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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Klicken Sie,um das Titelformat zu bearbeiten,Page,*,Klicken Sie,um die Formate des Vorlagentextes zu bearbeiten,Zweite Ebene,Dritte Ebene,Vierte Ebene,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,文章写作,说明文和议论文,例子和技巧,说明,文,exposition,说明文,:,对事物的客观说明,不带个人观点,使人了解事物。,议论文:表达主观态度,刺激情感、劝服或打动别人。,说明文目的是:说明情况、解释事物或阐明事理。,(,授人以知识,让人明白,),说明文的特点:说明性、知识性、科学性、实用性。,辨别文体,What causes waves?,My village,The car accident,Is Hitting a Child an Appropriate Form of Discipline?,How to make friends?,说明文的写作方法,下定义,分类法,例证法,4.,比较对照法比较对照法,(A1,A2,A3.;B1,B2,B3.),或,(A1,B1;A2,B2.),打比方,列数字,引用,列图表,因果关系法,议论文,argumentation,通过摆事实讲道理和逻辑推理的方式,对一个观点、主张、现象展开论证,陈述各种理由,分析各种现象,发表看法,力图说服读者,与读者产生共鸣。,议论文的三要素:,论点、论据和论证,要做到:论点明确,论据有说服力,论证要严密的逻辑推理。,论证的方法有:归纳法、演绎法、反正法、类推法、列举法、对比法、定义法、因果法等,议论文的分段:开始段、正文段和结尾段,段首句的重要性:,(,论点:提出观点,),The Other Side of City Life.140 words.,City life,attractive,the other side of,the picture,housing problem,pollution,harmful gases,poisonous water,noise,a high pressure upon,hurry,bump into,flood of people,cars etc.high crime rate,victims,cope with.,常见考题,1.,图表式,抓“最”,2.,定义式,Practice Makes Perfect,3.,比较,Good and Bad Habits,4.,知识,The Potential of Internet Education,5.,分类,Dictionaries of English,6.,谚语或道理,如:,It Is Never too Old to Learn,No Pains,No Gains,It Pays to Be Honest,Punctuality,A,正反观点对比型:,/,选择型,有人反对网上聊天 有人赞成网上聊天 我的看法,有人认为读书要有选择 有人认为应当博览群书 我的看法,有人认为学历很重要 有人认为经验更重要 我的看法,有人认为读书药买书读 有人认为应当在网络上读书 我的看法,有人认为金钱是幸福之本 有人认为金钱是万恶之本 我的看法,有些人喜欢养小动物为宠物 有些人反对饲养小动物 我的看法,有人认为私家车给生活带来方便 有人认为私家车有许多弊端 我的看法,有人认为上网可以开阔视野查找资料更为便捷 有人认为上网浪费时间甚至荒废学业 我的看法,Automobiles/Home telephones/TV/Computers/Studying Abroad,技巧,每段各自讲透,要过渡(,but,however),结尾可走极端也可中庸(狡猾型),辨别是非,The More Friends,The Better?,模板:,There is no complete agreement among people as to _.Some people consider_.However,others think _.,Some people may say _.They hold this opinion because _.however,others believe _.They argue that _.,Personally,I am in favor of the _.Firstly,_.Secondly,_.Most important of all,_.Taking above-mentioned factors into consideration,we/I may reasonably conclude that _.,模板,Some people prefer to _.In their opinion,AAA_.In addition,_.Nevertheless,nowadays,BBB has become more and more common.,There are some people,especially some young men,who _.Their reasons are different,sometimes for _,sometimes for _,and sometimes simply for _.,My own point of view is that BBB is a normal behavior in our society.There is no doubt that _.As an old saying goes _.,B,现象分析型(问题型和观点型),1.It Pays to Be Honest,当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象,诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实,2.,上课点名 有些老师喜欢上课点名 而有些学生不喜欢 我的看法,3,国内过洋节 在中国,过洋节的越来越多;但有许多人仍然坚持过中国的传统节日;结论,4,Internet Information,互联网给人们提供许多有价值信息的同时也会产生不良的问题。说明产生不良问题的原因并表明你的观点。,5,Pirated copies Nowadays,the pirated copies become more and more.,A number of factors could account for this.,There are many ways to solve this problem.,6.Advertisement,铺天盖地的广告可以刺激人们消费;但是广告牌随处可见,甚至影响正常生活;我的观点。,7,Modern communications,随着社会的发展,人们面对面的交流少了;人们面对面的交流少的原因;你的观点。,技巧,发现问题(现象),或提出问题,分析问题(现象),解决问题,/,对现象的走向的预测,More(,观点型),Should the University Campus Be Opened to Tourists?,名校校园正成为旅游新热点;校园是否应对游客开放,人们有不同看法;我的看法,My view on opportunity,机遇光顾有准备的人;机不可失,时不再来;我的观点。,My view on going abroad,越来越多的大学生选择毕业后出国;理由;我的看法,My view on mobile phones in class,如今大学生手机持有率越来越高;但课堂响起影响授课;我的观点,My view on the most important characteristics that a man should have it life.,一个人最重要的性格是什么;好的性格可以助你成功;我的观点。,大致的提纲:,Paragraph 1:,Explain the meaning of the title,some aspects involved and some of your views as well.,Paragraph 2:,Provide enough persuasive proofs to support your point of views.,Paragraph 3:,Summarize the results and put forward your hopes and suggestions.,谚语型和道理型,It Is Never too Old to Learn,No Pains,No Gains,It Pays to Be Honest,Punctuality,如何理解;现实意义;我的看法,God helps those who help themselves.,An apple a day keeps the doctor away.,Failure is the mother of success.,Seeing is Believing.,模板,The good old proverb _ reminds us that _.indeed,we can learn many things from it.,First of all,_.For example,_.Another thing is that _.,In the opinion of mine,_.,练习:,1.Do“Lucky Numbers”Really Bring Good Luck?,有人认为幸运数字能给人带来好运。,4/6/8/9/13/,你的看法。(发音,/,宗教,/,文化习俗,/,个人的事件),2.Can Money Buy Happiness?,3.How to Succeed in a Job Interview?,4.Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports,5.Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?,图表式文章,抓最,和,走向,三步:,解释图表,抓最,分析原因,提出看法、看出走向,P43,图表式作文的模板,The first graph shows us _.At the same time,the other shows that _.,Some reasons can explain this trend.First,_.Second,_.Third,_.,If we can not take useful means,we may not control this trend,and some undesired result may come out unexpectedly.So what we should do is _.,演讲完毕,谢谢观看!,


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