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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 2,Section B,Period 1 ( 1a 1e,),Learn to help people,学会帮助他人,Objectives,Enjoy a song ,Helping hands.,1. Whats your feeling after,watching the video?,2. Do you like to help others?,Give an example.,3. How to be helpful?,Discussion,Example,I gave my bike to a childrens home.,I often help my mum do housework when I am at home.,She,ran out of,her eraser, so I gave her one of mine.,I often help my mum do housework.,Do I,take after,my mother?,I help my brother,fix the bike up,.,I,gave away,some of my clothes.,匹配,() (),1. run out of A. be similar to,2. take after B. not have any more,3. fix up C. not sell,4. give away D. repair,Match the sentences with similar meanings.,_ 1. Ive run out of it.,_ 2. I take after my mother.,_ 3. I fixed it up.,_ 4. I gave it away.,I repaired it.,I dont have any more of it.,I am similar to her.,I didnt keep it.,1a,b,c,a,d,游戏:谁是卧底,2,分钟时间背诵,1a,部分,8,个句子。,然后每名学生将得到一张纸片,上面写有一个句子。同一组中只有一个人的句子与其他人无关。被挑选的小组轮流背诵自己的句子,完成后,3,秒钟之内指出卧底并大声说:Spy。,1b,Match the phrasal verbs with the nouns. Then make sentences with the phrases.,run out of,take after,fix,give away,my bike,money,my father,old clothes,I gave away my bike to a childrens home. _,_,Sample answers:,I was worried that I would,run out of,money before the end of my vacation.,My brother,takes after,my father as they are both very quiet people.,I,fixed up,my bike during the weekend.,My sister and I decided to,give away,our old clothes to the childrens home.,1c,Listen and number the pictures 1-4 in the correct order.,1,2,3,4,1d,Listen again. Circle,T,for true or,F,for false.,1. Jimmy fixes up broken bicycle parts, like wheels. T F,2. Jimmy sells bikes. T F,3. Jimmy takes after his mother. T F,4. Jimmy has run out of money. T F,Listen again and match the following sentences with the pictures above.,Jimmy fixes up broken bicycle parts,like wheels.,2. Jimmy gives bikes away to kids who,dont have enough money to buy one.,3. Jimmy finds bikes that nobody wants.,4. Jimmy has run out of money.,Jimmy finds bikes that nobody wants.,Jimmy fixes up broken bicycle parts, like wheels.,Jimmy gives bikes away to kids who dont have enough money to buy one.,Jimmy has run out of money.,In your group, go on the conversation and think up some ways to get money for Jimmy.,Group work, It will work out fine., Maybe it wont help., It will work out really fine., Maybe it will help a little.,What do you think of their ideas?,Please remember:,No matter how little the power is,its still a kind of support!,(,再小的力量也是一种支持!,),PAIR WORK,A: What do you do, Jimmy?,B: I fix up .,Role-play a conversation between Jimmy and the reporter. Use the information in 1c and 1d.,1e,What are your interests and hobbies?,Which volunteer work do you want to do?,Why do you want to do the volunteer work?,I am interested in singing,I care for the old man,I love animals,I care about the environment,Discussion: volunteer work you can do,FREE TALK,Did you help others recently? Share one thing in class.,1. Ive,run out of,it.,run out of = use up “,用完、耗尽 ”,句子的主语是人。注意,:,不能用于被动语态。,He,ran out of,gas a mile from home.,他在离家还有一英里的地方用完了汽油。,We are,running out of,the gas.,我们的汽油快用完了。,链接:,runout,是动副型短语动词,相当于不及物动词,表示“被用完了”的被动含义,其主语通常是时间、金钱、食物等无生命名词。,Hismoneysoon,ranout,.,他的钱很快就花完了。,Foodsupplieshad,runout,towardsthe end ofthetrip.,在旅行快结束时,食物已经吃完了。,1. He _ the water.,2. The water _.,3. Peter, I think we need to buy a new,car., Oh, no! We are _ money, you know?,用,run out,或者,run out of,填空。,ran out of,ran out,running out of,Our food _. Could you go to the supermarket and get some bread and milk?,A. have run out of B. have run out,C. has run out of D. has run out,【,点拨,】,选,D,。,food“,食物”,是不可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,排除,A,、,B,两项;,run out “,被用完;用尽”,物作主语。,2. I,take after,my mother.,take after,由于血缘关系 而,(,外貌 、性格等方 面,),相似,和,be similar to,意义接近。,She,took after,her mother almost in everything.,她几乎与她母亲一模一样。,I take after my mother.,= _.,我像我妈妈。,I am similar to my mother,look like,看起来像,多指外貌。,The baby,looks like,a doll.,这个婴儿看起来像个洋娃娃。,Doesnt she,look like,her mother?,她长得是不是很像她母亲,?,The moose,looks like,deer.,驼鹿看上去像鹿。,拓展,My fathers very quiet, too. I _ him.,follow with B. take after,C. look like D. turn to be,【,点拨,】,选,B,。句意:我的父亲性格也很安静,我跟他很像。没有,follow with,这一短语;,take,after“,与,相像,”,;,look like“,看起来像,”;,turn to be,“变成,成为,”,。故选,B,。,fix up,修理,Can you,fix up,my radio?,你能把我的收音机修好吗?,fix up,安排,确定,We have,fixed up,a trip.,我们已安排一次旅行。,We were,fixed up,for the night in a hostel.,我们被安顿在招待所过夜。,3. I,fixed,it,up.,fix / repair / mend,fix, repair,与,mend,都有“修理;修补”之意,有时可以通用,但也有区别。,(,1,),fix,与,repair,都表示使受到一定损坏或失灵的东西恢复其性能或机能,其对象范围很广,从道路、机器到日常用品等。,(,2,),mend,常表示修补破损的东西,使其恢复原样,一般指较小的物品。如,: mend the shoes / the windows,等。,My computer doesnt work. Could you please help me _?,A. fix up it B. fix it up,C. fix them up D. look it up,【,点拨,】,选,B,。句意:我的电脑坏了,你能帮我修理吗?,fix up“,修理;修补”;,look up“(,在字典、参考书中,),查找”,排除,D,项;,fix up,是由“动词,+,副词”构成的动词短语,代词作宾语时应置于短语中间,指代前面的单数名词,computer,应用代词,it,故选,B,。,【2012,贵州贵阳,】Jimmy has sixteen broken bikes to _ and gives away to kids who dont have bikes.,A. fix up B. set up C. put up,【,解析,】,考查动词短语的用法。,fix up,意为“修理,改进”;,set up,意为“建立,创立”;,put up,意为“建造,张贴”。根据句意:吉米有,16,辆坏了的自行车需要修理,他分给没有自行车的孩子们。故选,A,。,4. I,gave,it,away.,give away,赠送,;,赠予,;,颁发,;,分发,She decided to,give,these old clothes,away,.,她决定把这些旧衣服送给别人。,give away,泄露,;,告发,Dont,give away,the secret.,不要泄露这个秘密。,链接,:,到目前为止,我们学过许多与,give,相关的短语,现总结如下,:,give off,发出,(,气味、热、光等,),give out,分发,give back,归还,give up,放弃,give . a hand,给予,帮助, What can I do to help homeless people?, I think you could _ some old clothes to charities.,A. give up B. give out,C. give away D. give back,答案:,C,解析:,give up“,放弃”,,give out “,分发”,,give away “,捐赠”;,give back “,归还”。,We must _ using plastic bags in order to protect our earth.(2011,广西贺州,),A. give out B. give up,C. give away D. give in,答案:,B,解析:,give out “,分发”,,give up“,放弃”,,give away “,捐赠”;,give in “,屈服”。根据句意:我们必须放弃使用塑料袋来保护我们的地球。故选,B,。,1. She _ her mother. They are both kind.,2. He cant buy the CD because he has _ the money.,run out of, fix up, come up with,give away, take after,选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空,takes after,run out of,3. Ill ask someone _ my bike this,afternoon.,4. The man _ lots of school things to the students in the poor area every year.,5. He needs to _ some ways of getting money to buy old bikes.,to fix up,gives away,come up with,补全对话,从方框中选择恰当的选项完成对话,有两项多余。,A. Oh, thats too bad.,B. Oh, thats too good.,C. I dont think so.,D. Wow! Your parents must be proud of,you.,E. Jimmy is the boy who fixes up old,bikes and gives them away.,F. Well, as youve just said, I find or buy,old bikes that nobody wants.,G. What gave you the idea?,A: This morning Im talking with a very generous young man, Jimmy, the Bike Boy.,1,Good morning, Jimmy.,B: Good morning.,A: So, Jimmy, tell our listeners what you do.,B:,2,Then I fix up the bikes and give them away to kids who dont have enough money to buy their own bikes.,A: Thats fantastic.,3,B: I guess I take after my father. Hes always helping people.,A:,4,B: I guess so. But now Ive run out of money to buy old bikes.,A:,5,B: Yeah. I need to come up with some ways of getting money, or Ill have to stop.,1. _ 2. _ 3. _,4. _ 5. _,E,F,G,D,A,


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