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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Language pointschen,Words and expressions,P33,急救,进行急救,生病,受伤,P34-36,阻止,做,触感,正如你能想象的那样,first aid,perform / carry out first aid (on,),fall ill,get injured,prevent,(from) doing.,sense of touch,as you can imagine,取决于,一、两天之内,触电,粘着,挤出,反复,在适当的位置,如果可能的话,depend on,within a day or two,electric shock,stick to,squeeze out,over and over again,in place,if possible,撞翻,P38,赠送某人某物,切断,许多,找到,知识,起重要作用,knock over,present sb with sth,cut off,a number of,put ones hands on,a knowledge of,make a difference,1. fall + adj.,睡着了,_,清醒了,_,安静下来,_,His wife suddenly _ _ last week.,他妻子突然生病了。,She has _ _ for a week.,她已经病了一个星期。,fall asleep,fall awake,fall silent,fell ill,been ill,2. injure v.,_ n. _ adj.,injury,to,sth. ,(部位)的伤,他干活时腿受了重伤。,(injury),He got_ at work.,他在意外事故中受了伤。,(injure),He _ in the accident.,injuries to the legs,got injured,injury,injured,(1)He got _ in the fighting.,(2)He was badly _ in a car accident.,(3)Her words _ me deeply.,(4)I _ my back when I fell.,(5)My feet _,.,wounded,injured,hurt,hurt,hurt,3. bleed v.,_ n. _ adj.,他在流鼻血。,(6)His nose _. (bleed),(7)= He was _ . (bleed),(8)= He has a _ nose.,为,而流血,悲痛,_,出血过多而死,_,blood,bloody,was bleeding,bleeding at the nose,bloody,bleed for,bleed to death,4. aid,n.,经济援助,_,助听器,_,短语:在某人的帮助下,_,为了帮助, _,v.,帮助某人去做,. _,在,事帮助某人,_,_.,我助她继续做研究。,_.,他在事业上帮助我。,economic aid,a hearing aid,with the aid of,in aid of,aid sb to do,aid sb in/with ,I aided her to continue her study.,He aided me in business/with money,5. sense (n. & v.),触觉,sense of touch,听觉,_,味觉,_,嗅觉,_,视觉,_,幽默感,_,责任感,_,方向感,_,有道理,讲得通,_,在某种意义上,_,sense of hearing,sense of taste,sense of smell,sense of sight,sense of humour,sense of duty,sense of direction,make sense,in a sense,sense (v.),感觉到,Although she didnt say anything,_.,(,我感觉到她不喜欢这个主意,),I sensed that she didnt like the idea,6. in place,在适当的地方,在原来的地方,反义:,_,(9)_.,(,你最好把东西放回原处,),发生,_,取代、代替,_,out of place,Youd better put things back in place.,take place,take the place of,7. unless,除非 相当于,ifnot,Dont make it public, _.,(,除非我同意,),We wont go outing, if the weather isnt fine.,- We wont go outing, _ the weather _ fine.,unless I agree,unless,is,8. dress v.,敷裹,包扎,包扎伤口,_,使,穿衣服,_,_.,这小孩能自己穿衣服。,穿着, _,_.,我将穿件红大衣。,短语:盛装打扮,_,dress the injury/ wound,dress sb/ oneself,(10)The child can dress himself,be dressed in ,Ill be dressed in a red coat,dress up,9. present,老师赠送了一只钢笔给他。,_,The teacher presented him with a pen.,The,teacher presented a pen to him,present n. _,present adj. _,All leaders _ at the meeting. (,出席,),礼物,在场的,出席的,are present,10.,产生差别,起重要,_,短语中的,a,可根据情况,改用其他词:,make a (_, _, _, _, _) difference,(一些,没有,任何,不太大的,很大的),(11)_,你的选择事关重大。,(12)It makes no difference to me whether you come or not. _,make a difference,some no any,little much,Your choice makes a difference.,对我来说,你来不来都无所谓,11. get + p.p,相当于,be + p.p,受伤,_,被烧,_,被困,_,get + p.p,强调动作,be + p.p,强调状态,get injured,get burned,get trapped,(13),_,你不能永远依赖你的父母。,The amount you pay _.,取决于你住在哪,(14)That (all) depends. / It all depends. _,You cant depend on your parents forever,depends on where you live,那得视情况而定,14. recognize “,认出”, “,表彰”,他一出车站我就认出他。,_,学校发给,Tom,奖品来表彰他出色的学习。,_ by giving him a prize.,(15),I recognized him immediately he came out of the station.,The school recognized Toms outstanding work,不可数,a great deal of,a little,much,15.,可数,a number of,a few,many,a lot of,plenty of,a large quantity of,16.,强调句型:,就是昨天他从楼梯上摔下来。,It is / was +,被强调部分,+ that / who +,剩余部分,It was yesterday that he fell off the stairs.,17.,几个常用句型,毫无疑问,_,怪不得、难怪,_,没必要,_,There is no doubt that,(It is) no wonder,There is no need for sb to do,


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