教育专题:Warmingup (3)

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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 2,Working the,land,Warming up,Enjoy a Poem,By Li Shen,Farmers weeding at noon,Sweat down the field soon.,Who knows food on a tray,Due to their toiling day.,What do you know about,“,farming,”,?,wheat,rice,corn,potatoes,peanut,tomatoes,broomcorn,cotton,Agriculture in the past,Agriculture in the modern times,Have you ever been to the countryside?,What did you see or do there?,Are you from a farmers family?What do you know about farming?,ploughing(,犁田,),seeding,(,播种,),fertilizing,(,施肥,),irrigating,(,灌溉,),harvesting,(,收获,),winnowing,(,扬谷,),grow some young plants,insert the young plants into the field,Have you ever grown any plants?If so,what did you do to grow them?If not,what kind of plant would you like to try,growing?How would you grow it?,rice,Read the statistics below.Did you know these facts before?What problem do they show?,What is the main food in all East,Asian and Southeast Asian countries?,Rice.It is said that there are,2.4 billion people to eat rice,every day throughout the,world.,If that happened,people might die of hunger.The whole world would get into trouble.,What do you think would happen if,tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?,Hunger,n.,饥饿,饥渴,;,渴望,vi.,渴望,;,渴求,Do,something,to,help end,hunger,in the,world!,The only way,to solve the food shortage problem is to increase the yield of the grain crop per land area through,the advancement of science and technology.,In the late 1990s,Brown,an,American scholar,came up,with,the theory of Chinese,Menace,(,威胁,),which said that,in the 2030s,Chinese population,will,add up to,1.6 billion,and,had the question who would,feed the large population in,China,as well as,in the world.,Just at that time,a Chinese scientist,declared to the world that China can,solve the problem by himself and help,to solve the same problem in the world.,Yuan Longping,“Father of,Hybrid Rice”,杂交培育的新品种,辣椒,杂交棉,杂交梨,重穗型超高产杂交稻,杂交甜椒,杂交茄子,杂交玉米,Brainstorming,What will you think of when you see the word“farming”?,farming,farmers,field,rice,fertilizer,wheat,cotton,Homework,1.Surf,the Internet to find more,information,about,farming.,2.Preview the reading.,


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