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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,Words study,Unit 1,1.in other words _,2.bump into _,3.adapt to _,4.at a time _,5.up until _,6.out of breath _,7.get annoyed _,8.all in all _,Phrases,上气不接下气,总而言之,猛撞,撞上,不期而遇,每次,一次,一直到,为止,直到,换句话说,那就是说,适应,适合,苦恼,变得恼火,1.in other words _,9.sit around _,10.feel sorry for sb _,feel sorry for oneself _,11.live a.life _,12.make fun of _,13.as well as _,14.a tank of _,取笑,开,的玩笑,同情某人,自己感到忧伤,闲坐着,不但,而且,既,又,过着,的生活,一缸,一桶,9.sit around _,1.disability.,n,disable.,v,使残疾,使,能力丧失,disabled.,adj,残疾的,伤残的,the disabled,残疾人,He was _ in the war and his _ prevented him from holding any job.,An accident _ him from playing football.,disabled,disability,disabled,1.disability.nHe was _,选词填空,:disability,disabled,He gets money from the Government because of his _.,The _ are to receive more money.,She managed to lead a normal life in spite of her _.,Many soldiers were _ in the war.,disabilities,disabled,disabilities,disabled,选词填空:disability,disableddisa,2.,ambition,n.,野心,;,雄心,ambitious,adj.,有雄心的,;,野心勃勃的,be ambitious for sth/to do sth,对,(,做,),某事怀有雄心,/,热切的希望,Eg:A boy who,is ambitious/filled with ambition,usually works hard.,完成句子,:,Mothers are often highly _(,怀有热切的期望,)their children.,I am _(,热切希望能成功,)in life.,His _(,要做首相的雄心,)is likely to be realized.,ambitious for,ambitious to succeed,ambition to become prime minister,2.ambition n.野心;雄心完成句子:ambit,3.beneficial,beneficial adj,有益的,;,受益的,benefit n.,利益,好处,vt.,有益于,有助于,vi.,受益,常见用法,be beneficial to,对什么有益,A benefit B A,有益于,B.,B benefits from A B,从A中,受益,be of benefit to,对,有益,for the benefit of,为了,的利益,阳光对植物有益,.,Sunshine _plants.,Sunshine _ _ _ plants.,Sunshine _ plants.,Plants _ _sunshine.,is of benefit to,benefits,benefits from,is beneficial to,3.beneficialbeneficial adj 有益,4.in other,words,=that is to say,换句话说,in a/one word,简言之,;,总之,break ones word,食言,失信,keep ones word 遵守诺言,他们叫他离开,-,换句话说,他被解雇了,.,2),总之,我不喜欢这份工作,.,3),换句话说,他成了英雄,.,They asked him to leave-in other words he was fired.,In a word,I dont like the job.,He became,in other words,a hero.,4.in other words=that is to,5.clumsy,(1),笨拙的,不灵巧的,You,clumsy,guy,!,Youve knocked over my coffee,!瞧你这笨蛋!你碰翻了我的咖啡!,(2)(,对人,),不灵巧的,不圆滑的,She is a,clumsy,girl.,她不是一个机灵的女孩,.,5.clumsy,6.adapt,vt.,使适应,;,改编,adapt(oneself)to,使,(,自己,),适应,adapt,A,for,B 为.B而改编A,adapt sth from,根据,改编某物,adaptable,adj.,能适应的,;,可改编的,adaptation,n.,适应,;,改编本,介词填空,:,The play is adapted _ a novel.,This book is adapted _ beginners.,When you go to a new country,you must adapt yourself _ new customs.,Novels are often adapted _ the stage,television and radio.,from,for,to,for,6.adapt vt.使适应;改编介词填空:from,The children found it hard to,adapt(themself)to,their new school.,孩子们发现很难适应新学校,(,的生活,).,She adapted herself quickly to her new job.,她很快适应了她的新工作,.,The children found it hard to,词义辨析:,adapt,adjust,fit,suit,match,adapt:,指修改或改变以适应新条件,adjust:,多指“调整,调节”使之适应,fit:,多指“大小适合”,引申为“吻合”,suit:,多指“合乎要求、口味、性格、情况”,match:,指“色调、性质”等相配或相称,词义辨析:adapt,adjust,fi,You cant see through the telescope until it is _ to your eyes.,The shoes _ me well.,A red jacket doesnt _ green trousers.,No dish _ all tastes.,You should _ yourself to the new environment.,adjusted,fit,match,suits,adapt,exercise,adjustedfitmatchsuitsad,out of breath,lose ones breath,hold ones breath,take a deep breath,上气不接下气,上气不接下气,屏住呼吸,8.out of,breath,深呼吸一口气,out of breath上气不接下气上气不接下气屏住呼吸8,9.,absence,n,.,缺席,;,不在,(,某处,),in ones absence,当某人不在时,absent,adj,.,缺席的,;,不在的,be absent from,缺席,;,不在,presence,n.,出席,;,到场,present,(,at,),adj.,出席的,;,在场的,;,现在的,完成句子,:,Mr Green will be in charge _(,在我离开期间,).,Why were you _(,旷课,)yesterday?,in,my absence,absent from school,9.absence n.缺席;不在(某处)完成句子:,生气,angry,10.annoy,惹恼,使,感到生气,annoy,ed,生气的,(,修饰,人,),(adj),annoy,ing,令人生气的,(,修饰,物,),(adj),I was,at the,news.,annoyed,annoying,生气angry10.annoy惹恼,使感到生气annoy,annoy sb with sth/by doing sth,因,使某人生气,be annoyed at/about/by sth,生某事的气,be annoyed with sb,生某人的气,be annoyed that-clause,生,的气,annoy sb with sth/by doing s,这些苍蝇正使我感到烦恼,.,These flies _ me.,夜间不要大声唱歌,以免打扰邻居,.,Dont _ your neighbours _ singing loudly at night.,因为玛丽忘了给她打电话,她就很生玛丽的气,.,She _ Mary _ forgetting to phone.,are annoying,annoy,by,was annoyed with,for,这些苍蝇正使我感到烦恼.are annoyingannoy,11.all in all,总而言之,above all,首先,;,最重要的是,after all,毕竟,;,终究,first of all,首先,not at all,根本不,;,别客气,in all,总共,;,总之,选词填空,:all in all,above all,after all,in all,You must,_,be loyal to your country.,There are five hundred books on the shelf _.,Everyone makes mistakes,and _,he is only a child.,The book has some weak spots,but _ I consider it a success.,above all,in all,after all,all in all,11.all in all总而言之选词填空:all i,As well as,连接相同成分(n/adj/v/prep等),当,A as well as B,的短语为主语时,谓语动词与,A,保持一致,.,如,:,His,wife,as well as his children,was,invited to the party.,His,children,as well as his wife,were,invited to the party.,as well,也,还,同样,.,常放句末作状语,前面不用逗号分开,;,有时也放于句首,后面常用逗号分开,.,如,:,I can see how English is used in everyday life as


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