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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2012-6-9,#,Unit 7,What Does He Look Like?,2010,级英语(师范),3,班,蒋丽娟,Warming up,At first,let us listen to,a piece of,music together,then guess what the songs name is,.After,that,let us learn to sing the song together.,What does he/she look like?,He is tall.,She is short.,She is of midium,height.,What does he/she look like?,He is heavy.,She is slim.,She is of midium build.,What does he/she look like?,She has short hair.,She has long straight hair.,She has long curly hair.,New words and expressions,h,air n.,头发;毛发,curly adj.,卷曲的;卷毛的,Straight adj.,直,的;笔直的,Tall adj.,高,的,m,edium adj.,中等,的,h,eight adj.,高度,t,hin adj.,瘦,的,h,eavy adj.,重的,b,uild n.,体格;体形,l,ike prep.,像;如同,a,lways adv.,总是;始终,b,londe adj.,金黄色的,g,ood-looking adj.,漂亮的,b,eard n.,胡须,l,ook n.,外表;外貌,g,lasses n.(pl.),眼镜,s,inger n.,歌手,not.any more,不再,b,rown adj.,棕黄色的,p,op music,流行音乐,Describe your family members.,What does your mother look like?,He isand she has,What does your mother look like?,She isand she has,What do you look like?,I amand I have,What does he/she look like?,Pair work,A:What does your friend look like?,B:She is of midium height and thin.She has long hair tied at the back of her head.,Summary,What does she/he look like?,She/He,i,s tall.,i,s short.,i,s of midium height.,i,s fat/heavy.,i,s thin.,i,s of midium build.,h,as straight hair.,h,as curly hair.,l,ong hair.,s,hort hair.,Grammar,语法,点滴:描述认的外貌常用词,”is”,和,”has”.,描述人得外貌时,常用到动词,is/am/are,以及实义动词,have/has,”is”,是“是”的意思,,have/has,是“有,长着,留着,蓄着”的意思;,”be+,形容词,”,用来描述人体貌上的特征。如个子的高、矮,体形的胖、瘦等。而“,have+,形容词,+,名词”句型常用来说明某个人身体某部位具有什么样的特征。如头发、胡须、脸、眼睛、耳、鼻、口、手等的描述。,Attention,说某个,人是,”,中等身材,”,或,”,中等个子,”,,要用,”be of”,而不能用,”have/has”.,Homework,1.After class,try to describe one of the classmates with the new words and sentence patterns and the ask your deskmate to guess who he/she is.,2.Try your best to write a composition about what your family members look like with the new words and sentence patterns.,Thanks a lot!,


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