2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality课件 外研版必修5

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,*,创新设计,2018,版,高三一轮总复习实用课件,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,目录,CONTENTS,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,目录,CONTENTS,01,02,03,04,标题文本预设,此部分内容作为文字排版占位显示 (建议使用主题字体),标题文本预设,此部分内容作为文字排版占位显示 (建议使用主题字体),标题文本预设,此部分内容作为文字排版占位显示 (建议使用主题字体),标题文本预设,此部分内容作为文字排版占位显示 (建议使用主题字体),单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,目录,CONTENTS,创新设计,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,课堂巩固案,课堂研学案,课前预习案,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 5,The Great Sports Personality,1,.,情景默写,1.The children _(,抗议,) when they were punished unfairly.,2.This kind of washing machine is of high _(,质量,) so that it sells well all over the country.,3.They must try every means to wipe out flies and other insects in the restaurant to _ (,保证,) food safety.,4.The test was extremely difficult,,,and no one _(,得分,) more than 90 points.,protested,quality,guarantee,scored,2,5.Older people deserve a _(,特定的,) set of rights to ensure they are treated with dignity and respect.,6.Shortly after we were seated,,,the chairman took his place and _(,宣布,) the meeting open.,7.Mid,autumn is a time for family members and loved ones to reunite and enjoy the full moona _(,象征,) of abundance,,,harmony and luck.,8.Now,,,even cars can be _(,购买,) on the Internet with just a few clicks of a mouse.,9.One of the many _(,优势,) of living in New York is that you can eat out at almost any time of day.,specific,declared,symbol,purchased,advantages,3,10.The athlete came to the point of considering an early _(,退休,).,11.Our school team _(,表现,) very well in the game yesterday and won the first place.,12.When shall we go to see our teacher?,Its _(,取决于,)you.Any time is OK for me.,13.To our great delight,,,our pay is _(,正在增加,),,,which makes it possible for us to buy a house.,14.The guests _(,站起来,)and went out,,,applauding the golden couple.,15.Michael Jordan is one of the greatest basketball players _(,有史以来,).,retirement,performed,up to,on the increase,rose to their feet,of all time,4,.,词性转换,1.Under their law it was possible to divorce by simple _(declare).,2.Tom is _ next year,,,so he is asking Mr.Smith,,,a _ doctor,,,who is 80 years old,,,for some advice on how to spend the _ life.(retire),3.Some young athletes who took part in the 2017 National Games _ well and they hoped to improve their _ a lot after the event.(perform),declaration,retiring,retired,retirement,performed,performance,5,4.The advantage of cycling to work is that we can live a low,-,carbon life while the _(advantage) is that it wastes time.,5.The two athletes are _ for the gold medal.The result of the _ is hard to predict because the two _ are both excellent and _.(compete),6.He was the only champion who won world table tennis _(champion) five times.,disadvantage,competing,competition,competitors,competitive,championship,6,1,.,句型公式:,It is/was,.,that/who.,(,强调句型,),是老师的帮助使他在英语方面取得大的进步。,_ made him make great progress in English.,2,.,句型公式:倍数,as,形容词,/,副词原级,as,.,这种物质的反应速度是那种物质的,3,倍。,This substance reacts _.,It was his teachers help that,three times as fast as that one,7,3,.,句型公式:,the chances are,(,that,).,.,很可能,由于这次洪灾我们很可能无法按时完成任务。,_ we cannot finish the task on time because of the flood.,4,.,句型公式:,as,引导的非限制性定语从句,正如我们预料的一样,因为他的粗心他又失败了。,He failed again because of his carelessness, _.,The chances are (that),as we had expected,8,1,.,perform,v,.,履行,执行;做;演出,表演,演奏;,(,机器,),运转;,(,人,),行动,表现,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空,/,句式升级,Listening to music at home is one thing,,,going to hear it _(perform) live is quite another.,(2015,浙江卷,),being performed,9,Your _(perform)as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.,(,浙江卷,),_(perform)an excellent dance calls for concentration.,After the operation was performed,,,the doctor had a rest.,_,,,the doctor had a rest.(with,复合结构,),performance,Performing,With the operation performed,10,状元笔记全记牢,(1)perform a task/ones duty/ones promise/an operation,执行任务,/,履行义务,/,履行诺言,/,实施手术,(2)performance,n,.,演出;履行;表现,put on/give a performance,演出,(3)performer,n,.,演出者;表演者,11,2,.,advantage,n,.,优势;长处;利益;便利;方便,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空,/,单句改错,/,同义句转换,He has got the job because he has the advantage _ knowing many languages.,Men usually have an advantage _ women when hunting for jobs.,They weighed the advantages and disadvantage before making the decision. _,Im going to make use of this tour to explore the history of the castle.,Im going to _ _ _ this tour to explore the history of the castle.,(2016,天津卷,),of,over,disadvantage,disadvantages,take,advantage,of,12,状元笔记全记牢,(1)take advantage of,利用,have/gain/win an advantage over sb,胜过;,优于,have an advantage of (doing) sth,有,(,做,),的有利条件,(2)disadvantage,n,.,劣势;不利之处,13,3,.,declare,v,t,.,公告;宣告;声明;声称,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空,/,单句改错,/,完成句子,The judges had different ideas about the results,,,so it was two hours before the results _(declare).,The country had no other choice but to declare war _ their enemy.,On July 30 at Zhurihe military training base,,,President Xi declared the grand military parade opened._,老师宣布他为我们的班长。,The teacher _.,were declared,on,opened,open,declared him (to be/as) our monitor,14,状元笔记全记牢,(1)declare sth/sb to be,宣布,为,declare that clause,宣布,/,宣称,(2)declare war (on/against.) (,向,),宣战,declare the meeting open/closed,宣布大会开幕,/,闭幕,【点津】,declare,指正式地、明确地向公众,“,宣布;宣告;声明,”,,侧重,“,当众,”,发表,多用于宣战、议和、宣判等。,announce,指正式地,“,公开;发表;宣布,”,,侧重,“,预告,”,人们所关心或感兴趣的事情,尤指新闻之类的消息。,15,4.guarantee,v,t,.,保证;担保,n,.,保证;保修;担保,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空,/,单句改错,/,句型转换,We guarantee _(deliver) your goods within a week.,My colour TV set is only one year old and it is still under the guarantee._,Can you guarantee I will have a job when I get there?,Can you _ _ _ _ when I get there?,to deliver,去掉,the,guarantee,me,a,job,16,状元笔记全记牢,(1)guarantee sb sth/guarantee sth to sb,向某人保证某事,guarantee to do.,保证去做,(2)under guarantee,在保修期内,17,5,.,on the increase,正在增加,高考必刷题练透,根据汉语提示完成片段,The number of people owning private cars is _(,在增加,)in China.By the end of last year,,,the number _(,增加到,)80 million,,,while the number of people buying Japanese cars _(,已减少了,)20%.,on the increase,had increased to,has decreased by,18,状元笔记全记牢,(1)increase by.,增加了,increase to.,增加到,(2)on the decrease,在减少,on the decline,在衰退中;在下降,【点津】,介词,on,可表示,“,在,情况下,处于,状态中,”,,类似的有:,on fire,着火;,on holiday,在度假;,on duty,在值班;,on business,在出差。,19,6,.,rise to ones feet,站起身,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空,/,词汇升级,After the accident,,,Tom struggled _ his feet and dialed 911.,As soon as the Chinese boy set foot _ America,,,he realized he would stand _ his own feet.,No sooner had the question been put forward than someone,stood up,to answer it._,to,on,on,rose to his feet,20,状元笔记全记牢,(1)struggle to ones feet,挣扎着站起来,jump/leap to ones feet,跳起,(2)set foot on/in,进入;踏入,stand on ones own feet,自立;独立自主,(3)on foot,步行,21,7,.(,the,),chances are,(,that,).,.,很可能,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空,/,单句改错,/,完成句子,The player is under good treatment and the chances are _ he will recover from his injury in time for the next game.,You should never take chance when driving a car._,that,在,chance,前加,a,或,chance,chances,22,他不可能触犯了法律而不受到惩罚。,_ he will not be punished after breaking the law.,我妈妈在书店里偶然碰到了我的老师。,My mother met my teacher in the bookstore _.,There is no chance that,by chance,23,状元笔记全记牢,(1)Theres a/no chance of doing/to do sth/that .,可能,/,不可能,have a chance of doing/to do sth,有做某事的机会,(2)take a chance/chances,冒险,碰运气,by chance/accident,偶然;碰巧,24,.,课文语法填空,Li Ning,,,a famous gymnast,,,retired at the age of 26.Even though he had won 106 gold medals in major 1._(compete) across the world,,,he retired with the feeling that he had failed.It was this sense of failure 2._ made him determined to succeed in his new life.A year after his retirement,,,he began to work as a businessman.He launched a new brand of sportswear,,,3._(compete) with global giants like Nike and Adidas.Li Ning chose his own name as the brand mark.His sports clothes came onto the market at just the right time.The number of young people with money to spend 4._(be) on the,increase.,competitions,that,competing,was,25,Besides,,,his designs were attractive and his clothes were 5._(cheap) than his rivals,,,which guaranteed his success.6._ Li Nings goal when he retired was not to make money.His dream was 7._(open) a school for gymnasts,,,which 8._(realize) in 1991.He 9._(help) young people to achieve their sporting ambitions since then.If you are a great sportsperson,,,anything,is,possible,,,10._ Li Nings advertising slogan says.,cheaper,But,to open,was realized,has been helping,as,26,.,课文短文改错,The final event in the Olympics is the marathon,,,which had been an Olympic event since the modern games began in 1896.Now,,,there are marathons in over sixty countries and hundred of cities around the world.One of the most famous marathons is in the New York,,,and are watched by two million people.But maybe the most beautiful marathon is the Great Wall Marathon,,,where most competitors find is the toughest to run.,The marathon is the finally Olympic event so it is thought to be the hardest.However,,,it is usually so excited that it has attracted more people.Experts believe even people who are not good at sports can run a marathon unless they train it.,27,28,29,.,教材与写作,假设你是李华,请你根据下面的提示,描写你的父亲参加马拉松的事情。,1.,父亲是一位退休工人,每天坚持锻炼;,2.,参加了,2017,年厦门举办的马拉松;,3.,未来的打算。,注意:,1.,请根据以上提示写一篇,50,词左右的短文;,2.,尽量使用本模块的知识点;,3.,可适当增加细节。,30,【参考范文】,My father,,,a retired worker,,,kept exercising every day to,guarantee,his health.He took part in the,marathon,in Xiamen in 2017 even though he was not young.He,performed,so well in the marathon that he beat many,competitors,and entered the top ten.,The chances are that,my father will participate in the next marathon and turn,champion,.,31,


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