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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,19,Module 1.2,SIPOC,You Are Here,Develop Business Case and Team Charter,Map the current process,Listen to the Voice of the Customer,Goals,Understand the concepts of,process,and,system.,Understand the elements of SIPOC (supplier, input, process, output, customer) and be able to apply them to your own process.,Understand the value of a high-level process view.,Know how to use process step yields to identify where an improvement would have the highest impact.,Quality and Processes,Quality is judged by customers based on the output of a process.,Focusing on the work of the individual worker will not lead to greatly improved quality.,To improve quality, the process must be improved.,Simply focusing on or defining a process is NOT improvementwe have to make changes and use data to show the change is improvement.,#2: When convinced of the value of thinking in terms of processes, most people still dont think in terms of processes.,#3:The word “process generates fear and resistance.,Processes,All activity takes place in terms of a process.,The quality of the process determines the quality of the output,Shocking lessons,#1: Most people do not think in terms of processes. They would rather think in terms of isolated events.,Work as a Process,Applies to all work, whether repetitive in nature or “one-of-a-kind.,Having a high level view of a process helps:,define project boundaries (starting and ending points);,describe where to collect data.,S,U,P,P,L,I,E,R,S,C,U,S,T,O,M,E,R,S,Outputs,Inputs,Process,Why Create a SIPOC Map,To develop a high-level view of the process,To avoid scope creep,To highlight areas for improvement,To ensure customer focus,SIPOC: Inputs,Labor,Material,Ideas,Information,Environment,Process,You may end up with 50100 input variables at this point,Throughout the DMAIC process we will continue to focus on using funneling tools,SIPOC: High-Level Process View,A high-level view is often captured as a,top-level flowchart,Process,Step 1:Bottling,Step 2:Labeling,Step 3:Inspecting,Step 4:Packaging,SIPOC: Outputs,Process,Physical products,Documents,Information,Services,Decisions,Questions to Help With SIPOC,Purpose,Why does this process exist?,What is the purpose of this process?,What is the outcome?,Outputs,What product does this process make?,What are the outputs of this process?,At what point does this process end?,Customers,Who uses the products from this process?,Who are the customers of this process?,Inputs/Suppliers,Where does the information or material you work on come from? Who are your suppliers?,What do they supply?,Where do they affect the process flow?,What effect do they have on the process and on the outcome?,Process steps,What happens to each input?,What conversion activities take place?,SIPOC Example,Suppliers,Inputs,Process,Outputs,Customers,Copier,Toner,Electricity,Original,Yourself,Power Company,Office SupplyCompany,Copies,Manufacturer,Making a photocopy,You,File,Others,Put original,on glass,Close Lid,Adjust,Settings,Press START,Remove,originals and copies,Process Steps,Paper,Project Worksheet #5: SIPOC Analysis,Instructions:,Select one process (preferably the one you will be studying) and fill in the table below. You may not need to use every blankor you may need to add some. Be prepared to share your work with the class.,You can use the form reprinted here or the copy in the separate booklet of worksheets.,Time:,15 min.,How to Create a SIPOC Map,Name the process,Clarify the start and the stop (boundaries) of the process,List key outputs and customers,List key inputs and suppliers,Identify, name and order the major process steps,Yield Concept,Collect yield measures for each process step,Calculate rolled throughput yield to establish a baseline for the entire process,Revisit your project scope,Significant differences in yield suggest creating a new map for the subprocess with the lowest yield,lass,Start,Stop,44%,Yield,95%,Y,RTP,Yield,95%,Yield,60%,Yield,90%,Yield,90%,Analyzing Process Yield,Ensure that the yield data you gather show the real picture - sometimes in-process inspection takes defective units out of the process and distorts the picture,Calculate rolled throughput yield and compare the number to the official records (if available),Try to estimate the financial impact of improving yield for each step of the process,Revisiting Your Charter,Now that you know about the SIPOC aspects of your project, take a few minutes to review the work you did on your charter. Make any modifications you think appropriate.,Are the boundaries of what you are improving clear?,Do you know which steps in the process have the lowest yield?,Have you identified “new customers for the improved product or service who will generate a higher business impact?,Have new stakeholders surfaced?,Process or Data Door?,Process Door,Data Door,To understand the drivers of variation in the process,To tackle quality problems and waste,To understand the root cause of differences between outputs,To improve understanding of process flow,To tackle cycle-time problems,To identify opportunities to reduce process costs,Stratification,Scatter Diagrams,Multi-Vari Analysis,Detailed Process Map,Value Added Analysis,Cycle Time Analysis,We recommend you go through both doors to make sure you dont overlook potential causes. In the Analyze step, well examine the data door.,Four Perspectives,Flowcharts can map four different perspectives on a process:,What you think the process is.,What the process really is.,What the process could be.,What the process should be.,At this stage of a DMAIC project, you are trying to define the current situation,as it is,. Therefore, your flowchart(s) should map what is really happening in the process.,


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