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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Free Admission to Museums?,越来越多的博物馆现在免费向公众开放,有人认为这样做会带来一些问题,在我看来,.,提出现象及问题,Nowadays,a lot of museums open to the public for free,and a lot of people are attracted to go there.However,it also brought some unexpected problems.,具体分析这些人的依据,At present,people can get knowledge from many ways like libraries,internet,and other sources.However,there is also much information that people cannot get from the above ways.Free,admission,museums supply more chances for the public to get knowledge that cannot be easily accessed.People can learn more things about history,art,science and so on.Although,this kind of policy brought much convenience to the public,it also caused some problems.,具体分析这些人的依据,For example,beggars,and,shabby-dressed,people may enter the museums and cause bad,reputation,among the public;along with the increasing number of people getting into museums,there will be no enough service,establishments,to meet the requirements,.,B,esides,under the,policy,of free admission,the cultural relics displayed there may be inevitably broken or damaged by the crowds.Moreover,the crowds in the museums may also cause,security,problems.,难句翻译:,B,esides,under the policy of free admission,the cultural relics displayed there may be inevitably broken or damaged by the crowds,此外,这种免费进入博物馆的政策会使陈列在那里的文化遗产不可避免的遭到人们的破坏或损毁。,提出“我”的看法,In my opinion,free admission is a good policy for the public,and it brings the public much convenience.But,we should also take possible measures to protect the cultural relics and,maintain,the order of,spot.Besides,we can also take the policy of giving free admission first to children,then to the retired person,and last to the public.,I think,this may help to solve the problems.,policy plisi,名词,n.CU1.,政策,方针,One of the new governments policies is to cut taxes.,新政府的政策之一是减税。,2.,策略,手段,Honesty is the best policy.,诚实是上策。,beggar beg,名词,n.C1.,乞丐,叫化子,2.,穷人,穷光蛋,及物动词,vt.1.,使沦为乞丐,;,使贫穷,They were beggared by trying to pay for their sons education.,为了要支付儿子的教育费用,他们给弄穷了。,2.,使不足,;,使不能,Her beauty beggars description.,她的美貌难以形容。,admission dmin n.,1.(,学校,会场,俱乐部等的,),进入许可,加入许可,UC(+to/into)She has the qualifications for admission to the college.,她具备进入该学院的条件。,2.,入场费,U;,入场券,门票,C,3.,承认,坦白,C(+of)+thatHe made an admission that he had used threatening behavior.,他承认用了恐吓手段。,shabby-dressed,衣衫褴褛的,There is a shabby-dressed woman standing in the street.,马路上站着一个衣衫褴褛的女人。,r,eputation,repjutein n.,名誉,名声,信誉,(+for)The store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.,该店买卖公平,声誉极佳。,establishment istblimnt n,.,1.,建立,;,设立,创立,;,确立,证明,U(+of)They used their savings for the establishment of the business.,他们把积蓄化在创办生意上。,2.,建立的机构,;,公司,;,会社,;,学校,;,机关,;,企业,;,家庭,;,住宅,CThe factory is a well-run establishment.,该工厂是家经营良好的企业。,3.(,大写,),国家统治集团,;,权势集团,;,体制,the SGThe Establishment is trying to hide the truth.,当局想要掩盖真相。,4.(,大写,),英国国教会,the S,security sikju:riti n.,1.,安全,安全感,UTwo guards looked after the security of the property.,两个警卫看管财产的安全。,2.,防备,保安,;,防护,防御,(,措施,)UC(+against/from)They tightened security during the Presidents visit.,他们在总统访问期间加强了安全防卫。,3.,证券,债券,PHe traded in securities and became rich.,他做证券交易发了,maintain meintein n.,1.,维持,;,保持,;,使继续,Ann and Mary maintained their friendship for the next thirty years.,安妮和玛丽在此后的三十年中一直保持着她们之间的友谊。,2.,维修,保养,Frank maintains his car very well.,弗兰克把自己的车子保养得很好。,3.,坚持,;,主张,;,断言,+(that)He maintains that he once saw a UFO.,他坚持称自己曾看见过飞碟。,4.,供养,抚养,;,负担,支持,Mr.Smith maintains his son at college.,史密斯先生供养念大学的儿子。,写作模板,Nowadays,with the trend of _,many _ aim to _.However,according to some people,_ has also triggered many problems.,First and foremost,_.Besides,_.Last but not least,_.,As far as I am concerned,_ should be _,but be conducted in a controlled manner.,thanks,


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