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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,暮光之城,when you can live forever, what do you live for?,当你可以永生,你将为何而活,The story is beginning,It is a love story about,a vampire,and a,human girl,*剧中人物,*,内容简介,*,影片中句子的美,*影片作者,*票房成绩,*外界评论,Bella,the heroine of the film.She is a human girl.,(克里斯汀,斯图尔特,Kristen Stewart,饰),Edward Cullen,the hero of the film.He is a vampire.,(罗伯特,帕丁森,Robert Pattinson,饰),.,卡莱尔,卡伦,埃斯梅,卡伦,罗莎莉,黑尔,埃美特,卡伦,爱丽丝,卡伦,贾斯帕,黑尔,詹姆斯,维多利亚,沃尔图里家族,Film,This deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful(,悬疑的,)novel captures the struggle between defying(,挑衅,),instincts,本能,and satisfying desires.,This is not a thriller(,惊险小说,), its about true love.,内容简介,17,岁的女主角,贝拉,斯旺,(,Isabella,)是一个天生运动神经差、皮肤苍白得像生病一样的普通女孩。,她为,了,让,她,妈妈,芮妮能跟,费尔,(她,妈妈,的新男友)到,处,跑(,为,了工作),她,选择从,繁,华,而,阳,光充沛的,凤,凰城(,Phoenix,)搬到偏僻且,阴,雨,绵绵,的福克斯(,Forks,)一,个,她最,讨厌,的地方和她爸爸查理一起住。她原本以,为,新生活,会,非常的枯燥乏味,但自,从,遇,见,了神秘俊美的男主角,爱,德,华,卡伦(,Edward,),一个来自素食吸血鬼家族的男子,,他闻到贝拉身上的特殊香气时,他就想吸她的血。经过一段时间的相处后,爱德华,卡伦发现他深深地爱上了贝拉,斯旺,为了爱情他拼命压抑自己的欲望,并且还要和别的同样想杀她的吸血鬼争斗,想尽办法保护贝拉,斯旺。,她的生活,也,出,现,了全然的改,变,,,开始变得,刺激有趣。他,们,的心深深吸引著彼此,Bella: How old are,you?,Edward: Seventeen.,Bella: How long have you been seventeen?,Edward: A while.,Make me the deepest impression dialogue of TWILIGHT,They,were both 17 when they first met: the year,bellas,mom took her away from the small town, he was 17: and he would be 17 till the day she is old in her,twilight.,当他们第一次相见的时候,他们都是,17,岁;当贝拉的母亲把她带离小镇时候,他已经,17,岁了;而他将永远,17,岁,直到她进入暮年。,lifes,wheel is rolling all the time, but time is,freezed,to him, as,bella,is growing older as time goes,by.he,stays young,forever,but,her,youngth,is,mortal.,生命的车轮在不停的转动,但是对于他却是静止的,而贝拉却在变老,一个永远的年轻,另一个却在漫漫的老去,You are a part and puzzle of someones life. You may never know where you fit, but always remember that someones life may not be complete without you!,你是某个人生命拼图中的一小块,也许你永远都不知道自己的位置在哪儿,但请记住:没有你,他们的生命是不完整的。,True love is not that you know he (she) just how good to be together; but know that he (she) has not or would not leave too much.,真正的爱情不在于你知道他(她)有多好才要在一起;而是明知道他(她)有太多的不好还是不愿离开。”,Rity is a price to pay, if not love, or can not afford, then do not easily open your heart.Temptation and loneliness, this is not love, reasons.,爱是一种诚信,是需要付出代价的,如果不爱,或无法承受,那么就别轻易地将自己的心打开。诱惑和寂寞,本不是爱的理由。,Rity is a price to pay, if not love, or can not afford, then do not easily open your heart.Temptation and loneliness, this is not love, reasons.,爱是一种诚信,是需要付出代价的,如果不爱,或无法承受,那么就别轻易地将自己的心打开。诱惑和寂寞,本不是爱的理由。,please do not take it as just an unrealistic love,adventure,请不要只把这部电影仅仅当作一次爱情历险,.,if,you had, are having or are going to have some similar feelings on your love journey, this legendary twilight love story is the actual beautiful melody composed for you.,如果你有过,或正在经历,或者将会对这个爱情故事有相同的感受的话,那么这个传奇式的,暮光之恋,就是特别为你谱写的优美的旋律,.,Stephenie Meyer,Born in,Connecticut, America, Stephenie Meyer graduated from,Brigham Young University,with a degree in,English literature,.,She used to be a,full-time,housewife,for 3 sons,without,any slight experience in writing.,Believe it or not, at one night in 2003,a dream,totally changed her life ever since, which later turned,out to be a chapter presented in her,debut work,(,处女作),:,Twilight,(暮色),.,Novels,Twilight,暮色,New Moon,新月,Eclipse,月食,Breaking Down,破晓,Midnight Sun,午夜阳光,back,暮光之城,系列的票房成绩,精彩评论,充满着爱恨情仇的张力,但又优雅精致如,简,奥斯丁,,达到了浪漫小说的一种极致。,时代,周刊,精彩评论,梅尔精致、微妙的笔触使得这套令人惊奇的小说超越了恐怖悬疑文学的局限而跻身于最优秀青少年小说之列。,美国亚马逊网站,精彩评论,有若即若离的情感纠葛,有一波三折的冒险历程,有瑰丽奇异的超凡想象,有惟妙惟肖的场景描写,有惊心动魄的阅读快感,也有直击心灵的温情慰藉。,纽约时报,精彩评论,在梅尔的作品中,命途多舛的激情贯穿作品的始终,其中超自然的元素更是令人心醉神迷。,出版商周刊,I hope you will like it.,Thats all. Thank you!,


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