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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4,He said I was hard-working,.,Section A,白城市民生中学 黄冬,Direct speech and reported speech,直接引语和间接引语,I,can,speak English.”,The nurse said,she,would,take care of,meus,.,The nurse said, “,I,will,take care of,you,.”,The boy said,he,could,speak English.,The boy said, “,We,are,swimming.,They said ,I,can,fly in the sky.,She said ,I,am,going to be a soldier.,Jim said ,.,she could fly in the sky.,he was going to be a soldier.,they were swimming.,I am hard-working.,I look beautiful.,She said _-,It said _,she looked beautiful.,it was hard-working.,He told the baby _going to give _some milk!,he was,him,I am going to give you some milk!,a boy,He said _give these flowers to _mother,!,he could,his,I can give these flowers to my mother!,一、根据意思改变人称:,He said, “I go to the beach every Saturday.”,He said he went to the beach every Saturday.,二、如果主句的谓语动词为,said,或,told,时,从句的时态要变成过去的某种时态。,1. She said, “I am good at English.”,She said she was good at English.,2. He said, “I am doing my homework.”,He said he was doing his homework.,3. He told me, “I will call you tomorrow.”,He told me he would call me tomorrow.,一般现在时 一般过去时,现在进行时过去进行时,一般将来时过去将来时,直接引语如何变成间接引语:,1. My teacher said, “the moon moves around the earth.”,My teacher said that the moon moves around the earth.,2. His mother said to me, “He is a good boy.”,His mother told me he is a good boy.,(,他现在仍然是一个好孩子。),时态不变:,1.,真理,2.,事实,1. What is a,soap opera,?,肥皂剧有一个很形象的名字,叫,soap opera,它是指“以家庭问题为题材的广播或电视连续剧”,主要以家庭妇女为主要观众,以家庭日用品商家为赞助商,以普通家庭生活环境为舞台,有些人以为,soap opera,这个名字是因为这类连续剧非常休闲并且冗长,为了节省时间,人们可以边洗泡沫浴边看连续剧而来的。但事实上,最早的肥皂剧指本世纪,30,年代美国无线电广播中播放的一种长篇广播连续剧,由于当时的赞助商主要是日用清洁剂厂商,期间插播的广告也主要是肥皂广告,“肥皂剧”之名便由此诞生。 肥皂剧一般有日间肥皂剧和晚间肥皂剧之分。日间肥皂剧以,18-49,岁的家庭主妇为受众,每周白天固定播,5,集。每一集中都是几条叙事线路并存,在一周中由一个悬念引向一个动人的高潮,在星期五以至少一个情节线中的危机点收尾。如果一个困境解决了,那么另一个困境必须制造出来。”晚间肥皂剧则在晚间黄金时段以每周一集的频率播出,在结构上与日间相似。但到了,80,年代末,晚间肥皂剧已渐渐退出了历史的舞台。,“肥皂剧”之名的由来,2. Do you ever watch soap operas?,3. What are some soap operas you know?,4. What are some things that happen on soap operas?,Young Lives,Marcia,Lana,Ben,laivz,She said, “,I,m,having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.”,What did Marcia say?,She said,she,was,having,a surprise party,for Lana on Friday night.,意外的,She said, “ Lana,thinks,she,s,coming to,my,house to study.”,She said Lana,thought,she,was,coming to,her,house to study.,Im mad,at Marcia,.,Lana,Lana said she,was mad,(,生气,),at,Marcia.,be mad at sb.,=,be angry with sb.,生某人的气,Im not going to her house on Friday night,.,Lana said she was not going to Marcias house on Friday night.,Gina,Bob,1a,3,4,2,Change into reported speech,He said, “I live in Xiamen.”,He said (,that),he,lived,in Xiamen.,She said,she was,interested in physics.,He,told,me,he would,learn English well.,2. She said, “Im interested in physics.”,3. He said to me, “I will learn English well.”,4. He said to his mother, “I will fly to Beijing tomorrow.”,He,told,his mother,he would,fly to Beijing,the next day,.,Miss Yu said,that she found,English interesting.,Linda said,she was,helping Tom with his lessons.,5.Miss Yu said, “I find English interesting.”,6. Linda said, “Im helping Tom with his lessons.”,Grammar Focus,Direct speech,Reported speech,I,am,mad at Marcia.,I,am having,a party for Lana.,I,go,to the beach every Saturday.,I,will,call you tomorrow.,tomorrow the next day.,I,can,speak three languages.,直接引语,间接引语,A: I like English.,B: A said he/she liked English. But I like math.,C: B said he/she liked math. I like music.,D: C said he/she liked music. I like art.,E: D said he/she liked.,A: I like English, and I,can,speak English very well.,B: A said she liked English, and she,could,speak,English well.,Game time!,把下列句子转换成,She said.,1,I am a clever girl.,2,I am having lunch at school.,3. I go to school every day.,4,I will go to Beijing with my father.,5,I play football every Sunday afternoon.,6,I can dance well.,7,I am going to do some shopping with my mother.,8,I dont like my younger brother.,9,I cant swim well.,10,I will have a birthday party tomorrow.,做纸条,Thank you !,


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