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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,Lesson,23,One Mans Meat is Another Mans Poison,Lesson23 One Mans Meat is A,1,poison n.,毒药,One mans meat is another mans,poison,.,(title),(used to say that sth. one person likes may not,be liked by someone else),=,Theres no accounting for taste.,Whats your,poison,? (a very humorous way of asking someone which alcoholic drink he/she would like),drug,n.,毒品,take/use,drugs,吸毒,Jaycee Chan, 32, also known as Fang Zuming, was arrested for housing others to,take,drugs, along with Ko Chen-tung, 23, a movie star from Taiwan also known as Kai Ko, Beijing police confirmed in a statement released late on Monday.,poison n. 毒药,2,illogical,adj.,不合逻辑的,无章法的,il-,(,否定前缀,),logical,il,logical,legal,il,legal adj. ,法,非法的,legible,il,legible adj.,难辨认的,literate,il,literate adj.,文盲的;不识字的,People become quite,illogical,when they try to decide what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten.(l.1),在决定什么能吃而什么不能吃的时候,人们往往变得不合情理。,There are somepeople whowilluseanykindofargument,no matter how,illogical,so long as they canscoreoff anopponent.,有些人为了要驳倒对方,;,不惜用任何不合逻辑的辩论。,illogical adj. 不合逻辑的,无章法的 il-,3,octopus,n.,章鱼,(a sea creature with 8 tentacles),ink fish,n.,乌贼,墨鱼,If you lived in the Mediterranean, for instance, you would consider,octopus,a great,delicacy,.(l.3),比如,如果你住在地中海地区,你会把章鱼视作是美味佳肴。,Restaurant worker Baek Mun-soo said he likes the fresh taste of,live,octopus,tentacles. tntklz,饭店工人门敏洙说他喜欢吃新鲜的活章鱼的触手。,octopus n. 章鱼(a sea creature w,4,delicacy,n.,佳肴,Snails are considered a,delicacy,in France.,delicious,adj.,味道美的,epicure,pkjr,:,a person who takes interest in the pleasure of food and drink and regards cooking as an art,Smoked salmon smn was considered an expensive,delicacy,.,There aresocieties that regardwormsas a,delicacy,becausethats howtheyve beenraised.,有的地方把虫子视为美味,因为他们就是被灌输着这种意识养大的。,delicacyn. 佳肴,5,(口语),称赞美食,The smell is making me hungry.,The aroma makes my mouth water.,So delicious! I licked the platter clean!,I am so full I could burst.,I made a pig of myself.,aroma rom n.,芳香,platter plt n.,大浅盘,burst,bst vi.,爆炸,(口语) 称赞美食,6,repulsive,adj. (,very unpleasant),disgusting,adj.,令人厌恶的,You would not be able to understand why some people find it,repulsive,. (l.4),你不能理解为什么有人一见章鱼就恶心。,If you describe something or someone as,repulsive, you mean that they are horrible and disgusting and you want to avoid them.,Never in her life had she tasted anything more,repulsive,.,她一生中从来没有品尝过比这更,令人恶心的,味道了。,repulsiveadj. (very unpleasan,7,stomach,n.,胃,turn,v.,反胃,On the other hand,your,stomach,would,turn,at the idea of,frying,potatoes in animal,fat, the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.(l.5),另一方面,你,一想到,动物油炸土豆就会,反胃,,但这在北方许多国家却是一种普通的烹任方法。,turn,ones,stomach,让人觉得反胃,I,haveno,stomach,for,the job.,对,(,做,),不感兴趣,appetite,n.,食欲,Ihavelostmy,appetite,.,Exercisewillimproveyour,appetite,for food.,stomachn. 胃 turn v. 反胃,8,水煮 油炸 烧烤 火锅 馒头 烤,(,肉,),烤(面包) 蒸 炖,(,放在水里,),焯一下,A.fry B.,boil C.bleach blit D. steam,E.bake F.roast G.stew stju H.steamed-bread I.barbecue J.hot pot,fat,n.,(动物、植物)油,When you use oil or,fat,for cooking, use as little as possible.,当你用,油,烹饪时,要尽可能少放。,I could eat what I liked without,getting,fat,.,我可以吃我喜欢的东西而不,发胖,。,(adj.,肥的,胖的,),水煮 油炸 烧烤 火锅,9,abuse,n.,辱骂,责骂,No creature has received more praise and,abuse,than the common garden,snail,.(l.9),没有一种生物所受到的赞美和厌恶会超过花园里常见的蜗牛了。,child,abuse,虐待儿童,victims of sexual and physical,abuse,性虐待和肉体摧残的受害者们,I was left shouting,abuse,as the car sped off.,当车加速离去时,我在那里破口大骂。,abuse n. 辱骂,责骂,10,snail,n.,蜗牛,How could you catch the train,at a,snail,s pace,?(extremely slow),luxury,n.,奢侈品,珍品,Cooked in wine, snails are a great,luxury,in various parts of the world.(l.10),蜗牛加酒烧煮后,便成了世界上许多地方的一道珍奇的名菜。,By all accounts he leads a life of considerable,luxury,.,从方方面面来讲,他都过着极为奢侈的生活。,A week by the sea is a,luxury,they can no longer afford.,去海边一周成了一种奢侈,他们再也负担不起。,snail n. 蜗牛,11,associate,v.,联想到,There are countless people who, ever since their early years, have learned to,associate,snails with food.(l.11),有不计其数的人们从小就知道蜗牛可做菜。,associate,with =,connect,with =,link,with,= be bound up with,与,联系在一起,Chinese will,associate,red with merry,while Americans link it with danger.,What doyou,wantpeopleto,associate,with,your,brand?,你希望人们通过你的品牌联想到什么?,associate v. 联想到,12,despise,v.,鄙视,My friend, Robert, lives in a country where snails are,despised,.(l.11),但我的朋友罗伯特却住在一个厌恶蜗牛的国家中,.,regarded as worthless = looked down upon,despicable,adj.,卑劣的;可鄙的,Despicable Me,despise v. 鄙视,13,appeal,v.,引起兴致,For years he has been asking me to collect snails from my garden and take them to him. The idea never,appealed,to me,very much.(l.13),多年来,他一直让我把我园子里的蜗牛收集起来给他捎去。一开始,他的这一想法没有,引起我多大兴趣,。,我对吃蜗牛从来没兴趣。,Eating snails never,appeals,to,me.,interest,attract,appeal v. 引起兴致,14,stroll,n.,散步,slow walking for pleasure,go for a,stroll,/ take a,stroll,= go for a walk/ take a walk,But one day, after a heavy shower, I,happened to be,walking in my garden when I noticed a huge number of snails,taking a,stroll,on some of my prize plants.(l.14),后来有一天,一场大雨后,我在花园里漫无目的散步,突然注意到许许多多蜗牛在我的一些心爱的花木上慢悠悠的蠕动着。,happen to do,碰巧做,In the evening or at night the streets are empty, and if you do,happen to see,a group of relaxed, happy people, they are usually foreigners.,stroll n. 散步slow walking for p,15,impulse,: a sudden wish to do sth,Acting,on a sudden,impulse, I collected several,dozen,put them in a paper bag, and took them to Robert.,(,l.15,),我一时冲动,逮了几十只,装进一只纸袋里,带着去找罗伯特。,He rushed out to catch up with the lady,on,impulse.,impulsive,adj.,冲动的,According torelevantdata,Chineseconsumersbelong,tothegroupof,impulsive,buying,amongall whose,consumption behavior,impulsive,buying,accountsfor 70%.,根据有关数据资料,中国消费者属于冲动性购物群体,,在他们所有的消费行为中,冲动性消费占了,70%,。,impulse : a sudden wish to do,16,dozen,n.,一打,a group of twelve,two,dozen,eggs,;,a,dozen,roses,Ineedtwoboxesofcereal,one loafofbread,acanoftomato paste,a,dozen,eggs,andtwopoundsofmeat.,我需要两盒儿麦片,一块儿面包,一罐儿番茄酱,一打鸡蛋和两磅肉。,dozen n. 一打a group of twelve,17,fancy,v.,喜爱,I had forgotten all about the snails when Robert,suddenly said that I must stay to dinner. Snails,would, of course, be the main dish. I did not,fancy,the idea and I reluctantly followed Robert,out of the room.(l.19),我把蜗牛的事已忘得一干二净,罗伯特突然提出一定要我留下来吃晚饭,这才提醒了我。蜗牛当然是道主菜。我并不喜欢这个主意,所以我勉强跟着罗伯特走进了起居室。,fancy v. 喜爱,18,Comprehension Questions,1. How do people behave when they try to decide what can and cannot be eaten?,Illogically.,2. If you live in Mediterranean, what food will you consider a delicacy?,Octopus.,3.Do some people find octopus repulsive?,Yes, they do. (l.4),4. In many northern countries, what do we normally fry potatoes in?,Animal fat.(l.6),Comprehension Questions1. How,19,5.What have most of us been brought up to do?,Eat certain food.,6.How long do we stick to certain foods?,All our lives.,7.Which creature has received a lot of praise and abuse?,The common garden snail.,8.How are snails usually cooked?,In wine.,9.Where does the writers friend Robert live?,In a country where snails are despised. (l.11),5.What have most of us been br,20,10. Why hasnt he got a garden?,Because he lives in flat is in a large town.,11.How long has Robert been asking the writer to collect snails for him?,For years.,12.What was the writer doing when he noticed the snails?,He was walking in the garden.,13.How many of the snails did he collect?,Several dozen.,10. Why hasnt he got a garden,21,14.Where did the writer leave the bag of snails when he went to see Robert?,In the hall.,15.What did Robert invite the writer to do?,Stay to dinner.,16.Did the writer fancy the idea?,No, he didnt.,17.Why not?,Because the idea of eating snails never appealed to him.,14.Where did the writer leave,22,18.The writer and Robert went into the hall. Where were the snails?,Everywhere.,19. What had the snails escape from?,The paper bag.,20. What has the writer never been able to do since?,Look at a snail.,21.What was it about snails that made the writer collect them for his friend on that day in particular,?,They were crawling over some of his prize plants after a heavy shower.,18.The writer and Robert went,23,Lesson,23,One Mans Meat is Another Mans Poison,Lesson23 One Mans Meat is A,24,poison n.,毒药,One mans meat is another mans,poison,.,(title),(used to say that sth. one person likes may not,be liked by someone else),=,Theres no accounting for taste.,Whats your,poison,? (a very humorous way of asking someone which alcoholic drink he/she would like),drug,n.,毒品,take/use,drugs,吸毒,Jaycee Chan, 32, also known as Fang Zuming, was arrested for housing others to,take,drugs, along with Ko Chen-tung, 23, a movie star from Taiwan also known as Kai Ko, Beijing police confirmed in a statement released late on Monday.,poison n. 毒药,25,illogical,adj.,不合逻辑的,无章法的,il-,(,否定前缀,),logical,il,logical,legal,il,legal adj. ,法,非法的,legible,il,legible adj.,难辨认的,literate,il,literate adj.,文盲的;不识字的,People become quite,illogical,when they try to decide what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten.(l.1),在决定什么能吃而什么不能吃的时候,人们往往变得不合情理。,There are somepeople whowilluseanykindofargument,no matter how,illogical,so long as they canscoreoff anopponent.,有些人为了要驳倒对方,;,不惜用任何不合逻辑的辩论。,illogical adj. 不合逻辑的,无章法的 il-,26,octopus,n.,章鱼,(a sea creature with 8 tentacles),ink fish,n.,乌贼,墨鱼,If you lived in the Mediterranean, for instance, you would consider,octopus,a great,delicacy,.(l.3),比如,如果你住在地中海地区,你会把章鱼视作是美味佳肴。,Restaurant worker Baek Mun-soo said he likes the fresh taste of,live,octopus,tentacles. tntklz,饭店工人门敏洙说他喜欢吃新鲜的活章鱼的触手。,octopus n. 章鱼(a sea creature w,27,delicacy,n.,佳肴,Snails are considered a,delicacy,in France.,delicious,adj.,味道美的,epicure,pkjr,:,a person who takes interest in the pleasure of food and drink and regards cooking as an art,Smoked salmon smn was considered an expensive,delicacy,.,There aresocieties that regardwormsas a,delicacy,becausethats howtheyve beenraised.,有的地方把虫子视为美味,因为他们就是被灌输着这种意识养大的。,delicacyn. 佳肴,28,(口语),称赞美食,The smell is making me hungry.,The aroma makes my mouth water.,So delicious! I licked the platter clean!,I am so full I could burst.,I made a pig of myself.,aroma rom n.,芳香,platter plt n.,大浅盘,burst,bst vi.,爆炸,(口语) 称赞美食,29,repulsive,adj. (,very unpleasant),disgusting,adj.,令人厌恶的,You would not be able to understand why some people find it,repulsive,. (l.4),你不能理解为什么有人一见章鱼就恶心。,If you describe something or someone as,repulsive, you mean that they are horrible and disgusting and you want to avoid them.,Never in her life had she tasted anything more,repulsive,.,她一生中从来没有品尝过比这更,令人恶心的,味道了。,repulsiveadj. (very unpleasan,30,stomach,n.,胃,turn,v.,反胃,On the other hand,your,stomach,would,turn,at the idea of,frying,potatoes in animal,fat, the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.(l.5),另一方面,你,一想到,动物油炸土豆就会,反胃,,但这在北方许多国家却是一种普通的烹任方法。,turn,ones,stomach,让人觉得反胃,I,haveno,stomach,for,the job.,对,(,做,),不感兴趣,appetite,n.,食欲,Ihavelostmy,appetite,.,Exercisewillimproveyour,appetite,for food.,stomachn. 胃 turn v. 反胃,31,水煮 油炸 烧烤 火锅 馒头 烤,(,肉,),烤(面包) 蒸 炖,(,放在水里,),焯一下,A.fry B.,boil C.bleach blit D. steam,E.bake F.roast G.stew stju H.steamed-bread I.barbecue J.hot pot,fat,n.,(动物、植物)油,When you use oil or,fat,for cooking, use as little as possible.,当你用,油,烹饪时,要尽可能少放。,I could eat what I liked without,getting,fat,.,我可以吃我喜欢的东西而不,发胖,。,(adj.,肥的,胖的,),水煮 油炸 烧烤 火锅,32,abuse,n.,辱骂,责骂,No creature has received more praise and,abuse,than the common garden,snail,.(l.9),没有一种生物所受到的赞美和厌恶会超过花园里常见的蜗牛了。,child,abuse,虐待儿童,victims of sexual and physical,abuse,性虐待和肉体摧残的受害者们,I was left shouting,abuse,as the car sped off.,当车加速离去时,我在那里破口大骂。,abuse n. 辱骂,责骂,33,snail,n.,蜗牛,How could you catch the train,at a,snail,s pace,?(extremely slow),luxury,n.,奢侈品,珍品,Cooked in wine, snails are a great,luxury,in various parts of the world.(l.10),蜗牛加酒烧煮后,便成了世界上许多地方的一道珍奇的名菜。,By all accounts he leads a life of considerable,luxury,.,从方方面面来讲,他都过着极为奢侈的生活。,A week by the sea is a,luxury,they can no longer afford.,去海边一周成了一种奢侈,他们再也负担不起。,snail n. 蜗牛,34,associate,v.,联想到,There are countless people who, ever since their early years, have learned to,associate,snails with food.(l.11),有不计其数的人们从小就知道蜗牛可做菜。,associate,with =,connect,with =,link,with,= be bound up with,与,联系在一起,Chinese will,associate,red with merry,while Americans link it with danger.,What doyou,wantpeopleto,associate,with,your,brand?,你希望人们通过你的品牌联想到什么?,associate v. 联想到,35,despise,v.,鄙视,My friend, Robert, lives in a country where snails are,despised,.(l.11),但我的朋友罗伯特却住在一个厌恶蜗牛的国家中,.,regarded as worthless = looked down upon,despicable,adj.,卑劣的;可鄙的,Despicable Me,despise v. 鄙视,36,appeal,v.,引起兴致,For years he has been asking me to collect snails from my garden and take them to him. The idea never,appealed,to me,very much.(l.13),多年来,他一直让我把我园子里的蜗牛收集起来给他捎去。一开始,他的这一想法没有,引起我多大兴趣,。,我对吃蜗牛从来没兴趣。,Eating snails never,appeals,to,me.,interest,attract,appeal v. 引起兴致,37,stroll,n.,散步,slow walking for pleasure,go for a,stroll,/ take a,stroll,= go for a walk/ take a walk,But one day, after a heavy shower, I,happened to be,walking in my garden when I noticed a huge number of snails,taking a,stroll,on some of my prize plants.(l.14),后来有一天,一场大雨后,我在花园里漫无目的散步,突然注意到许许多多蜗牛在我的一些心爱的花木上慢悠悠的蠕动着。,happen to do,碰巧做,In the evening or at night the streets are empty, and if you do,happen to see,a group of relaxed, happy people, they are usually foreigners.,stroll n. 散步slow walking for p,38,impulse,: a sudden wish to do sth,Acting,on a sudden,impulse, I collected several,dozen,put them in a paper bag, and took them to Robert.,(,l.15,),我一时冲动,逮了几十只,装进一只纸袋里,带着去找罗伯特。,He rushed out to catch up with the lady,on,impulse.,impulsive,adj.,冲动的,According torelevantdata,Chineseconsumersbelong,tothegroupof,impulsive,buying,amongall whose,consumption behavior,impulsive,buying,accountsfor 70%.,根据有关数据资料,中国消费者属于冲动性购物群体,,在他们所有的消费行为中,冲动性消费占了,70%,。,impulse : a sudden wish to do,39,dozen,n.,一打,a group of twelve,two,dozen,eggs,;,a,dozen,roses,Ineedtwoboxesofcereal,one loafofbread,acanoftomato paste,a,dozen,eggs,andtwopoundsofmeat.,我需要两盒儿麦片,一块儿面包,一罐儿番茄酱,一打鸡蛋和两磅肉。,dozen n. 一打a group of twelve,40,fancy,v.,喜爱,I had forgotten all about the snails when Robert,suddenly said that I must stay to dinner. Snails,would, of course, be the main dish. I did not,fancy,the idea and I reluctantly followed Robert,out of the room.(l.19),我把蜗牛的事已忘得一干二净,罗伯特突然提出一定要我留下来吃晚饭,这才提醒了我。蜗牛当然是道主菜。我并不喜欢这个主意,所以我勉强跟着罗伯特走进了起居室。,fancy v. 喜爱,41,Comprehension Questions,1. How do people behave when they try to decide what can and cannot be eaten?,Illogically.,2. If you live in Mediterranean, what food will you consider a delicacy?,Octopus.,3.Do some people find octopus repulsive?,Yes, they do. (l.4),4. In many northern countries, what do we normally fry potatoes in?,Animal fat.(l.6),Comprehension Questions1. How,42,5.What have most of us been brought up to do?,Eat certain food.,6.How long do we stick to certain foods?,All our lives.,7.Which creature has received a lot of praise and abuse?,The common garden snail.,8.How are snails usually cooked?,In wine.,9.Where does the writers friend Robert live?,In a country where snails are despised. (l.11),5.What have most of us been br,43,10. Why hasnt he got a garden?,Because he lives in flat is in a large town.,11.How long has Robert been asking the writer to collect snails for him?,For years.,12.What was the writer doing when he noticed the snails?,He was walking in the garden.,13.How many of the snails did he collect?,Several dozen.,10. Why hasnt he got a garden,44,14.Where did the writer leave the bag of snails when he went to see Robert?,In the hall.,15.What did Robert invite the writer to do?,Stay to dinner.,16.Did the writer fancy the idea?,No, he didnt.,17.Why not?,Because the idea of eating snails never appealed to him.,14.Where did the writer leave,45,18.The writer and Robert went into the hall. Where were the snails?,Everywhere.,19. What had the snails escape from?,The paper bag.,20. What has the writer never been able to do since?,Look at a snail.,21.What was it about snails that made the writer collect them for his friend on that day in particular,?,They were crawling over some of his prize plants after a heavy shower.,18.The writer and Robert went,46,


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