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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,第,15课时,Units 34,Book 9,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,自 学 反 馈,类别,课标考点要求,词汇,拓展,1.achieve(名词)_,2.knowledge(形容词)_,_,_,3.listen(名词)_,4.medicine(形容词)_,5.permit(名词)_,形容词)_,7.confident(名词)_,形容词)_,9.sleep(形容词)疲倦的 _,10.importance(形容词)_,achievement,knowledgeable,listener,medical,permission,energet,i,confidence,helpful,sleepy,important,短语,归纳,1.允许某人做某事_,2不睡觉;熬夜_,3集中精力于_,4有机会去做某事_,5志愿去做某事_,6挡道的;妨碍人的_,7一点也不;根本不_,8使失望_,9提出;想出_,10出版;发表_,11严格要求某人_,allow sb to do sth,stay up,concentrate on,have an opportunity to do sth,volunteer to do sth,in the way,notin the slightest/notat all,letdown,come up with,come out,be strict with sb,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,短语,归纳,12事实上_,13.把某人介绍给_,14邀请某人做某事_,15目前,现在_,16很多的,足够的_,17在公共场合,公开地_,18实现某人的梦想_,19宁愿而不愿_,20打扫,清扫_,21考试不及格_,22对认真_,23同意去做某事_,in fact,introduce sb to,invite sb to do sth,at present,plenty of,in public,achieve ones dream,would ratherthan,clean up,fail a test,be serious abou,t,agree to do sth,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,句型,再现,1.“我认为十六岁的孩子不应该被允许驾驶。”“我同意。他们不够严肃。”,I dont think_,_,_.,I agree.They arent _,2那会是一个让老师和学生都高兴的好办法。,That would be a good way _,_,_,3如果你有一百万美元,你将做什么?,What would you do if _?,4如果其他的人都带了礼物怎么办?,What if _?,5我不喜欢做演讲。当我在许多人面前说话的时候我会感到紧张。,I dont like _,_,_I feel nervous _.,sixteen,year,olds should be allowed to drive,serious enough,to keep both teachers and students happy,you had a million dollars,everyone else brings a present,making speeches,talking in front of many people,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,句型,再现,6“我认为学生应该被允许和朋友一起做作业。”,“我不同意。他们只是聊天而不是做作业。”,I think students should _ homework with friends.,I disagree.They talk_homework.,7你也宁愿待在家里读一本好书而不愿去参加聚会。,You would also rather_and read a good book than_to a party.,8如果我是你,我也会和你的朋友谈谈吸烟的危害。,If I_you,Id also_your friend about the dangers of smoking.,be allowed to do,nstead of doing,stay at home,go,were,talk to,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,语法,结构,1.含should的被动语态及其否定句和一般疑问句。,2用should来提出建议。,3虚拟语气。,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,词 汇 点 睛,1 reply v.&n.回答;答复,点拨,reply to 宾语answer 宾语,I asked him but he didnt reply to(answer)me.,我问他了,但他没有答复我,。,重 点 突 破,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,科目一考试 科目一模拟考试 仿真考试 最新试题,科目二考试 学车驾考科目二 技巧 视频 资料,Listening,2 succeed v.成功;达到;完成,点拨,succeed in doing sth意为“成功做成某事”。,If you work hard,you will succeed.,如果你努力干,就能够成功。,He succeeded in getting top marks in chemistry.,他拿到了化学课的最高分。,拓展,successful adj.成功的;successfully adv.成功地;success n.成功。,Failure is the mother of success.,失败是成功之母。,She is a successful businesswoman.,她是一位成功的女实业家。,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,3 get along with 与相处,点拨,表示“与相处(融洽)”可以写成get on/along(well)with。另外,get on/along with 还可表示“取得进展,继续做”。,The child doesnt get along well with others.,这个小孩不合群。,How have you been getting along with your work?,你工作进展如何?,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,中考典例,我们应该学会与别人友好相处。,We should learn to _ _ well with others.,2011永州,get along/on,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,4 rest n.剩余部分;其余;休息 v休息,点拨,(1)作名词,常与定冠词the连用。当“the rest”或“the rest of the 名词”作主语时,谓语动词的数要与the rest表示的名词的数保持一致。,The rest of the water is Kates.,剩下的水是凯特的。,This e-mail is for me,and the rest of the emails are for you.,这封电子邮件是给我的,其他的电子邮件是给你的。,(2)作动词,相当于have a rest。,Youre too tired.You need to rest for a while.,你太累了,需要休息一会儿。,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,5 come out 出版;发表,点拨,come out 还可表示“出来;开花;显示”。,Come out and get some fresh air.,出来呼吸点新鲜空气。,The China roses will come out soon.,月季花很快就要开花了。,When will the dictionary come out?,那本字典什么时候出版?,The photographs didnt come out very well.,相片冲洗得不是很好。,拓展,come over 顺便来访come in 进来,come along 出现;进展come up with 提出;想出,come and go 来来去去come from 来自,come true 实现;达到,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,中考典例,Cao Wenxuans new book has just,_.Lets go and buy one.,2012盐城,come over,come down,come on,come out,D,解析,根据主语“,new book”以及“Lets go and buy one.”,可知是指书刚刚出版了,故选D,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,巧 辩 异 同,offer/provide,(1)offer 意为“提供”,侧重表示“愿意给予”。常用搭,配:offer sb sthoffer sth to sb提供某人某物,offer to do sth 主动提出做某事,The flight attendant offers me hot water and food.,The flight attendant offers hot water and food to me.,空乘人员给我提供热水和食物。,She offers to show us around.,她主动给我们当导游。,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,(2)provide 指为应付意外、紧急情况等做好充分准备而“供给,提供”。provide sb with sthprovide sth for sb 意为“为某人提供某物”。,The school provides food for the students.,The school provides the students with food.,学校为学生们提供伙食。,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,中考典例,The little boy _ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus.,2013莱芜,lent,offered,took,brought,B,解析,offer sb sth=offer sth to sb 意为“提供某人某物”,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,1 Sixteen year olds should be allowed to get their,ears pierced.,16岁的孩子们应该被允许穿耳孔。,句型,(1)should be allowed是含有情态动词的被,动语态结构,意为“应该被允许”,其结构为“情态动,词be动词的过去分词”。,The work should be finished in two days.,这项工作应该在两天内完成。,句 型 透 视,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,(2)get their ears pierced意为“穿耳孔”,为,“have/get sth done”结构,意为“使/让某事(物),被”,尤其要注意:get sb to do sth have sb do,sth,意为“让某人做某事”。,I will have my hair cut tomorrow.,明天我要请人(给我)理发。,My mother got me to take out the trash.,我妈妈让我倒垃圾。,第,15讲,Units 34,Book 9,2 We have a lot of rules at my house.在我家里,我们有许多规章制度。,So do we.我们也是。,句型,“So do we.”是倒装句,其结构“sobe动,词/助动词/情态动词主语”意为“也一样”,表示,后句所


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