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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Unit 2,The environment,.,单词盘点,核心速记,1. _ (,n. & vi.,),辩论;争论,讨论,2. _ (,vt. & vi.,),回收利用,3. _(,n.,),赞扬,称赞,认可;信用,信誉;学分,4. _ (,n.,),数量,5. _(,vt. & n.,),逮捕,6. _ (,vi. &n.,),冲突,抵触,矛盾,debate,recycle,credit,quantity,arrest,conflict,7. _ (,vt. & vi.,),减少,(,n.,),减少,8. _ (,n.,),措施,方法;尺度,;,(,vt.,),测量;估量,判定,9. _(,n.,),范围;一系列;山脉,(,vi.,) (,在一定范围内,),变化;包括,;,排列,排序,10. _ (,n.,) (,对自然环境的,),保护,11. _ (,adj.,),专指的,特指的;特别的;讲究的;挑,剔的,12. _ (,n.,),十年,decrease,measure,range,conservation,particular,decade,联想串记,13. _ (,n.,),顾问,_(,v.,),查阅;请教;商议,14. _ (,n.,),产量;生产,_ (,v.,),生产,创作,(,n.,),农产品,_ (,n.,),产品,产物,_ (,adj.,),多产的;富有成效的,15. _ (,n.,),责任,职责,_ (,adj.,),负责的,可靠的;有责任的,16. _ (,n.,),看法,;,信念,_ (,v.,),相信,信任,17. _ (,vt. & vi.,),经营;动手术,_ (,n.,),操作;经营;手术,_ (,n.,),操作员;话务员,consultant,consult,production,produce,product,productive,responsibility,responsible,belief,believe,operate,operation,operator,18._(,vt.,),使印象深刻,_(,n.,),印象,_(,adj.,),给人深刻印象的,感人的,19. _ (,adj.,),违法的,非法的,_ (,adv.,),违法地,非,法地,20. _(,vt.,),欣赏,赞赏;感谢;领会,_,(,n.,),欣赏;鉴别;感激,21. _ (,vt.,),消耗,耗费;消费,_ (,n.,),消费,者,用户,顾客,22. _ (,vt.,),吸收;理解;使全神贯注,_ (,adj.,),全,神贯注的;一心一意的;被吸收的,impress,impression,impressive,illegal,illegally,appreciate,appreciation,consume,consumer,absorb,absorbed,.,短语互译,1.,自由发言,_,2.,减少,削减,缩减,_,3.,四处打听,_,4.,用尽,_,5.,用完,耗尽,_,open the floor,cut back on,ask around,use up,run out (of),6.,打扫,(,或清除,),干净,_,7.,挖出,挖掘,_,8.,对,造成破坏,_,9.,捡起,收拾,_,10. queue up _,clean up,dig up,cause/do damage to,pick up,排队等候,11. pick out _,12. put. . . in danger _,13. under way _,14. in/with regard to _,15. blame. . . on. . . _,找出,挑选,把,置于危险的境地,进行中,关于,至于,把,归咎于,16. let off _,17. in particular _,18. do ones part _,19. a sense of satisfaction _,20. raise concern _,排放,尤其,特别,尽自己的职责,满足感,引起关注,.,句型透视,1. “,介词短语”位于句首引导的完全倒装句,_(,和我在一起的是,)Ms Lin Shuiqing, from the Green Society, and Mr Qian Liwei, a business development consultant.,2. way+,定语从句,First I am talking to you today about _,_(,世界上许多地区被化学废弃物破坏的方式,).,With me are,the way vast areas of the,world are damaged by chemical waste,3.,现在分词充当结果状语,Other types of waste flow into our water, _,_(,使河流和海洋生命丧生,).,4.,表示倍数的句式,The worlds population has grown by _,_ (1800,年的六倍,).,killing river and sea,six times what it was in,1800,life,5. that,引导的同位语从句,People often _(,有这样的信念,) development is bad for the environment, but this does not have to be true.,6. Ones aim is to do,某人的目标是做,_(,我的人生目标是,)save the environment for future generations.,have this belief that,My aim in life is to,7. What if. . . ?,如果,将会怎么样?,_(,如果他们用完空间会怎样,),?,8. nor,引导的部分倒装句,This is not good news for the people who rely on the Yangtze River for water. _(,对,来说也不是好消息,) the wide range of fish and wildlife that live in or along the river.,9. There is no doubt that. . .,毫无疑问,_(,毫无疑问,)the world climate has been changing in recent years.,What if they run out of space,Nor is it good news for,There is no doubt that,.,用所给词或短语的适当形式填空,consultant, cut back on, recycled, responsibility, quantity,illegal, queue up, appreciate, consume, absorb,1. The electricity the households _ is increasing year by year.,2. A large _ of waste gases is sent into the air when we are driving.,consume,quantity,3. As a career _, he offered the fresh graduates a lot of useful and practical advice on their future career choices.,4. The food prices are going up, so we will _ the use of some expensive vegetables.,5. It is forbidden to sell guns anywhere _.,6. The higher position you are holding, the more _ you have.,consultant,cut back on,illegally,responsibility,7. They have recently made a new kind of toys out of the _ materials.,8. We _ in front of the shop, eager to get the latest iPhone 5.,9. Not everyones talent can be _ by others.,10. To _ the knowledge taught by the teacher, we must have a better understanding of what is being taught then.,recycled,queued up,appreciated,absorb,.,完成句子,1. The Internet has changed _,_.,互联网改变了人们互相交流的方式。,2. The new computer will work more efficiently, _,_.,这台新电脑将会更高效地工作,从而使我们节约更多的时间。,3. _ the latest smartphones appeal to the teenagers.,显而易见,青少年对最新的智能手机感兴趣。,the way (in which/that) people,communicate with each other,thus enabling,us to save more time,It is clear that,4. _ a teacher for many years, he knows how to deal with the conflicts among the children.,由于已经做过多年的教师工作,他懂得如何处理孩子们之间的冲突。,5. _ more home care nurses will be in great demand for the growing ageing population.,无可争议的是将会需要越来越多的家庭护理人员来适应不断增长的老龄化人口。,Having worked as,There is no debating that,6. _ we run out of all the natural resources on the Earth in the future?,如果我们将来用光了地球上所有的自然资源怎么办呢?,7. We _ the business can keep developing without doing much damage to the environment.,我们相信商业可以在不破坏环境的情况下继续发展。,What if,are confident that,8. _ if we had nothing left for our future generations.,如果我们不能为我们的后代留下什么东西的话,那将是一件耻辱的事。,9. The government _ the population from increasing fast.,政府正在采取多项措施来防止人口快速增长。,It would be a shame,is taking many steps/measures to stop,10. Everyone should _ to protect the environment we are living in.,每个人都应尽自己的职责来保护我们所生活的环境。,do his/her part,核,心,考,点,impress,3,年,1,考,range,3,年,1,考,particular,3,年,3,考,run out (of),3,年,2,考,1. responsibility,n.,责任,职责,(1)sense of responsibility,责任感,责任心,bear/take responsibility for,对,负责,(2)responsible,adj.,负责任的,有责任的,be responsible for,对,负责,It is essential to develop the childrens,sense of,responsibility,at school.,在校,(,期间,),,培养孩子们的责任感是极其重要的。,The old couple would have to _ _ _ _ raising the three children.,这对老夫妇不得不承担起抚养三个孩子的责任。,No driver claimed _ _ _ _ the severe traffic accident.,没有司机声称对这起严重的交通事故负责。,take/bear,the,responsibility,for,to,be,responsible,for,2. belief,n.,看法,;,信念,Hard as life is, he,has belief in,his future.,尽管生活艰辛,他对未来依然充满信心。,He came to us,in the belief that,we could help him out of the trouble.,他来到我们这里,相信我们能帮助他摆脱困境。,Many teachers,hold a belief that,extended studying time doesnt necessarily improve their students grades.,许多老师相信,延长学习时间不一定能提高学生的成绩。,A TV set used to be something that was quite,beyond belief,.,电视机过去曾是难以置信的东西。,【,归纳,】,写出下列短语的含义,have belief in _,have/hold a belief that. . . _,in the belief that. . . _,beyond belief _,对,有信心,相信,,有,的信念,相信,难以置信的,3. impress,vt.,使印象深刻,压印,盖印;使铭记,使牢记,vi.,给人留下印象,使人注意,(1)be impressed by/with,被,打动;,对,有深刻印象,impress sth. on ones mind/memory,把某事铭记在心,impress sth. on/upon sb. /impress on/upon sb. sth.,使某人铭记某事,What impressed sb. most is/was. . .,令某人印象最深刻的是,(2)impression,n.,印象,make/leave a deep impression on sb. /ones memory,给某人留下深刻的印象,the first impression,第一印象,I _ _ _ his wonderful performance.,他的精彩表演给我留下了深刻的印象。,_ _ _ _ was his ability to deal with crisis.,给我印象最深的是他应对危机的能力。,I had always,impressed upon,the children that if they worked hard they would succeed.,我总是让孩子们铭记,如果他们努力工作,就会取得成功。,Everyone was dressed in their best clothes, eager to,make a good impression on,us.,每个人都穿着他们最好的衣服,渴望给我们留下好的印象。,was,impressed,by/with,What,impressed,me,most,【,高考链接,】,(2012,山东高考,) My first _ of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.,A. expression B. attention,C. satisfaction D. impression,【,解析,】,选,D,。考查名词。句意,:,我对他的第一印象是他是一个善良且有思想的年轻人。,expression,表达,表示,表情,; attention,注意,留心,; satisfaction,满意,满足,; impression,印象。由句意可知选,D,。,4. measure,n.,措施,方法,;,尺度,vt.,测量,;,估量,判定,(1)measure sth. by sth.,用,来衡量,be measured by/in,用,来衡量,/,计算,(2)take measures to do sth.,采取措施做某事,make sth. to ones own measure,为某人量身订做某物,beyond measure,不可估量,An earthquake,measuring,5. 7 magnitude on the Richter scale hit Yiliang on September 7, 2012.,2012,年,9,月,7,日一场测定为,5. 7,级的地震袭击了彝良。,Mum always,makes clothes to the childs measure,.,妈妈总是根据孩子的尺寸做衣服。,The loss from the earthquake is quite,beyond measure,.,地震所带来的损失难以估算。,The government is _ _ _ _ control the prices of the houses.,政府正在采取严格的措施来控制房价。,The new suspension bridge is measured more than 3, 000 meters long. (,改错,),答案:,is measured,改为,measures,。,taking,strict,measures,to,【,点津,】,(1)measure,作名词表示“措施”时,常在短语中用复数形式。,(2)measure,表示“某物有多长,(,宽、高,)”,时,为不及物动词,其后接表示事物长,(,宽、高,),的度量名词,不用于被动语态和进行时态;如果表示此意义的短语用作后置定语,要用,v.,-ing,形式。,5. range,n.,(,变动,),范围,幅度;一系列,;,射程;山脉,vi.,(,在一定范围内,),变化;包括;排列,排序,Some of the questions in the paper are,beyond the range of,the courses the students are taking now.,试卷中的一些问题超出了学生们正在学习的课程范围。,His lecture covers,a wide range of,social issues we are concerned about.,他的讲座涉及一系列我们所关心的社会问题。,The prices of the latest smartphones,range from,¥,200,to,¥,4, 000 online.,网上最新智能手机的价格从,200,元到,4,,,000,元不等。,【,归纳,】,写出下列短语,_,在,范围内,_,超出,的范围,_,一系列的,大范围的,_,从,到,之间变化,in/within the range of,out of/beyond the range of,a (wide) range of,range from. . . to. . .,【,高考链接,】,(2010,湖北高考,)This restaurant has become popular for its wide _ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.,A. division B. area C. range D. circle,【,解析,】,选,C,。考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于有广泛的食物,(,选择,),适合所有口味和收入的人群的需要,这家餐馆已经很受欢迎了。由定语从句,that suit all tastes and pockets,可以判定所选词应表示“,(,选择,),范围”,因此选择,C,项。,division,分开,分担;,area,面积,地区,领域;,circle,圆圈,环形物。均不符合题意。,6. appreciate,vt.,欣赏,赞赏;感谢;领会,appreciate sb. /sth.,欣赏某人,/,某物;高度评价,某人,/,某物;理解某人,/,某物,appreciate (ones) doing sth.,感激,(,某人,),做某事,I would appreciate it if. . .,如果,,我会感激不尽的,(2012,湖北高考,)I just wish more people would,appreciate,what theyve got.,我只是希望更多的人会感激他们已经拥有的东西。,His great ability,was,universally,appreciated,.,他的杰出才能获得了普遍赞赏。,One cant,appreciate a holiday,without working hard for some time.,不辛勤工作一段时间,就不能真正体会到假日的乐趣。,I would,appreciate your calling back,this afternoon. (,句型,转换,),=I would _ _ _ you could call back this afternoon.,如果今天下午你能打来电话,我将会非常感激。,appreciate,it,if,【,熟词生义,】,读句子猜含义,It is difficult to,appreciate,how bad the situation has become.,( ),理解,7. consume,vt.,消耗,耗费; 消费;吃光,喝光,观察句子,写出黑体部分的含义,He has a good appetite and can,consume,a pound of hot dogs.,( ),Some of the most efficient refrigerators,consume,70 percent less electricity than traditional models. ( ),He had,consumed,the best years of his life in prison. ( ),She was,consumed,with curiosity. ( ),The boy,consumes,much of his time in chatting online.,( ),吃光,消耗,浪费,使充满,花费,使用,8. particular,adj.,专指的,特指的;特别的;讲究的,挑剔的,There is one,particular,patient Id like you to see.,有一位特别的病人,我想让你接待。,Is there anything,particular,youd like for dinner?,正餐你有什么特别喜欢的菜吗?,No, nothing,in particular,.,没有,什么都行。,He,is,very,particular about,the materials for the decoration.,他对装修所用的材料特别挑剔。,【,归纳,】,写出下列短语,_,尤其,特别,_,对,讲究,挑剔,in particular,be particular about,9. absorb,vt.,吸收;理解;使全神贯注,Much too often she merely,absorbs,half of what the teacher says in class.,她经常对老师在课堂上所讲的只是一知半解。,Plants,absorb,carbon dioxide,from,the air and moisture from the soil.,植物从空气中吸收二氧化碳,从土壤中吸收水分。,He,was,so,absorbed in,a book that he did not hear the bell.,他如此专心致志地读书以致没听见铃响。,【,归纳,】,写出下列短语,_,从,吸收,_,全神贯注于,(,做,),某事,专注,于,(,做,),某事,absorb. . . from. . .,be absorbed in (doing) sth.,【,点津,】,be absorbed in (doing) sth.,结构在句中常以过去分词作状语的形式出现,这一用法是高考命题和各种模拟测试的一个重点。复习时注意类似短语的用法,它们是:,be faced with, be satisfied with, be determined to do, be convinced that, be devoted to, be buried in, be accustomed to, be lost in,等。,_ _ _ _ he was reading, he failed to notice the teacher standing beside him.,因为全神贯注于他所读的小说,他没有注意到老师就站在他身边。,Absorbed,in,the,novel,10. cut back on,减少,削减,缩减,To make both ends meet, the couple had no choice but to,cut back on,some unnecessary spending.,为了实现收支平衡,这对夫妇没有别的选择,只能减少一些不必要的开支。,More schools are now encouraged to,cut back on,traditional teaching and to personalize teaching.,现在更多的学校被鼓励减少传统教学模式,开始个性化教学。,【,拓展,】,补全下列“,cut+,adv,. /,prep.,”,短语,cut _,插嘴;打断;插入;超车,cut _,砍倒,减少,削减,cut _,切断,(,供应,),,中断,(,电话通话等,),cut _,剪下;删去,删除,cut _,切碎,in,down,off,out,up,11. run out (of),用完,耗尽,His lecture is much too boring. My patience is,running out,.,他讲的课太无聊了。我快没有耐心了。,If we,run out of,all our natural resources, how can we face our future generations?,如果我们耗尽了所有的自然资源,我们将如何面对未来的子子孙孙?,【,辨析,】,理解下列区别并选词填空,run out,用完,,耗尽,不及物动词短语,其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等,还可表示文件、协议到期,run out of,用完,及物动词短语,其主语一般为人,give out,耗尽,,用完,不及物动词短语,其主语通常是物,use up,用光,,用完,及物动词短语,其主语一般为人,According to the rule of the competition, we have to _ all the items before the time _. However, it is a long and tiring process. As a result, that day, long before I _ the time given by the judge, my strength had _. What a disappointment!,use up,runs out,given out,ran out of,【,高考链接,】,(2012,江苏高考,)OK, Ive had enough of it. I give up.,You cant _ your responsibilities.,A. run off with B. run up against,C. run out of D. run away from,【,解析,】,选,D,。考查动词短语。句意:,好吧,我受够了。我放弃。,你不能逃避责任。,A,项表示“携带,逃跑”;,B,项表示“意外地碰到,(,困难,),或偶然碰到,(,人,)”,;,C,项表示“用光,耗尽”;,D,项表示“逃避,避开”。,12. pick out,找出,挑选;辨认出;弄明白,领会; 使明显,使突出,观察句子,写出黑体部分的含义,I have to,pick out,its meaning with the help of an English translation. ( ),I have been,picked out,to represent the whole team. ( ),All the important sentences in the article were,picked out,in red lines. ( ), Written in haste, the words in the paper were hard to,pick out,. ( ),弄明白,领会,挑选出,使明显,使突出,分辨出,13. under way,进行中,The construction of the suspension bridge is,under way,.,吊桥建设正在进行中。,【,点津,】,介词,under,构成的短语,如果它的宾语是表示动作的名词,通常含有被动意义,意为“在,过程中”。这种介词短语在句中常作表语,也可作补足语或定语。,据汉语提示补全下面的句子,Several new railways are under _(,建设,)in China.,How much money we should spend on endangered tigers is under _,(,讨论,).,The house under _(,修理,)is our classroom.,The request to buy a video for each classroom is under _(,考虑,).,construction,discussion,repair,consideration,14. The worlds population has grown by,six times what it was,in 1800.,世界人口比,1800,年已经增长了六倍。,本句为倍数关系句型。本句型有下列几种形式,:,(1),倍数,+as+,原级,+as. . .,(2),倍数,+,比较级,+ than. . .,(3),倍数,+ the size/length/width/height/. . . +of. . .,(4),倍数,+what,从句,(5),倍数,+ that of. . .,This big stone is _ _ _ _ _ that one.,这块大石头的重量是那块的三倍。,This hill is _ _ _ _ _ that small one.,这座山的高度是那座小山的四倍。,three,times,as,heavy,as,four,times,the,height,of,【,点津,】,在表示“两倍”时要用,double,或,twice,三倍或三倍以上用“基数词,+times”,。倍数有时也可以用分数、百分数、,half,等来替换。,15. People often have this belief,that development is bad for the environment, but this does not have to be true.,人们常常认为发展对环境有害,但这不一定正确。,同位语从句,定义,英语中有些抽象名词往往要求用从句的形式来解释或说明名词的具体内容,在逻辑上与前面的名词为同位关系,这种从句称为同位语从句,引导词,同位语从句的引导词包括,that(,不充当成分,除在宾语从句中外均不可省略,),,,who, why, how, whether, when, what,等,(,均在同位语从句中充当具体成分,),常可接,that,引导的同位语从句的名词,fact, news, word, advice, demand, suggestion, doubt, hope, promise, problem, message, order, truth, view, request, wish, idea, possibility, chance,,,evidence,仿写句子,他登上月球的消息传遍了全世界。,The news _ spread all over the world.,这种新药可能对他们的心脏有副作用。,There is a chance _,_.,that he had landed on the moon,that the new medicine will have side effects,on their hearts,【,点津,】,注意同位语从句的分隔现象。例如:,A story,goes,that,Elizabeth of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen at court.,有传说说英国的伊丽莎白一世最喜欢身边围着宫廷的那些聪明优秀的贵族们。,句中的“,Elizabethof England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen at court. ”,是主语,A story,的同位语。由于该同位语较长而谓语较短,为保持句子平衡,谓语动词,goes,放在了主语与同位语从句之间,造成同位语从句与主语的分隔。,【,高考链接,】,(2011,天津高考,)Modern science has given clear evidence _ smoking can lead to many diseases.,A. what B. which C. that D. where,【,解析,】,选,C,。考查名词性从句。句意:现代科学已给出了明显的证据,:,吸烟会导致许多疾病。,smoking can lead to many diseases,是,evidence,的内容,,evidence,在此句中不作成分,此句是个完整的句子,不缺成分,是同位语从句,所以选引导词,that,。,what, which,和,where,需要在句子中作成分。,let off,排放,准许暂停工作; 宽恕,Cars,let off,a lot of waste gases, which do damage to the environment.,汽车排放出很多破坏环境的废气。,We will never,let him off,for the wrongs he has done to us.,因为他对我们所做的有罪过,我们永远不会宽恕他。,【,拓展,】,写出下列短语的汉语意思,let out _,let sb. down _,let go _,let alone _,放出;泄露;出租,使某人失望,放手,释放,更不用说,.,话题写作,先将下面几个句子翻译成英语,然后连成一段小短文。,1.,我们可以通过多种方式来保护我们的环境。,2.,首先,要培养我们的环境保护意识。,3.,只有我们意识到了保护环境的重要性,我们才会愿意为此做些事情。,4.,尝试改变我们的生活方式,以减少人类给环境带来的压力。,5.,如果可能的话,尽可能乘公交车或骑自行车上班,而不是开车。,6.,在家中,我们要用更节能的产品,同时,不用的时候就将电灯和其他的电器关掉。,7.,对于那些没有用的东西,要将其回收,而不是把它们扔掉。,8.,最后但同样重要的是,我们每个人都可以为保护我们的环境出一份力,我们需要马上采取行动。,_,【,参考范文,】,We have many ways to protect our environment. First of all,it is essential to,develop our sense of the environment protection.,Only when,we realize the importance of protecting the environment are we willing to do something for it. Have a try to change our way of life,to reduce the pressure,we put on the environment. Instead of driving a car, take a bus or cycle to work if possible. At home, we should use products which are,more energy-saving. Turn off the lights and anything else when we are to leave. Recycle those things that are not in use as much as possible. Dont,throw,them,away,. Last but not least, we can do our parts to,protect,the environment and we need to,take action,immediately.,【,诵读,积累,】,(2012,福建高考,),假定你是某中学生英语报的小记者,以下漫画内容是你的所见所闻,请根据要求写一篇英语短文投稿。,内容要求,: 1.,描述漫画内容,;,2.,发表个人感想。,Mind Your Behavior in Public Places,Last Sunday, I,went sightseeing,with my friends in the Fairy Lake,Park. The park was full of freshness,and beauty of spring, with the sun,shining and birds singing. I was enjoying the fantastic scenery around when something unpleasant,caught my eye,. A young couple in a boat were eating, talking and laughing,loudly as if they were the only people in the world. Whats worse, they spat and even,threw rubbish,into the lake, totally,ignoring,the noticeable sign “No Littering” nearby. What a shame!,Such behavior le


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