze the possible use of technology in the Marketing Department.,Current use of technology,Up to now the members of our department have,taken advantage of technological equipment, i.e.,computers, in order to launch our products most successfully. Not only have we arranged promotional and advertising campaigns but we have also conducted market research via,the Internet,so as to meet our consumers growing demands.,Technological Improvements,In our work we have used computer software and hardware which has already become,obsolete and urgently needs modernization,.,Therefore,the purchase of up-to-date programs and equipment is of prime.,Benefits,There is no denying that these improvements will bring vast profits to the company.,Our team,will be able to work faster, more effectively and make greater use of technological innovations.,Moreover,our company,will be more likely to easily overcome fierce competition in the market.,Training,It seems obvious that,our staff do not possess the knowledge of how to use new software.,Thus, training on the use of modern programs would be recommended as necessary.,Conclusion,To sum up, the introduction of new technology into the Marketing Department will enable the company to gain huge profits. Our position in the market will be strengthened.,Model Practice 2,You,are the chairman of the staff union,in your company. To inspire and reward all the employees for the contributions they have made, you consider offering your proposal,of a gym room for the welfare of all the employees,.,Write a,proposal,to the General Manager:,showing your appreciation to the employees,performance,explaining the necessity of having a gym,room,suggesting the strengths and benefits of,having a gym room.,Write,200-250,words on the separate answer,paper provided.,Introduction:,The purpose of the proposal is to,appeal to the company to provide the staff a gym room.,With strong, dedicated teams and talented staff, our companys profits have remarkably increased in recent years.,So first of all,I would like to show my hearty appreciation to what they have achieved and I suppose their marvelous performance and faithful devotion to work should be lauded and rewarded accordingly.,Background:,As you know, our company mainly employs sedentary workers: analysts, programmers, managers, operators, and technicians. Long-time work and crowded schedules take up most of their time and thus prevent our employees from doing enough exercises. Exercises make healthy body, and healthy body guarantees wonderful performance in their work.,On the contrary, poor health will be a distraction and have our employees frequently be absent from their positions.,In addition,current health insurance policies focus on curing illnesses rather than preventing them.,Hence,it is quite advisable and necessary for our company to provide our staff a gym room.,Benefits:,An energetic and vigorous employee,is likely to,tap his potential into full play, and concentrate on his work whole-heartedly. Exercises produce healthier employees, and healthy employees are more productive.,Conclusion:,To sum up,it seems obvious that a gym room can provide a facility contributing to the physical fitness of all our employees,and,employees fitness is an essential to gaining profits.,Model Practice 3,The company you work for is growing rapidly, so in this case you have recruited several sales representatives, and all of them are quite experienced and responsible. However, a recent survey shows some of them are still,not familiar with their new working environment and are not used to the new system,. In order to help them adapt to the new environment timely. You schedule a proposal for,a training session,.,Write a,proposal,to the Sales Manager:,pointing out the present problems with the newly recruited sales representatives,suggesting a training session,what they are going to be taught in the training session,the benefits brought by the training session,Write 200-250 words on the separate answer paper provided.,Proposal for a Training Session,Introduction:,The aim of this proposal is to,recommend a training session called “To Be Familiar with Your Post” for the sales representatives of the Sales Department.,Background:,We have recruited several sales representatives recently. In spite of their former sales experience, they are not familiar with their new working environment and need quite a period to adapt to everything. Such a training session seems to be necessary and urgent.,Contents and Benefits:,There are many items relevant to the one-day training session for the sales representatives, which are designed to,highlight work efficiency in the company.,Some brief information of the company should be given, such as the companys history, its organizational structures and financial structure. These could probably develop their loyalty and affection to the company.,They must be informed of the companys main products, its annual sales volume, and the sales target this year,. Clear recognition of this can help them adjust their personal goals and it will be served as great motivation.,Then, the course can focus on our customers,. High value should be put on the types and characteristics of the target customers. Their needs are also expected to be transmitted to the sales representatives, which will help them to be more responsive and adaptive when selling products. They should be given a brief introduction to the people whom they are,working together with since co-ordination and teamwork can greatly contribute to the company.,Conclusion:,We strongly recommend that training be arranged as soon as possible.,


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