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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,Unit 1 Friends,Reading II,Looks(外貌):,Betty,My friend Betty is s_ and has s_ hair.,lim,hort,Fill in the blanks according to the text.,Personality(个性):,Betty,She is _(大方的)and is _(乐意的)to share things with her friends.She is also very helpful.She is _(乐意的;准备好的)to help people any time.,generous,willing,ready,Dream,Betty,Betty has _ _ _ (一副好嗓子).She hopes to be a _(歌手)when she _ _(长大).,singer,grows up,a good voice,Retelling(复述),Betty friends.She is and has,She is generous.She is with her friends.She is also and any time.She helps and she always.on the bus to,She has.She wants when she grows up.,1.one of+,the,+,形容词最高级+可数名词复数,Mrs Ju是我校年龄最大的教师之一。,Mrs Ju is,_ _ _ _ _,in our school.,2.be generous to sb.,be generous to do sth.,Betty对朋友很慷慨.他慷慨的捐出了他大部分钱。,Betty is,_ _,her friends。,He,_,one of the oldest teachers,generous to,Is generous to donate most of his money,Language points:,3.be ready to do.=be willing to do sth.乐意干某事,be/get ready to do sth.准备好干某事,be/get ready for sth.为做好准备,她任何时候都乐意帮助别人。,She_ _ _help_at_ _.,现在一切准备就绪。,Everything_ _now.,我们已准备出发。,We_ _ _start.,妈妈为新年准备好了一切。,Mum_.,is ready/willing to,others,any time,is ready,are ready to,got,everything ready for New Year.,Recite again:,Betty is 我最好的朋友之一.She 苗条留着短发.,Betty 大方.She乐意和朋友分享东西.She也乐于助人and在任何时候愿意帮助人们.She帮我作业and总是在公共汽车上让座位给需要的人。,Betty有副好嗓子.She长大想当歌手。,Max,Looks(外貌):,He is _ _ _(最高的男孩)in our class-_(几乎)1.75 metres.He wears small _(圆的)glasses.The glasses make him _ _(看起来帅).,the tallest boy,almost,round,look,smart,Max,Looks(外貌):,His legs are very l_.they _ _(藏不下)well under the desk.He often _(撞)our books and pens onto the floor.,ong,dont fit,knocks,Max,Personality :,Max has a good _(观 念)of _(幽默).He _ _ _(讲滑稽的笑话)and always _ _ _(逗我大笑).I never _ _(感到无聊)with him.,sense,humour,tell,s,funny jokes,make,s,me laugh,feel,bored,My best .He is.-almost 1.75 metres.He glasses.They make ,He has humour.He tells.and always.I never,His legs They under his desks.When he,he often our books and pens.,Max is,Retell the article about Max:,Notes:,4.bore-boring“令人厌倦的”-bored“感到厌倦”,This film is_.I dont want to see it any more.,I dont like playing computer games.Its_.,I felt_ at the_ job.,surprise-surprising-surprised,amaze-amazing-amazed,interest-interesting-interested,excite-exciting-excited,boring,boring,bored,boring,Notes:,5.,almost 差不多,几乎(和副词,形容词,动词,,名词,不定代词连用),他们几乎总是犯同样的错。,They_ _ _the same mistake.,他差不多有6英尺高。,He_ _6 feet_./He_ _6 feet_ _.,几乎没有人相信他。,_ _ _ him.,almost always make,is almost tall,is almost in height(高度),Almost nobody believes,6.humour humorous,1.吴先生很幽默。,Mr Wu_,Mr.wu _,2.那个幽默的男孩经常给我们讲滑稽的笑话。,The boy _ often tells,_.,has a good sense of humour,is humorous,with a good sense of humour,funny jokes,7.make,做蛋糕很容易。,Making a cake is easy,2.-What are they doing?,-They_(,用木头制作鸟),3.Th monitor made faces _,(,使同学们大笑起来),4.The heavy rain _,(,使参观者们停留在博物馆里),are making birds out of wood,to make the classmates laugh,made the visitor stay in the museum.,make sb.do,make sb.+adj.,makeout of,8.When he walks past our desks,he often,knocks,our books and pens,onto,the floor.,knock our books onto the floor 把我们的书撞落到地板上,*,knock at/on the door(the window),敲门(窗),e.g.Who is,knocking at,the door?,我最好的朋友是Max.He是我们班最高的男孩-将近1.75米.He戴着小小的圆眼睛.使他看起来很帅气.,Max很有幽默感.He讲滑稽的笑话and总是逗我们笑.I和他在一起从不感到无聊。,Maxs legs are very long.它们在桌子底下伸不开。当他从我们的课桌走过,经常把我们的书和笔撞到地上.,Max is so ineresting!,May,Looks(外貌):,My best friend is May.She is _(更矮)than I am.She is a _(漂亮的)and _(惹人喜欢的)girl with big,bright eyes and _(笔直的)hair.,shorter,pretty,sweet,straight,She is a _(忠实的)friend.When something _ _(困扰我),I can always go to her.I can tell her _(任何事情)because she can _ _ _(保守秘密).She is kind and never _ _ _ _ _ _(说任何人的坏话).,Personality :,says a bad word,true,worries me,anything,keep a,secret,about anyone,Retell the article about May,May is She is.She has.and.Everyone thinks,May is.She.and never.,May is.When something,I can.I can.Because she,8.,worry,sb,使某人烦恼,担忧-vt,worry about sb,.担心担忧某人-vi,1.叫他们别担心,worried adj.be worried about,tell them not to worry,你不必担心他的学习,You dont worry about his study,.,3.,父母担心他,因为他很令老师头疼。,His parents worry about him because he worries the teacher.,4.,没什么可担心的。,There is_,nothing to worry about,9.true,adj,.,真的,(符合事实的),真诚的,real,adj,.,真的,(天然的不是人造的,真实存在的不是虚构的),Harry porter is not a _ person.,This gold ring is a _one.,This book is about the _ history of England.,Your answer is _.,real,real,true,true,May is my best friend.She比我矮.她有着大而明亮的眼睛.人人觉得她很漂亮.,May 惹人喜爱.She常笑and从不说任何人的坏话.,May是个真诚的朋友.当有事困扰我时,我总会去她那儿.我会告诉她任何事因为她会保守秘密.,Exercise Time,The film isnt interesting at all,so I feel _.,“Dont do that!”said the teacher in an angry v_.,_(,几乎,)all the boys like playing football.,The man is always _(,乐意,)to share things with his friends.,Zhao,Benshan,has a good s_ of h_ and he is good at telling j_.,The little girl thought and _(,挑选,)a lovely teddy bear.,bored,oice,Almost,willing/ready,ense,umour,okes,chose,Jim is a _(,慷慨的,)person,,,he is willing to share his things with others.,Some students h


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