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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,-,说说长对话,英语听力小技巧,听英语最重要的是,-,心静,But Im left here alone,With tear,s,in my eye,s,Its a dream you and me,Guess we,re,never mean,t,to be,Memorie,s,you and me,M:Mrs.Dawson,thanks very much for coming down to the station.Id just like to go over some of the things that you told police officer Parmer at the bank.,W:All right.,M:Well,could you describe the man who robbed the bank,for this report that were filling out here?Now,anything at all that you can remember,would be extremely helpful to us.,W:Well,just I can only remember basically what I said before.,M:Thats all right.,W:,The mans tall,six foot,and he had dark hair,and he had moustache,.,M:Very good.Al right,did he have any other distinguishing marks?,W:Um,no,none that I can remember.,M:Do you remember how old he was by any chance?,W:Well,I guess around 30,maybe younger,give or take a few years.,M:Um huh,all right.Do you remember anything about what he was wearing?,W:Yes,yes,he had on a dark sweater,a,a solid color.,M:Ok.Um,anything else that strikes you at the moment?,W:I remember he was wearing a light shirt under the sweater.Yes,yes.,M:All right,Mrs.Dawson,I really appreciate what youve been through today.,Im just going to ask you to look at some photographs before you leave,if you dont mind.It wont take very long.Can you do that for me?,W:Oh,of course.,M:Would you like to step this way with me,please?,W:ok,sure.,M:Thank you.,What do we learn about the women?,19.(A)She was a witness to the crime.,(B)She was a victim of the robbery.,(C)She was a bank manager.,(D)She was a,defence,lawyer,(,辩方律师,).,What did the suspect look like?,20.(A)A medium-sized young man carrying a gun.,(B)A tall man with dark hair and a moustache.,(C)A youth with a distinguishing mark on his face.,(D)A thirty-year-old guy wearing a light sweater.,What did the man finally ask the woman to do?,21.(A)Have her photo taken for their files.,(B)Go upstairs to sign some document.,(C)Verify the record of what she had said.,(D)Identify the suspect form pictures.,长对话的一般特征,长对话一般是男士说一句,女士说一句,构成一个话轮。所谈论之事涉及事件的因果、时间、地点等重要的细节信息,以及对话一步的下一步行为和打算等。,长对话的很多场景都与考生的日常学习、生活相关,如:学习相关场景,往往涉及,学期计划、考试安排、课程介绍等,考查的重点是各项事务的细节问题、时间、地点、,计划推迟或变更的原因等。,应答小技巧,问答形式的对话是考试重点,往往落在其答语,上,做为考试重点的几组问题之间的关联性是不大,的,.,针对所涉及的问题,每一个方面选择一个最重,要的问题来考查,.,并且部分长对话还秉承了短文理解,的一个重要的考查方式,就是在对话的开头部分一定,会出题目,1.,主旨题,-,锁定前几句,在长对话中,寒暄过后的第一句话一般起到引出话题的作用,很可能是对话的主题所在,也是回答主旨,话题以及场景题的依据,正确的答案往往是核心词汇的重现,同义词,或者是由该单词所得,出的自然的推论,.,2.,细节题,-,听到什么选什么,它考查的重点是那些含有实际意义的问答内容,尤其是特殊,疑问句,3.,根据结尾处的核心词汇锁定答案,长对话中一个出题规律就是在结尾处,针对将要做什么,.,或者,提出什么建议进行提问,.,因此答题的关键就在于锁定结尾处的核,心词,注意:,一般不能简单依赖某个关键词来判断整篇对话的含,义,有时更依赖于推断和判断。长对话必然有一个中,心议题,对话双方都是围绕该中心而展开话题,理解,长对话的关键就是把握住对话的中心、发展及话题的,转换。,一些小经验:,平时没事走路时就把听英语当作是音乐一样的消遣,如果真的不喜欢英语听力,就听英文歌,最好听那些中文歌的英文版,主要是来培养感觉,如果是做题就找个安静的地方静下心听,平时要多加练习,俗话说,Practice makes perfect,.,四级听到什么选什么,六级听到什么不选什么,Thanks for viewing,


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