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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,传统与现代:,跨越世纪的两座丰碑,专题一,T,.,S,.,Eliot,receiving the Nobel Prize for literature,Dec,ember,1948,.,设计,:,俊,T.S.,艾略特,第,3,课,T,.,S,.,Eliot,receiving the Nobel Prize for literature,Dec,ember,1948,.,Thomas Stearns Eliot,心中有数,1888,.,9,.,26,.,1948,.(,50,),1965,.,1,.,4,.(,76,),2,.,文学散步,英国,,,伦敦,,,西敏寺,哈佛大学,美国,,,密苏里州,,,圣路易斯,毕业学校,:哈佛,巴黎,牛津,.,主修科目,:哲学,印度哲学,.,语言能力,:英文,法文,德文,,拉丁文,希腊文,梵文,.,最得意,:,荒原,的发表,.,最动人,:照顾患精神病的妻子,海渥特,.,他的贵人,:,庞德,.,名人,档案,现代主义,与,后现代主义,现实主义:,到有,太阳,的地方去!,现代主义与后现代主义:,发现,太阳,只是一堆碎片!,*重新整合太阳,嘲笑自己,急虑不安,现代主义,*习惯破碎的太阳,嘲笑一切,让绝望滚蛋,后现代主义,*,直接呈现所观察到的事物,不作任何解释,.,*,用简洁,明晰的语言创造出鲜明,含蓄的意象,.,*,一连串意象的直接并置,.,*,白描的语言,.,*,意象派的创始人,:,庞德,Ezra Pound,In a Station of the Metro,The apparition of these faces in the crowd;,Petal on a wet,black bough.,意象派诗歌,*,冷峻的意象,*,迂回的隐喻,*,丰富的典故,*,写物质文明给现代人造成的孤独感和失望情绪,*,客观对应物,*,新批评,New Critics,*,意象派,Imagism,艾略特的诗,They are rattling breakfast plates in basement kitchens,And along the trampled edges of the street,I am aware of the damp souls of house maids,Sprouting despondently at area gates.,The brown waves of fog toss up to me,Twisted faces from the bottom of the street,And tear from a passer,-by with muddy skirts,An aimless smile that hovers in the air,And vanishes along the level of the roofs.,诗,行,片,段,Morning at the Window,The,charm,of Eliots poetry ties not only in the images but also in the mellow cadence he has created.One only has to read aloud“,Ash Wednesday,”or“,The Hollow Men,”to appreciate that special charm.,“,The Waste Land,”and“,The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock,”and two main poems in his canon.The latter was written earlier,but for a better understanding of Eliots vision and style,we begin with“,The Waste Land,”.,Eliots,poems,创作,分期,普鲁弗洛克的情歌,The Love Song of Alfred Prufrock,一位夫人的画像,Portrait of a Lady,窗前晨景,Morning at the Window,第一时期,:,1915-22(27-34),通往荒原的历程,.,创作,分期,荒原,The Waste Land,空心人,The Hollow Men,第,二,时期,:,1922-25(34-37),打开,荒原,之门,.,创作,分期,圣灰星期三,Ash Wednesday,四个四重奏,Four Quartets,第,三,时期,:,1930(42),转向宗教的怀抱,.,A journey to the Waste Land,Prologue,“Nam,Sibyllam,quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis vidi in ampulla pendere,et cum illi pueri dicerent:,;respondebat illa:,.”,For Ezra Pound,il miglior fabbro,April is the,cruelest,month,breeding,Lilacs out of the,dead land,mixing,Memory and desire,stirring,Dull,roots with spring rain.,Winter kept us warm,covering,Earth in forgetful snow,feeding,A little life with dried tubers.,(,P.161:,ll.,1,-,7,),I.The Burial of the Dead,Unreal City,Under the,brown fog,of a winter dawn,A crowd flowed over,London Bridge,so many,I had not thought death had,undone,so many,Sighs,short and infrequent,were exhaled,And each man fixed his eyes before his feet.,(,P.159:,ll.,60,-,65,),I.The Burial of the Dead,Shall I at least set my lands in order?,London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down,Poi sascose nei foco che gli affina,Quando fiam ceu chelidon,O swallow swallow,Le Prince dAqitaine a la tour abolie,V.What the Thunder Said,(,P.165:,ll.,425,-,30,),This section introduces the worsening problems of the waste land,indicating the extent of the questers failures.,I.The Burial of the Dead,The general theme is sex without love,especially within marriage.,II.A Game of Chess,It depicts,among other things,the horror of loveless sex outside marriage.,III.The Fire Sermon,Death of sailors who are supposed to spread the rites of fertility in the world is not only a painful irony but an indication that hope for salvation is further deferred.,IV.Death by Water,Death of sailors who are supposed to spread the rites of fertility in the world is not only a painful irony but an indication that hope for salvation is further deferred.,IV.Death by Water,After the,torchlight,red on,sweaty,faces,After the,frosty,silence in the gardens,After the agony in,stony,places,The shouting and the crying,Prison and place and reverberation,Of thunder of spring over distant mountains,He who was living is now dead,We who were living are now dying,With a little patience,V.What the Thunder Said,(,P.162:,ll.,322,-,30,),What is that sound high in the air,Murmur of,maternal lamentation,Who are those hooded hordes swarming,Over endless,plains,stumbling in cracked earth,Ringed by the flat horizon only,What is the city over the mountains,Cracks and reforms and bursts in the violet air,Falling towers,Jerusalem,Athens,Alexandria,Vienna,London,Unreal,(,P.163:,ll.,366,-,76,),荒原,难懂,(1),运用,蒙太奇,的剪接手法和,拼贴,技法,.,(2),丰富且复杂的,象征,.,(,引经据典,旁征博引,),(3),跨越,时空,界限,古今熔为一炉,.,(,意象或跳跃或重叠,场面衔接突兀,),(4),意象新奇怪诞,语言,复杂多变,.,(,口语,土语,书面语,古语,外国语,),通 识 拓 展,时代之交:神对人的,让位,文艺复兴 宗教改革 万物灵长,.,(,人性的高扬,),地理大发现 万有引力 光荣革命,.,(,牛顿定下自然秩序,),革命 革命 革命,.,(,资产阶级定下社会秩序,),民族意识 列国群起 美国因素 社会主义,.,(,神权的陷落,),通识拓展,超世代之交:让智人也困顿的,时空理论,黑体辐射,能量子,光子 波粒二象性,.,(,量子力学,),光速不变原理 质能,等价,E,=,mc,2,.,(,狭义相对论,),时空,坐标,时间弯曲 空间扭曲,.,(,广义相对论,),宇宙膨胀 黑洞预言,人择原理,.,(,爱因斯坦的困惑,),通识拓展,艾略特的诗歌虽然难懂,但是苦涩有时也,是一种美,尝试进入大师的文字王国吧,向你介绍以下诗篇:,1,.,,艾略特,.,郑克鲁译,.,2,.,,艾略特,.,裘小龙译,.,3,.,,艾略特,.,裘小龙译,.,俊推荐,


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