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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2,How often do you exercise?,Period IV,How often do you eat-?,Free talk,Read about each person.Then answer the questions.,Lisa sleeps eight hours every night.She eats a good breakfast and she exercises every day.She never eats junk food.,Is she healthy or unhealthy?,Lisa sleeps eight hours every night.She eats a good breakfast and she exercises every day.She never eats junk food.,Is she healthy or unhealthy?,Jack sleeps just 6 hours every day.He eats junk food very often,and he never drinks milk.,He hardly ever exercises.,Is he healthy or unhealthy?,How to keep,healthy,?,Eat healthy food.,Exercise often.,Have lots of sleep.,Be happy.,Help others.,Do they have a healthy lifestyle?,3 A,Look at the information in the chart and complete the report.,Habits,Activities,Days a year,Good habits,Exercise,Read books,Drink juice,Stay up late,365,365,210,15,Bad habits,Watch TV for over 2 hours,Eat hamburgers,Help with housework,Got to the dentist,320,95,20,0,3 A,Jane is a 16-year-old high school student n the United States.American Teenager magazine asked her about her habits.Jan has a lot of food habits.She,always,exercise and she reads books,.Also,she,drinks juice and she,stay up late.However,she has some bad habits,too.She watch TV for more than two hours a day,and she,eats hamburgers.Her parents are not very happy because she,helps with housework and she,goes to the dentist for teeth cleaning.She was she is afraid.,always,hardly ever,sometimes,never,Complete the chart with your own information.,In the last column,use expressions,like,always,every day,twice a week and never.,3 b,Habits,Activities,How often?,Good habits,Bad habits,Take the health quiz.Compare your results with your,partner,s.Who,s healthier?,4,Who is the healthiest?,Add five questions to the survey on page 81.Then ask three classmates the questions and take notes.Discuss and decide:,Who is the healthiest student?,Report,I think Maria is very healthy.She exercises every day.She likes to play basketball.She eats vegetables every day.,Survey,Self-check,1.Complete the chart with activities you do and don,t do.What about your mother/father?,always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever,never,I,My mother or father,3.Fill in the blanks in the conversation.,1.,我健康的生活方式帮助我取得好成绩。,2.,好的食物和运动帮助我更好的学习。,3.,我可能不是很健康,虽然我有一个健康习惯。,4.,我每天睡觉,九小时,。,5.,我重视我的健康。,6.,我的饮食习惯非常好。,7.,我努力吃大量的蔬菜和水果,.,1.My healthy lifestyle,helps me get,good grades.,2.Good food and exercise,help me to,study better.,3.Maybe Im not very healthy,although,I have one healthy habit.,4.I sleep,for,nine hours every night.,5.I,look after,my health.,6.My,eating habits,are very good.,7.I,try to eat a lot of,vegetables and fruit.,More practice,often many times,once one time only,once in a while sometimes,relax to stop work and enjoy oneself,skateboarding sliding along a surface with a,skateboard,snack small amount of food usually eaten,between meals,Useful expressions,Translate into English.,1).,你总是每天晚上八点做作业吗?,Do you always do your homework at eight every night?,2).,我经常帮助妈妈弄干盘子。,I usually help my mother dry the dishes.,Exercises,3),有时,李明骑车上学。,Sometimes Li Ming rides a bike to school./Sometimes Li Ming goes to school by bike.,4),他们在星期天看书。,They read books on Sundays.,5),孩子们每天都跟他们的妈妈告别。,The children say good-bye to their mother every day.,Be healthy,Healthy eating habits,Do more exercise,Enough sleep,What should we do to keep healthy,?,Homework,How healthy are you?,Write about your own habits.,


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