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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,English Buildings,Lets go to England,English Buildings,Londons Crystal Palace-Crystal Palace is an important symbol of the industrial revolution.It was originally the first World Exposition held in London .In 1851 when the exhibition hall,this Worlds Fair,formally known as The Great Exhibition,until 1936,had previously attracted numerous tourists to various social classes visit“Crystal Palace”is a satirical article from Punch magazine famous for its architecture through a transparent body of the London Crystal Palace Imaginative given the name of the bright and spacious.,水晶宫是,也是工业革命时代的重要象征物。它原先是世界博览会首次于,1851,年在伦敦举行时的展示馆,这场世界博览会的正式名称为万国工业博览会,一直到,1936,年以前曾经吸引过无数的社会各种阶级的游客前来参观,“水晶宫”是来自一家以讽刺文章著名的,Punch,杂志因其建筑通伦敦水晶宫想象图体透明宽敞明亮而给予的名称。,English Buildings,Platinum Palace(Buckingham Palace)Britains royal palace.Built in the city of Westminster,London James Park(St.James Park)in the west,1703 is named for the Duke of Buckingham built the earliest,said Buckingham House,which means other peoples home.Buckingham Palace,St.James Palace and Victoria Station is located in between.Built by the Duke of Buckingham in 1703,it said,Buckingham House.This is a luxurious early 19th century architectural style,large scale and even more compelling than the magnificent appearance.,白金宫,(Buckingham Palace,),英国,的王宫。建造在,威斯敏斯特,城内,位于伦敦詹姆士公园(,St.James Park,)的西边,,1703,年为白金汉公爵所建得名,最早称白金汉屋,意思是“他人的家”。白金汉宫,位于,圣詹姆士宫,与,维多利亚火车站,之间,。,1703,由,白金汉公爵,兴建,故称“白金汉屋”。这是,19,世纪前期的豪华式,建筑风格,,庞大的规模甚至比华丽的外表更加引人注目。,Victoria Station to take a look.The station was built in 1887,to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Queen Victoria ascended the throne named William Stephen designed by British architect,is a magnificent Gothic architecture,and combines the traditional Indian style.Whole building full of exquisite stone carvings,from the completion date has been the busiest stations in India,in July 2004 as a World Heritage Site.,维多利亚火车站去看一看。该火车站于,1887,年建成,为纪念,维多利亚女皇,即位,50,周年而命名,由英国建筑师威廉姆,史蒂芬设计,是一座宏伟的哥特式建筑,并且融合了印度的传统风格。整个建筑布满了精美的石雕,从建成至今一直是印度最繁忙的火车站,,2004,年,7,月被列为世界文化遗产。,English buildings,St.Jamess Palace is the oldest palaces in London one of the region,which is located in the St James area of Pa Moer,located just north of St James Park.Although the British monarchy for nearly two centuries did not live here,but it is still the legal residence owned by the royal family,but also belong to the highest standard of British palace.For this reason,it is as an important royal palace(Royal Court)to use its official name is St.James Court(Court of St.Jamess).,圣詹姆士宫是伦敦区内最古老的宫殿之一,它坐落在圣詹姆斯区的帕摩尔,正好位处圣詹姆士公园的北面。虽然英国君主已经有近两个世纪的时间没有在这里居住,但它至今仍然是由皇室拥有的法定官邸,而且更属于英国本土最高规格的王宫。基于这个原因,它被皇室当作重要的宫廷使用,其正式名称为圣詹姆士宫廷,English Buildings,Westminster Cathedral is located in the southwest side of Parliament Square in Londons Westminster Cathedral,formally known as the St.Peter United Church.It was originally the king by the religious penitent Edward I in 1050 ordered the building,built in 1065.The existing church when Henry III for the 1245 renewal,after successive additions have until the 15th century before it was completed.Church Latin cross plane was a total length of 156 meters,width 22 meters,31 meters high top of a large dome,68.5 meters high tower,the entire building not only magnificent,but also quiet and solemn,is considered a masterpiece of English Gothic architecture,在议会广场西南侧,在伦敦的威斯敏斯特大教堂,正式被称为“美国圣彼得教堂。“它最初是由宗教“忏悔者“爱德华一世国王下令在,1050,建设,,1065,年建成。现有的教堂时,亨利三世在,1245,年重建后,有连续增加,直到,15,世纪才告完成。教堂平面是拉丁跨,156,米,宽,22,米,,31,米高的大圆顶的顶部,塔高,68.5,米,整个建筑不仅气势磅礴,而且也安静,庄严的总长度,被认为是英国哥特式的杰作架构。,


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