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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Period 3,Grammar,Module 4,School life,Oxford English,Unit,8,English Week,最新初中英语精品课件设计,Period 3GrammarModule 4 Schoo,Your memory!,Modal verbs(,情态动词,),:,can-could,may-might,must,Should&ought to,最新初中英语精品课件设计,Your memory!Modal verbs(情态动词),can,Eg:,I can speak English.,Can I borrow your pen?,can,表示,某人具备某种,能力,做某事,;,可以,can,的过去式,_,can,的否定形式为,_,can,的同义词,_,could,cannot,或,can,t,be able to,最新初中英语精品课件设计,canEg:couldcannot或cantbe abl,may,May,I smoke here?,-Yes,you_,.,/No,you_(,语气强烈,),May,I borrow your pen?,-Yes,you_,.,/No,you_,.,May,意为,_,与,_,意义相同,May,的过去式为,_,可以,can,might,may,mustnt,may,may not,Eg:,最新初中英语精品课件设计,mayMay I smoke here?可以,must,Eg:,My bedroom is dirty.I,must clean,it.,You,mustnt smoke,here.Its non-smoking area.,Must,they leave?,Yes,they,must,.,/No,they,neednt/dont have to,.(,没有必要,),We use,must,_and,must not(mustnt),_to tell people what to do or what not to do.,Must,的同义词:,_,必须,不准,禁止,have to,最新初中英语精品课件设计,mustEg:必须不准,禁止have to最新初中英语精品课,Can,may,must,表推测,1 He,must,be at home because the lights were on.,他一定在家,因为灯还亮着。,Must,表推测意为”,一定,肯定”,(,可能性大,),用于,肯定句,。,2 The news,may,or,may not,be true.,这个消息可能是真的也可能是假的。,May,表推测意为,“可能”(可能性小,),,不用于疑问句中。,3 That,cant,be Mary.She is in New York.,那不可能是玛丽。她现在在纽约。,Cant,表推测意为,“不可能”,(,不可能的程度大,),,,can,只用于,否定句和疑问句,中。,记忆口诀:,can,不肯,,may,不问,,must,肯定不否问!,最新初中英语精品课件设计,Can,may,must 表推测1 He must b,选择,can,cant,may,must,填空,1 It is cold in the room.They _ have turned off the heating(,取暖器,).,2 A:Someone is knocking at the door.,B:Who _ it be at this moment,?,3 John _ be a policeman.He is too short.,4 A:Who told you the news.,B:It _ be Mary.Im not sure.,must,cant,may,can,最新初中英语精品课件设计,选择can,cant,may,must填空1 It,You,should,communicate in English with your friends whenever you can.You,should,read English books and magazines,and watch English television programmes.Above all,you,should,enjoy English!,2,Grammar A Modal verb:,should,Please read the sentences with“should”from the passage on page 115.,In my opinion,every school,should,have an English Week.,最新初中英语精品课件设计,You should communicate in Engl,Read the dialogue and sentences on page 119.,最新初中英语精品课件设计,Read the dialogue and sentence,Finish“Work out the rule”and read“Things to remember”.,最新初中英语精品课件设计,Finish“Work out the rule”and,should,ought,to,应该,应当,常用来表示劝告、建议认为“某人应该做某事”或“有义务责任做某事”。,Ought to,语气稍重一些,。带有责备或督促的意思。,最新初中英语精品课件设计,should,ought to常用来表示劝告、建议认为“,Translation:,我们,应该,现在讨论,.,We,should,discuss now.,=We,ought to,discuss now.,我们,不应该,现在讨论。,We,shouldnt,discuss now.,=We,ought not to,discuss now.,我们应该现在讨论吗?,Should,we discuss now?,Ought,we,to,discuss now?,回答:,Yes,we,should/ought to,.,No,we,shouldnt/ought not to,最新初中英语精品课件设计,Translation:我们应该现在讨论.最新初中英语精品课,肯定,否定形式,I/You/He/She/We/They,should,ought to,should,not,ought,not,to,discuss it.,Summary:,最新初中英语精品课件设计,肯定,否定形式 I/You/He/She/We,_we,_we _,疑问,回答,discuss it now?,Yes,we _,.,No,we _,.,Should,Ought,to,should/ought to,shouldnt/ought not to,最新初中英语精品课件设计,_we疑问,回答discuss it now?,P120:Ms Chen is writing a report about her students.Help her complete the report with,should or should not,and the verbs from the box.,be do make pronounce read,think try,最新初中英语精品课件设计,P120:Ms Chen is writing a re,Arthur should read more English,books.,He(1)_magazines,about pop stars all the time.,Emily(2)_her,words more clearly when she speaks,in English.she(3)_again,in the speaking competition next,should not read,should pronounce,should try,最新初中英语精品课件设计,Arthur should read more Englis,year.,Amy(4)_more friends,She(5)_too shy.,Joseph(6)_his homework more carefully.,He(7)_also_more,carefully before he speaks!,should make,should not be,should do,should,think,最新初中英语精品课件设计,year.should makeshould not be,练练看,(,学案,),一、回答问题:,1.What should we do if we want to get high,marks?(work hard),We should work hard.,2.What ought we to do if we find some,money on the classroom floor?(taketo),We ought to take the money to the teacher.,3.How should we treat our parents when,they are old?(look after),We should look after them if our parents are,old.,最新初中英语精品课件设计,练练看(学案)最新初中英语精品课件设计,4.He looks sad,What ought we to say?,We ought to say“whats the matter?”.,5.What should you do when you see an old woman standing on the bus?,I should give my seat to her.,最新初中英语精品课件设计,4.He looks sad,What ought we,Complete the dialogues with,should,.,should,还可表示更正别人的说法,最新初中英语精品课件设计,Complete the dialogues with sh,1.Ought I to write a report about our class meeting for the newspaper?,No,you _.,A.ought not B.ought not to C.ought to not D.not ought to,B,最新初中英语精品课件设计,1.Ought I to write a report,2.You _ take good care of your younger sister.,OK,I will.,A.canB.cant,C.ought toD.ought not to,C,最新初中英语精品课件设计,2.You _ take good care,3.You look quite tired.You _ stop working and have a good rest.,A.oughtB.mustnt C.shouldD.shouldnt,C,最新初中英语精品课件设计,3.You look quite tired.You _,4.Tony,you have woken up the baby!,Im sorry.I _ make much noise.,A.cant


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