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Unit 7 Section A 1a-1c 阮班玉一、教材分析本课是七年级第七单元第一课时。该本课主题是shopping,单词主要是关于各种衣服以及部分表示数字的词。通过大量反复的对话练习,掌握如何询问价格、谈论衣服。学习方式涉及听说读写各个方面。通过大量的对话以及pairwork等任务型活动,让学生在重复模仿中学会对话,进行简单的分角色表演,在完成任务中完成语言学习任务。语法部分主要是询问价格以及回答。一)教学目标1. 知识目标1)掌握词汇:socks、T-shirt、shorts、sweater、bag、hat、trousers、shoes、jacket、skirt、dollar2)掌握句型:How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollars.How much are these socks? Theyre two dollars.3)语法How much 多少钱2. 能力目标1)熟读衣服名称的词语。2)能听懂衣服名称的词语,并标出来。3)讨论衣服的价格。3. 情感态度与价值观1)学会询问价格并回答。2)培养学生在购物方面对价格的感知。3)让学生感受人民币和美元的用法不同。二)教学重难点1. 教学重点1) 学会衣服名称词语2) 询问价格的句型2. 教学难点1) 初步掌握询问价格的句型和答语。2) 衣服名称词语的单复数。二、学情分析1. 七年级二班学生比较胆小,害羞,上课不敢回答问题。2. 虽然校学习了英语,但几乎为零。3. 数字1-9已在第一单元学过。4. bag, hat, jacket三个衣物词语已学过。二、教学策略一)教法1.直观教学法: 在学习衣物单词时,采用实物图片。2. 创设情境: 在进行询问价格,讨论衣服价格,给学生创设购物的情景。3.任务驱动1)1a: 带着衣服单词去图片中寻找出那幅图片。2)1b: 听听力前设计好问题,带着问题去听。3)1c: 在进行询问价格,讨论衣服价格,给学生创设购物的情景。然后带着扮演角色去对话练习。二)学法1. 自主学习法2. 反复操练和熟读衣物单词。3. Pairwork: 讨论各种衣物、颜色和价格。教学准备制作PPT课件教学过程Step1: Lead in(见PPT)1. watch a song and ask what is about.Clothes.Do you know the names of the clothes? This class we will learn the names of the clothes. Step Two New words1. Show the names of the clothes with pictures or some clothes and ask:1)Whats this?Its a/an .( bag, hat , jacket, sweater, shirt, T-shirt, bag )2)What are these?Theyre .(shorts, trousers, shoes, socks)2. Read these words for many times until they can learn.3. Learn these words by heart.Look at thepictures and say the names of clothes. Let them spell them.Step 3 learn 1a见PPT1. Read the words and know the meaning.2. learn the things in a to j.3. Match the words with the things in the picture.4. Check the answers 5. Read the words again.Step 4 learn 1b(见PPT)1. presentation1) What do we use to buy things? Money.RMB: five yuan(¥5) one yuan(¥1)Dollar:five dollars( $5 ) one dollar( $1 )2)If you want to buy something, how to ask the price ?How much is the T-shirt?Its_dollars.How much are the shoes?Theyre _dollars.3) PractiseGive the pictures and ask the price.A. How much is this_?Its _dallars.B. How much are these_?They are _dallars.2. learn 1b (listening) (见PPT)1)What should we do?2) Listen and circle the things you hear in the picture in 1a.3.Listen again and fill in the blanks. (见PPT)A: How much is the hat?B: The hat is six dollars.A: And _ are the shorts?B: Oh, they are eight dollars.A: And the sweater? How much is the sweater?B: Lets see. The sweater is _.Step 5 Learn 1c Get the students to work in pairs:1)A: How much is this _?B: Its _ dollars.2)A: How much are these _?B: Theyre _ dollars.Step 6 SummaryWhat do we learn ?1. The names of clothes.2. Ask the price.Step 7 Homework1. Learn thenames of clothes.2. practice asking the price.- 3 -


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