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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 3 A taste of English humour,Writing:,H,umorous story,-故事类作文,如何写电子邮件,记叙一件事来表现生活中的幽默,并说明其产生的作用,属,夹叙夹议,。写作时应以,记叙为主,要表达方式,用,议论点明文章主题,,即说明你认为幽默在生活中的作用或对你产生的影响。在结构安排上要注意详略得当,重点应放在对事件的叙述上。,故事类作文,注意:,意,要把握住记叙文的六个要素,即时间,(when),,地点,(where),,人物,(who),,事件,(what),,原因,(why),和过程,(how),。把握好这六个要素,写故事性记叙文就成功了一半。,交代故事发生的时间、地点、人物,重点写明事件的原因及发展过程,写出结果或影响,尽量点明主题,故事类作文,增分佳句,常用句,式,:,(1).is very important in our lives,and we can never have enough of,it.,.在我们的生活中非常重要,我们永远都不嫌多.,(2)Without.,life would be very boring.,没有,,生活将会很无聊.,(3)Many students like,.because of her.teaching methods.,许多学生喜欢,因为她,教学方法。,(4).not only makes us feel happy,it also helps us,communicate more easily.,.,.不仅让我们感到快乐,也帮助我们更容易沟通。,(5)I believe that.is one of the best ways to make life,enjoyable.,我认为,是使生活愉快的最好方法之一。,范文赏析,幽默是生活中的一种智慧,在人们生活中发挥着独特的作用。你是否留意过你身边的幽默?请写一篇短文记叙生活中的幽默故事。,词数:,100,左右。,Without,humour,life would be very boring.,My grandfather is an interesting old man,who,always brings us laughter,.He has grey and thin hair,but he always tells me,that,he is proud of it,which,puzzles me a lot.,One day,when,I saw Grandfather reading the newspaper,I noticed his grey hair was in a mess.,When,I tried to comb it,he turned to me and asked,whether,I liked his hair,or not,.,When,I was thinking of how to reply,he said,Dont you think my hair looks like Einsteins?Then I,burst into laughter,.I finally knew why Grandfather,was proud of,his hair.,Whenever,I meet difficulties,I always think of grandfathers humour,which,encouraged me to enjoy,life all the time.,作文练习,假设你是红星中学的学生李华,请按照以下四幅图的先后顺序,用英文写一篇周记,记述上周六你和父母一起参加奥林匹克森林公园健步走活动的过程。,注意:周记的开头已给出。,Dear Jack,Last Saturday,I went to the Olympic Forest Park with my parents to take part in an activity called,“,I Walk,and I,m Fit,”,(,1,)确定,(,2,)罗列,(,3,)罗列,(,4,)连词成句,(,5,)复查,写英语作文的五个步骤,文体,主要时态,人称,关键词,(,要点不能丢,),主要句型及加分句型结构,(使用恰当的过渡词),(,拼写,语法错误,做到蠢错不犯),文体:,主要人称:,主要时态:,故事类记叙文,第一人称,一般过去时,以,时间为主线,,按时间顺序,分别描述每幅图的要点和细节,注意衔接与过渡。,图一:,报名参加,细节包括报名处参加者众多,这项活动很流行;,图二:,热身准备,细节是在起点做热身准备及精神状态;,图三:,行走途中,细节是有人走得快;,图四:,庆祝胜利,细节是5公里的路程,途中感受。,1participate in/take part in,参加,2meaningful/significant,有意义的,3registration place,报名处,4sign ones name,签名,5cant wait to do sth.,迫不及待做某事,6signal/sign,信号,7leave behind,落后,8pay off,得到回报,9regularly/termly/statedly,定期地,10as much as possible,尽可能多地,1,我们参加的活动很有意义,给我许多鼓舞。(which引导定语从句),2,我们一到报名处就马上签名。,(had just done.when),Sentences,The activity we participated in was meaningful,which gave me a great deal of inspiration.,We had just arrived at the registration place when we signed our names immediately.,3,.看到许多人做热身活动,我们迫不及待地想马上加入到其中。(when引导时间状语从句,),4信号发出,我们沿着绕公园的行走路线行走。(which引导定语从句),Sentences,When we play table tennis,,,we should judge the diredtion of the ball,and hit it back with great strength.,A signal was given off and we went along the walking route,which ran around the park.,5好像没有人想落后。(It seemed that.),6想到那,我禁不住比原来更快了。(用doing作状语),7一个多小时后,我们的努力得到了回报。(主谓结构),Sentences,It seemed that no one wanted to be left behind.,Thinking of that,I couldnt help walking faster than ever.,More than one hour later,our effort paid off.,8那时我意识到像这样定期地参加活动是我们保持身体健康的一种好的方式。(that引导宾语从句),Sentences,I realized that taking part in activities like this regularly is a good way for us to keep fit.,升级句式:,Only then did I realize that taking part in activities like this regularly is a good way for us to keep fit.,9将来我想尽可能多地参加此类活动。,(I,d like to do.),Sentences,Id like to participate in such activities as much as possible in the future.,Last Saturday,I went to the Olympic Forest Park with my parents to take part in an activity called“I Walk,and Im Fit”.,The activity we participated in was meaningful,which gave me a great deal of inspiration.,Early in the morning,we had just arrived at the registration place when we signed our names immediately,.Seeing the sea of people doing warmup exercise,we couldnt wait to join them.,Soon afterwards,a signal was given off and we went along the walking route,which ran around the park.It seemed that no one wanted to be left behind.Thinking of that,I couldnt help walking faster than ever.,More than one hour later,our effort paid off.We won first prize.How delighted we were!,Only then did I realize that taking part in activities like this regularly is a good way for us to keep fit.Id like to participate in such activities as much as possible in the future.,Goodbye!,


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