人教新目标版七年级上册 Unit4 Where's my schoolbag _Section B 2a-3b writing(共31张PPT)

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人教新目标版七年级上册 Unit4 Where's my schoolbag _Section B 2a-3b writing(共31张PPT)_第1页
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人教新目标版七年级上册 Unit4 Where's my schoolbag _Section B 2a-3b writing(共31张PPT)_第3页
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七年级 上册 Section B 2a-3b writing Everyday English Dont be shy, Just try. I can, you can, we can. Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?(Section B 2 a-3 b ) writing Joan Learning objectives (学习目标) After this lesson you will be able to :1. use in, on, under to talk about where things are.使用in,on, under谈论物品的位置。2. write a passage to describe the things and their positions in your friends room. 写一篇文章来介绍朋友房间的物品及位置。 Starter Memory challenge 1 . Try to remember the things in the picture in 4 5 seconds. ( as many as you can越多越好) 2 . You mustnt write down any words. Rules :(规则) books deskchairradionotebookpenkeyCDtapeschoolbag sofaclock lamp photo bedhatquiltpillow bookcasein the on thenext to the besidetableon theon theThe books are in the bookcase. Brainstorming(头脑风暴) 1 . Complete your own mind map , you can use your books (GFI-U4 ,FR-U2 ) ( as many as you can越多越好) 自学独立完成Mind map,可以参考书(GFI-U4 ,FR-U2 )。 Time : 2 minutes The things in your roombed The things on or around deskpencils Group work 1 . Share the answers in your group. Each student say at least 3 words. 小组交流,每人至少说3个词。 2 . Add new words with the red pen. 红笔补充新词。 3 . The students who show the mind- map will get 2 points. 展示加2分。 Survey Make a survey (做调查)with your face partner and complete the chart. A - Is there a dictionary in your room? B- Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. A- Where is it ? B- Its on the desk. Are there any books in your room? Where are they?What Yes/ No Where a dictionary Yes on my deska schoolbaga laptopbookstoys Writing My friend s room I have a friend, his name is Tom. This is a picture of his room. There is lots of stuff in his room. There is a bookcase in the corner of the room. Many books and CDS are in it. An English dictionary is on the desk. Its a present from his best friend. This is his laptop with a picture of his pet dog on it. That is his heavy schoolbag. Its under the armchair. A wardrobe is between the bed and the door. I think his room is not only big and nice, but also clean and tidy. 自学完成学案任务1, 任务2,然后小组讨论交流,解决问题。 1 . Read the passage and match(匹配) the topics (话题)with the paragraphs。 2 . Complete the chart(表格) with words in the box(框) . Read the passage and match the topics with the paragraphs Para 1 . Description(描述) of the room Para 2 . Comments (评价) of the room Para 3 . Introduction(介绍) Introduction (介绍) of the roomDescription(描述) of the room o t (评价 f the ro m Tips 1 : Think about the topics before writing. ra 3.Para Complete the chart with words in the boxPara 1. _ Introduction (介绍) of the roomPara 2. _ Description(描述) of the room_are the things in the room?_are they?Para 3. _ Comments (评价) of the room Where, what, ending, opening, body Group work -Discussion What are the things in the room? _are the things in the room? _ are they? Description(描述) of the room Comments (评价) of the room Introduction (介绍) of the roomPara 1.Para 2.Para 3.openingbodyending WhatWhere 自学完成学案任务3,然后小组交流,核对答案。 3 . Read Para 2 and find the topic sentence. Read Para 2 again , circle the things and underline where they are. Read Para2 and find the topic sentence(主题句) There is lots of stuff in his room. There is a bookcase in the corner of the room. Many books and CDS are in it. There is an English dictionary on the desk. Its a present from his best friend. This is his laptop with a picture of his pet dog on it. That is his heavy schoolbag. Its under the armchair. A wardrobe is between the bed and the door. Read Para 2 again , circle the things and underline where they are.Topic sentencewhat where Tips : Think about the key words before writing. Read Para2 and underline the sentence to introduce the things There is lots of stuff in his room. There is a bookcase in the corner of the room. Many books and CDS are in it. There is an English dictionary on the desk. Its a present from his best friend. This is his laptop with a picture of his pet dog on it. That is his heavy schoolbag. Its under the armchair. A wardrobe is between the bed and the door. Tips 3 : Use different sentence structures. The sentences you can use to introduce things There is/ are Sth. is/ are This / That is These / Those are The prep. to talk about where things arein , on, under, next to, near, between and , in the corner of Write a passage to introduce your friends room according to the survey. No 1 - No. 4 write your own passage according to the sample 1 . (8 0 words) 1 -4 号同学根据范文1 仿写。 No. 5 , No. 6 write your own passage according to the sample 2 . (6 0 words) 5 ,6 号同学根据范文2 仿写。 I have a friend, his name is Tom. This is a picture of his room. Theres lots of stuff in his room. There is a bookcase in the corner of the room. Many books and CDS are in it. There is an English dictionary on the desk. Its a present from his best friend. This is his laptop with a picture of his pet dog on it. That is his heavy schoolbag. Its under the armchair. A wardrobe is between the bed and the door. I think his room is not only big and nice , but also clean and tidy.Sample 1 No 1- No. 4 Tom is my friend. This is a picture of his room. There are lots of things in his room. There is a bookcase in the room. Many books and CDS are in it. There is an English dictionary on the desk. That is his heavy schoolbag. Its under the chair. There is a poster on the wall. I think his room is clean and tidy.Sample 2 No 5- No. 6 I have a friend, his name is Tom. This is a picture of his room. Theres lots of stuff in his room. There is a bookcase in the corner of the room. Many books and CDS are in it. There is an English dictionary on the desk. Its a present from his best friend. This is his laptop with a picture of his pet dog on it. That is his heavy schoolbag. Its under the armchair. A wardrobe is between the bed and the door. I think his room is not only big and nice ,but also clean and tidy. Tom is my friend. This is a picture of his room. There are lots of things in his room. There is a bookcase in the room. Many books and CDS are in it. There is an English dictionary on the desk. That is his heavy schoolbag. Its under the chair. There is a poster on the wall. I think his room is clean and tidy. Sample 1 Sample 2 Checking 1 . Swap(交换) your passage with your partner. 2 . Check the topics and key points. (分段,要点) 3 . Check the Grammar mistakes and correct it. (句型,单复数, 介词, 拼写, 大小写) 4 . Underline the good sentences with red pen.Tips 4 : check the passage step and step. Show Time The students who read the composition will get 2 point. The students who show the composition in the front will get 3 point. Plenary What did you learn today ? Write a passage step by step . Homework Rewrite your composition. Share and read all the compositions in your group and try to find some good sentences and underline them. Make a poster and put it up on the wall.


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